Pandemic 2020

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Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
My hair is getting a bit longer than I like it, but no more haircuts until I and the guy giving the hair cut are vaccinated. Vaccinating barbers, hairdressers and others is a no brainer if they wanna be open, ditto for anybody dealing with the public like cops, bus and cab drivers. We only have a month or two until most vulnerable folks are vaccinated, if supply levels increase as promised. Uncle Sam is sitting on a lot of American unapproved Astra Zeneca vaccine and has more supply than they can inject, so perhaps they might help out a bit.
I had my first poke 2 weeks ago but the girlfriend (hairdresser) will not be eligible for months, she’s a bit younger than me. My second shot, I was told could be up to 14 weeks. Also my health unit had a trial run and after that our numbers spiked as the lock down people flocked here :(. Also the university students had mega parties that contributed about 65 cases ...... smart they are not :(.


Well-Known Member
Here is a good thread subject, what's the maximum daily vaccination rate will Joe get up to?
How many shots in arms a day?
He's already got up to over 3 million a day, around 1% of the population in a single day!

At that rate Canada would be covered in less than 10 days with 100% of the population immunized, say a week or less if you count the hold outs, kids and those already vaccinated.


Well-Known Member
I had my first poke 2 weeks ago but the girlfriend (hairdresser) will not be eligible for months, she’s a bit younger than me. My second shot, I was told could be up to 14 weeks. Also my health unit had a trial run and after that our numbers spiked as the lock down people flocked here :(. Also the university students had mega parties that contributed about 65 cases ...... smart they are not :(.
Apparently the longer wait has a greater effect and you're partly protected right now, the data looks pretty good after 10 days with a single dose. Bummer about your girl friend, but things might change, I figure Biden might loosen up a bit on the Astra Zeneca vaccine supplies they've been hoarding and we might get some more of it. At the clip they are going Joe will have well over 200 million shots in arms in his first 100 days, luck of the Irish there! They haven't approved the Astra Zeneca yet and it's piling up in warehouses.


Well-Known Member
Safe, stable, sold at cost: AstraZeneca’s vaccine deserves celebration, not scorn | Pharmaceuticals industry | The Guardian

Safe, stable, sold at cost: AstraZeneca’s vaccine deserves celebration, not scorn
The company has struggled, like its rivals, to keep up with demand. But it has achieved great things at low prices

AstraZeneca is one of the shining stars of the pandemic. Not only did it produce a vaccine where other big players failed, the UK-Swedish company has pledged to sell it at cost until it is able to declare the pandemic over.
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Well-Known Member
Cases of coronavirus variants spiking in Florida
The number of COVID-19 cases in Florida stemming from the virus's variants has more than doubled over the past two weeks, according to a report released Sunday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The new report shows Florida having a total of 2,330 variant cases — the highest in the country. On Thursday, 1,075 variant cases were reported. An additional 1,255 were included in Sunday's report, USA Today noted.


Well-Known Member
Birx did absolutely zero pushing back against the crappola sandwich Mr Trumpf was serving us with the exception of several shocked looks when he suggested injecting bleach and shoving UV lights up our asses. While Faici did try to be diplomatic at it, he always told the truth no matter what Trumpf had said.


Well-Known Member
Redfield says Azar pressured him to revise COVID-19 data reports
"The one time that was the most egregious was not only was I pressured by the secretary and his office and his lawyers, but as I was driving home, his lawyer and his chief of staff called and pressured me again for at least another hour," Redfield told Gupta on CNN's "Covid War: The Pandemic Doctors Speak Out."

"Even to the point of, like, accusing me of failing to make this change that would cost, you know, thousands of lives," he said.

"I finally had a moment in life where I said, you know, enough is enough,” Redfield added. “You know? If you want to fire me, fire me. I'm not changing the MMWR."


Well-Known Member
Altering government documents sounds like a crime if you ask me.
And don't forget, Redfield believes AIDS is a punishment from god on gay people.


Well-Known Member
My hair is getting a bit longer than I like it, but no more haircuts until I and the guy giving the hair cut are vaccinated. Vaccinating barbers, hairdressers and others is a no brainer if they wanna be open. . . . . . .
In case I haven't mentioned it, I'm tight with a buck. In the fall of 1983 when I was getting out of the Navy I paid 4 bucks for a haircut. Had no choice in the matter. Since then I have not paid for a single haircut. After a few times of Mamma cutting it, I've done it myself. Back when I was young and dumb, I could always tell when it needed cutting by 3 ladies telling me how good it looked. Since I'm old and married now, I just cut it on the changing of the seasons. So last week I did my spring cutting. Today I cut my wife's hair. Her first since the very beginning weeks of the pandemic. Not too bad if I do say so myself.

Before they died, I cut both Mamma's and Mother in Law's hair pretty regular. If I ever make it to hike the AT I'll be taking my scissors. When I get short on cash, I can always put out my shingle. Will cut hair for Mountain House.


Well-Known Member
Altering government documents sounds like a crime if you ask me.
And don't forget, Redfield believes AIDS is a punishment from god on gay people.
That's the beauty of it.

They never asked anybody to "alter a document". They asked people to "modify their expressed opinions on national TV". You'll notice nobody ever published any of the documents stating false numbers. They were all "quoted" on it.

They think that resolves them of wrongdoing.


Well-Known Member
Cases of coronavirus variants spiking in Florida
The number of COVID-19 cases in Florida stemming from the virus's variants has more than doubled over the past two weeks, according to a report released Sunday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The new report shows Florida having a total of 2,330 variant cases — the highest in the country. On Thursday, 1,075 variant cases were reported. An additional 1,255 were included in Sunday's report, USA Today noted.
That's why I'm not going back to work full time. We are not going to open the building to inside events until July, but I got the word we are taking reservations for small groups in the screened in cookshed. I was asked to work Sunday and I told them no. Not sure if the event happened or not. I'm willing to work weeknights, as most of those events are small. Even after I get my 2nd shot, I'm not going to expose myself to big crowds.
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