Well-Known Member
That would be a great idea and tape a ballot to itThat would be a worthwhile federl government initiative that Trump could do, get every kid a tablet with wifi for education.
That would be a great idea and tape a ballot to itThat would be a worthwhile federl government initiative that Trump could do, get every kid a tablet with wifi for education.
Make it a ballot, or a way to register and request one, securly. This election and covid are gonna change how elections are done in America, voting might be extended to a week for polling and mail in or state secured drop off boxes. In the future it might mean much larger participation and younger voters, the lessons of Trump won't be lost on a younger generation or two. It will mean another nail in the republican coffin.That would be a great idea and tape a ballot to it
what's in it for him?That would be a worthwhile federl government initiative that Trump could do, get every kid a tablet with wifi for education.
Tell him he'll get 10% next year on the price of each tablet, Joe will sign the check...what's in it for him?
That should get the rebellious youth worked up, they need to bring back civics classes and tell them the constitution applies to them too, but there are certain duties and responsibilities. One of those responsibilities is to tell the principal to go fuck himself in public and get yourself suspended from a death trap for your family. Simple enough, not even any stigma attached, but a huge lawsuit might be.Update : Student that filmed that Paulding school super spreader event got suspended for sharing on social media.
School principal over P.A. System “ threatened “ students that there will “ consequences “ if found out any further “ negative “
information is shown. ( and that was recorded and shared .... lol )
Welcome to America !
Put razor wire around them with armed guards, tow in some FEMA trailers, containers of MREs and call it camp covid, only way out is with a test. Problem solved, wait for Joe though. Imagine these clowns will be carrying it all through America, Baby Boomer Freedom riders of Death, coming back home in a town near you, I'm sure some will arrive home sick and some will drop like flies on the highways of the nation.Mark your calendars! SUPER SPREADER EVENT !
Be sure to ride out to annual Sturgis ride.
‘Screw COVID’: 250,000 Bikers to Defy Common Sense for Nine Days at Sturgis Rally ....
Friday is the official start of the 80th annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, where 250,000 people are expected to gather in the South Dakota town of that name for nine days of defying proven precautions against the spread of COVID-19.
“Nobody is social distancing and none of them are wearing masks,” local psychologist Michael Fellner told The Daily Beast. “None.”
As the rally’s Facebook page attests, the bikers come from across the country.
“Leaving from NH today. See ya soon!” posted Howard Saborn of New Hampshire.
“Coming for the 1st time on Saturday from Virginia,” Vickie Farmer announced.
“On our way now. Stopped in Missouri to sleep. Be there Thursday night,” Jesse Robison of Georgia posted.
“Be there Friday from San Angelo Tx.,” David Buckner said.
“On my way I ain’t scared of the media flu or as we call it round here election flu see ya soon sd,” J.F. Watson of Ohio said.
“Just call it a big protest !! And it be A-Ok!!” J. Toothman, also of Ohio, suggested.
Rod Florquest of Wyoming was among the thousands who had arrived early.
“You really have to look to see someone wearing a mask,” he reported, as though this was a good thing.
And, having come from seemingly everywhere with whatever virus they might happen to carry, they will all mingle and return home with any virus they happen to pick up. Some will have purchased one of the souvenir T-shirts that retired school counselor Linda Chaplin of Sturgis saw a street vendor selling. The front reads:
“Screw COVID-19 ! “
Wonder how many sweet rides will be offered for sale after the tidal wave of mass infections take out riders.
Francis Collins is at Fauci's back in the picture, a conservative catholic and renowned scientist, he is not holding a knife in his hand either.The enormity of ignorance is quite staggering .... as we officially became the MOST infected country on the planet.
I’m just finishing a toe to toe with a flag bandana wearing MAGA Moron that insists Dr. Fauci is “ no expert “ as he doesn’t “ see patients “ as in a medical office kind of way , therefore he knows nothing ....... really ?
I am shocked on how many people , how much of the U.S. Populace have become stupid and foolish.
Dr. Fauci’s credentials alone make him the central voice .... he has served various presidents doing the same thing for fucks sake.
Sample :
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Darwin Awards available at the door.
How is this not a terrorist event?“On my way I ain’t scared of the media flu or as we call it round here election flu see ya soon sd,” J.F. Watson of Ohio said.
