Pandemic 2020

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Nothing is ever Donald's fault, that's why he can't learn from mistakes, because in his mind, he makes none. Someone else is to blame for Donald's bad judgement and retardation, looks like he might axe the Brain trust. Donald is in full panic mode, he's flailing and thrashing about in desperation, the pathological habitual behavior continues, in Donald's groundhog day life where predictable reactions and behaviors just repeat. Donald often impulsively blurts out his thinking (to the extent he can think) and intentions in public and more often in private, which is probably why we know what's in that tiny damaged brain. If Donald fires Parscale, he will fuck himself and his online campaign, Brad is Donald's digital brain and I'm sure he knows some things, illegal things and illegal plans too, look for Brad's book.

After a botched response to two national crises, Trump’s polls are cratering, and “no one is telling him what he wants to hear,” says a source, igniting a new round of grumbling about Kushner.

In Donald Trump’s West Wing, being a member of the Trump family has historically been the ultimate job security. But that truism is being stress-tested after a run of polls consistently show Trump losing to Joe Biden at this stage of the race—a CNN poll this morning has him down 14 points. According to a source close to the White House, Trump has mulled taking oversight of the campaign away from his son-in-law Jared Kushner. “Trump is malignantly crazy about the bad poll numbers,” a former West Wing official said. “He’s going to broom Kushner and [Brad] Parscale—the numbers are not getting better,” a Republican close to the campaign said.

Long before the reelection campaign went sideways, Trump frequently blew up at Kushner. For instance, former West Wing officials recall how Trump hated when Kushner received too much positive press (In January, Trump was rankled when Kushner’s portrait graced the cover of Time). “Any time Jared is in the papers, Trump complains, ‘We have to get Jared back to New York!’” said a Republican who heard Trump make the comment. In the end, the source cautioned that Trump won’t push Kushner out. “This is typical with him and Jared,” the source said.

(The White House did not respond to requests for comment. Kushner declined to comment.)

The polling has gotten worse because Trump still hasn’t figured out how to handle the politics of the protest movement sparked by the police killing of George Floyd. Axios reported the campaign is debating whether Trump should talk about national unity. Trump took some solace in last week’s unemployment report, which was less horrendous than many economists expected. “He was in a good mood, he thinks the jobs numbers will turn things around,” said a Republican that spoke with Trump.

Last week, Trump’s former defense secretary James Mattis released a blistering statement criticizing Trump’s use of military force to clear peaceful protesters from Lafayette Square so Trump could stage a photo op outside of a church. Mattis had agonized for months about whether to speak out, a person close to him told me. Mattis told people that Trump is a “proto-neofascist” but Mattis worried it would politicize the military if he denounced Trump. “Mattis’s thinking was, you can’t involve the military in politics, plus Trump could go haywire,” said the source. But Lafayette Square changed his thinking.

From the Archive: Jared Kushner, the Potemkin Prince

Over the weekend, Trump called around to New York friends and outside advisers in hopes they would validate Trump’s belief that the polls are wrong. “He’s asking people to agree with him that the polls are biased. But no one is telling him what he wants to hear,” said a Republican briefed on the calls. Republicans know how bad things are, but the party still believes sticking with Trump is the best bet for holding the Senate. Last week, Mitch McConnell told Republican senators that they couldn’t abandon Trump, according to a source. McConnell reminded Republicans that former New Hampshire senator Kelly Ayotte lost her 2016 reelection bid after breaking with Trump over the Access Hollywood video.

(Through a spokesperson, McConnell denied making the comment.)

of course he denied it. the words are out and everyone heard them..hell they could be on can't take them back. i think Moscow Mitch is losing his footing..Nancy plays this game way better.
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but parscale and kushner are young and RICH thanks to dear leader..year or two at camp fed..? they have their youth and trumpy* has..?

all they have to do is tell king clorox what he wishes to hear..this game is rather simple really.
Dunno how deep Brad is in, but Kushner will be an old man before he sees the light of day and Ivanka will turn him into a cuck in no time flat, but she will be in prison too, poor thing. Daddy will most likely pardon them after losing the election. the only one who could pardon Donald at that point would be Pence and the heat will be intense on Pence! Donald would have to resign first though and give Pence a pardon before hand, provided he needed one, other than that Donald is fucked. He won't be giving out too many pardons either, everyone he gives out who is connected to him is potential witness against him with no 5th amendment rights. Jared would be eager to throw Donald under the bus, silence and perjury are not an option when you're home free with a pardon, fuck Donald he's going down anyway!
Georgia again changed the scale on its map to make it look the same as always.

