It's been six months now since I started this fucked up thread.
On that day, there were 3 positive case's of COVID-19 in this Nation & as I am typing this right now we are at 199,746 dead as a result of Trump's virus with 6,724,179 infected, & by the time I post this, it is almost/will be a certainty that 200,000 souls will have perished as a direct result of Trump's failure as a Human/POTUS.
Then, if COVID-19 wasn't enough to shatter the psyche of the USA, we have experienced the National/World wide rage expressed over the murder of George Floyd, resulting in the worst violence in America's cities in decade's.
Coupled with Mother Nature's assault with Fire/Storm on major sections of this country, such as in California/Washington/Oregon/Alabama/ Mississippi/Louisiana/ Florida/Texas this country is in a very fucked up place right now, a place that it will take decades to recover from.
This has been the Summer of Hell for sure, the worst time that I have ever existed in as a American citizen in my opinion, & sad too say, it's looks like it's going to get fucking worse.
I really pity Biden, he's going to inherit a hellscape.
Anyways, please try to stay safe & strong & peace out.
Anyone like Motown?
I do (turn it up & sing along, you'll feel better