These guys still support Trump. A relatively innocent photo of Falwell drives them insane but "Trump is our modern day Cyrus" no matter what. I'm not defending Falwell, just shocked at the hypocrisy.As in 2016, the 2020 Election Under Attack by Both Foreign (Russia) & Domestic (Trump/Barr) Threats.
Senator Richard Blumenthal sounded an alarm recently by stating (via Tweet) that he is "shocked and appalled - I just left a 90 minute classified briefing on foreign malign threats to our elections. From spying to sabotage, Americans need to see and hear these reports."
This fact, coupled with AG Bill Barr's recent declaration that he WILL announce (in violation of DOJ protocol) the results of US Attorney John Durham's investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia probe, are exposing troubling parallels with what we experienced in the run-up to the 2016 elections. Shortly before the 2016 elections, FBI Director James Comey announced information that was deeply damaging to the candidacy of Hillary Clinton, while at the same time our government concealed from us the evidence it was uncovering of improper contacts and coordination between the Trump campaign and Russia.
We are now in a horrifically similar position: damaging information (ok, disinformation given that Barr will undoubtedly spin the findings and conclusions of the Durham report to Trump's advantage just as he did with the Mueller report) while our government hides from us the deeply troubling evidence of foreign interference referenced in Sen. Blumenthal's statement.
This is a call to all law-abiding members of Congress: step up, speak out, you have seen something, please say something to protect the integrity of our upcoming elections, the American voter and the republic.
Think, this is happening to millions of Trumpers, metaphorically speaking, as they watch 2020 and old Dixie go down the drain.‘Burn Your Mask Bonfire’ Set Tonight by Anti-Masker of Starbucks Clash ... yet another anti covid tsunamiSan Diego
Amber Lynn Gilles of Clairemont, who in June became the face of the anti-maskers when she called out a Starbucks barista, will co-host a local “Burn Your Mask Bonfire” on Friday night.
The 6 p.m. event at Ski Beach in Mission Bay also will feature leaders of the anti-vaccine movement, Gilles said in a Facebook video Thursday.
“The bonfire is to bring awareness and to stop the discrimination, leading to COVID digital vaccine and digital currency,” she said. “The little tattoo — they’re already doing a trial run of it in South Africa.”
Facebook event page for Friday night “Burn Your Mask Bonfire” with 36 “going” as of midnight......Gilles also says she is assembling a “pro-medical-freedom advocate army” in San Diego.
Earlier Thursday, the mother of three says she went for a job interview on the promise she didn’t have to wear a mask. But when she got to the lobby, a late-arriving interviewer balked at her face not being covered and told her to wait outside. So Gilles left.
Gilles also videotaped a confrontation Thursday with a Sprouts Farmers Market manager in Clairemont who wouldn’t let her enter without a mask.
As a worker wiped down carts, Gilles says: “This is Sprouts, and I’m sick of it,” referring to the mask requirement posted on a pink sheet outside the Genesee Avenue store.
Wonder if it will look like this ....
Dr. Gandhi: We Are Not Taking The Right Steps To Protect Our Children | The Last Word | MSNBC‘Burn Your Mask Bonfire’ Set Tonight by Anti-Masker of Starbucks Clash ... yet another anti covid tsunamiSan Diego
Amber Lynn Gilles of Clairemont, who in June became the face of the anti-maskers when she called out a Starbucks barista, will co-host a local “Burn Your Mask Bonfire” on Friday night.
The 6 p.m. event at Ski Beach in Mission Bay also will feature leaders of the anti-vaccine movement, Gilles said in a Facebook video Thursday.
“The bonfire is to bring awareness and to stop the discrimination, leading to COVID digital vaccine and digital currency,” she said. “The little tattoo — they’re already doing a trial run of it in South Africa.”
Facebook event page for Friday night “Burn Your Mask Bonfire” with 36 “going” as of midnight......Gilles also says she is assembling a “pro-medical-freedom advocate army” in San Diego.
Earlier Thursday, the mother of three says she went for a job interview on the promise she didn’t have to wear a mask. But when she got to the lobby, a late-arriving interviewer balked at her face not being covered and told her to wait outside. So Gilles left.
Gilles also videotaped a confrontation Thursday with a Sprouts Farmers Market manager in Clairemont who wouldn’t let her enter without a mask.
As a worker wiped down carts, Gilles says: “This is Sprouts, and I’m sick of it,” referring to the mask requirement posted on a pink sheet outside the Genesee Avenue store.
Wonder if it will look like this ....