That's the third time I've seen it change.
Georgia again changed the scale on its map to make it look the same as always.

That's the third time I've seen it change.
I don't know about that. I think there is an autoscale feature in play. There are only 5 groupings between 1-max. The scale should change as the case counts go up. What I don't understand is why anybody would use the total case count to compare counties. Barring a horrendous outbreak, the most populous counties SHOULD have the largest case counts. For example, Cobb County has a population of more than 700,000, other counties have fewer than 8,000.

Cases per 100k residents is what people should look at. The counties with the worst outbreaks, those with the most "per 100k residents" haven't changed in the past weeks. All of them (except one) are closer to the border with Florida. All of them have smaller populations but are case counts are high when normalized per 100k population.
Pence the prophet did an oopsey then tried to remove before being brought back from the delete
file. The head of the corona task force did a major fuckup .... cant wait for the blonde numbskull try to “ explain “ this.

Northwest Arkansas
Fayetteville, Arkansas Washington Regional, “serious public health emergency”
“350% increase in hospitalizations”
trump, “We gotta get back”!
Gov. Asa Hutchinson, “We are moving on to phase 2 reopening.”

Fucking human sacrifice
Northwest Arkansas
Fayetteville, Arkansas Washington Regional, “serious public health emergency”
“350% increase in hospitalizations”
trump, “We gotta get back”!
Gov. Asa Hutchinson, “We are moving on to phase 2 reopening.”

Fucking human sacrifice

Yells “ everybody in the pool “

Pence the prophet did an oopsey then tried to remove before being brought back from the delete
file. The head of the corona task force did a major fuckup .... cant wait for the blonde numbskull try to “ explain “ this.

View attachment 4591920



just an educated guess...

BTW alcohol damages also regions of the human brain which is responsible for a cognitive trait dubbed "empathy". Some ppl just don't have much of that (think Hitler and other scum....)
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just an educated guess...

BTW alcohol damages also regions of the human brain which is responsible for a cognitive trait dubbed "empathy". Some ppl just don't have much of that (think Hitler and other scum....)
Why there haven't been warning labels placed on alcohol bottles about drinking and pregnancy at least, is beyond me. One of the millions of dangers of powerful lobbying with tons of cash in corrupt political systems. We don't have them in Canada either and I wonder if it's because there is not enough "evidence" in scientific terms. I suppose their lawyer would demand a controlled double blinded study.
I suppose their lawyer would demand a controlled double blinded study.
THIS!... actually is a huge problem - we ALREADY KNOW (from experiments with white mice[*]) so many substances that cause DNA damage, mutation, cancer, endocrine disruption, or a bunch of other sicknesses... but all those "lobbyists" point out we don't have enough (causal) evidence on humans, although [*] species mus musculus domesticus is regarded as role-model-organism for tests of medicaments (and all else...) for humans.

It's just a "technical" flaw, I mean, ofc we won't conduct lethal experiments on humans.... but the body of humans & mice actually work very very very similar.
It boggles my mind we cannot do away with alot of shit just because "it only hurts animals" - when, in fact, in biology, humans are (correctly) ordered into the realm of animalia as well (Linnaues, Systema Naturae, 10th edition)

This world needs more reasonable leaders - not powermongering politicans.

When I read about the sheer number of humans being affected by FAS (the wiki article is well worth it) I nearly lost it - perhaps there is so much evil on our world because some humans are just born with a disfunctional brain? (the human brains incorporates about 120 different cognitive traits...)

I could go on... there are studies done on nigerian child soldiers which are dehumanized at a very young age - to make psychopaths (people without empathy) out of them - remorseless killers/terrorists. Nowadays we can even measure that by electrocardiographics.

THIS!... actually is a huge problem - we ALREADY KNOW (from experiments with white mice[*]) so many substances that cause DNA damage, mutation, cancer, endocrine disruption, or a bunch of other sicknesses... but all those "lobbyists" point out we don't have enough (causal) evidence on humans, although [*] species mus musculus domesticus is regarded as role-model-organism for tests of medicaments (and all else...) for humans.

It's just a "technical" flaw, I mean, ofc we won't conduct lethal experiments on humans.... but the body of humans & mice actually work very very very similar.
It boggles my mind we cannot do away with alot of shit just because "it only hurts animals" - when, in fact, in biology, humans are (correctly) ordered into the realm of animalia as well (Linnaues, Systema Naturae, 10th edition)

This world needs more reasonable leaders - not powermongering politicans.

When I read about the sheer number of humans being affected by FAS (the wiki article is well worth it) I nearly lost it - perhaps there is so much evil on our world because some humans are just born with a disfunctional brain? (the human brains incorporates about 120 different cognitive traits...)

I could go on... there are studies done on nigerian child soldiers which are dehumanized at a very young age - to make psychopaths (people without empathy) out of them - remorseless killers/terrorists. Nowadays we can even measure that by electrocardiographics.

I lived in Winnipeg MB for many years and it was a big problem among natives there with binge drinking the norm for some. Many natives live normal lives in the city, but many find adjusting difficult and are a very visible minority on the streets of Winnipeg. Their lives back on the res (reservation), downtrodden culture, lack of good education and culture shock, make them vulnerable to alcohol abuse and as in some asians, many don't have the metabolism to deal with alcohol and thus the effects are more profound on some. FAS affects all populations however, but it affects some worse than others and there is a lot of cognitive damage that goes along with it too. Sniffing glue, gasoline and other solvents is another big issue for natives as is drinking lysol, by punching the can with a rusty nail and mixing it with grapefruit juice. These were some of the social issues we were dealing with in Winnipeg and it is expected to be a majority first nation city in a decade. Police reform in Canada dealt mostly with their treatment of natives and has been ongoing for sometime, we recently had a truth and reconciliation commission on missing and murdered aboriginal women.
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THIS!... actually is a huge problem - we ALREADY KNOW (from experiments with white mice[*]) so many substances that cause DNA damage, mutation, cancer, endocrine disruption, or a bunch of other sicknesses... but all those "lobbyists" point out we don't have enough (causal) evidence on humans, although [*] species mus musculus domesticus is regarded as role-model-organism for tests of medicaments (and all else...) for humans.

It's just a "technical" flaw, I mean, ofc we won't conduct lethal experiments on humans.... but the body of humans & mice actually work very very very similar.
It boggles my mind we cannot do away with alot of shit just because "it only hurts animals" - when, in fact, in biology, humans are (correctly) ordered into the realm of animalia as well (Linnaues, Systema Naturae, 10th edition)

This world needs more reasonable leaders - not powermongering politicans.

When I read about the sheer number of humans being affected by FAS (the wiki article is well worth it) I nearly lost it - perhaps there is so much evil on our world because some humans are just born with a disfunctional brain? (the human brains incorporates about 120 different cognitive traits...)

I could go on... there are studies done on nigerian child soldiers which are dehumanized at a very young age - to make psychopaths (people without empathy) out of them - remorseless killers/terrorists. Nowadays we can even measure that by electrocardiographics.

You aren't talking about enacting laws to prohibit the sale of alcohol, are you?

I'm all for public education and taxing stuff to help reduce consumption. Personally, I'd legalize all drugs and put War on Drugs money into harm reduction for those substances.
I'm all for public education and taxing stuff to help reduce consumption. Personally, I'd legalize all drugs and put War on Drugs money into harm reduction for those substances
me too. drugs isnt the problem, its more the way people deal with them.

plus, hard drugs could be replaced by their original (coca leaf tea, opium pipe etc)

stuff would have much less shit in it (stretching, solvents)
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