Pandemic 2020

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The double mutant variant from India is now in California.
These mutants are not necessarily from other places, when America had the highest infection rate in the world and has been a breeding ground for variants with 25% of the worlds cases. America never tested for variants much until recently, but other countries did which is why they spotted them and are named for them. These variants pop up independently all over the globe and don't necessarily start with one geographic location only, the more cases the more possibility of variants. Sometimes these variants are more contagious, but are less virulent, but it can go the other way too. The ability to spread is the biggest determinate, not virulence and higher mortality rates would lead to more active control measures. Get above 10% mortality with hospitals full and they will be breaking up anti-mask rallies with flame throwers, the attitude will be "fuck them".

Fortunately it still appears the vaccines (we have approved) seem to work, even with variants, even if you do get a case of covid after vaccination, it won't be as severe as it would normally be. So far so good on vaccines, but we have our fingers crossed with some variants.
any theories as to why you guys are getting hammered with this new wave?

take one look outside- all the rednecks threw away their masks on 4/3 because Polis didn't sign another Mask Mandate for 30 like he was supposed to but it was Easter..and rednecks are cunts..i got iinto two fight this weekend but i have a plan- The Wall of Shame.

i'm taking pics of all those in my building who refuse to wear their mask inside common areas. i will then prepare a Power Point Slide show of maskless faces projected on the side of our building. i will set up lawn chair and supply popcorn.

Shame is the only way.
This is troubling, Chile is top 5 in vaccinations, 30% of the population is vaccinated, they have had closed borders and strict lock downs yet their numbers are higher now than the last wave. They are using the Chinese vaccine so maybe that's the reason, if not it's a bad sign.

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A pattern is emerging perhaps?

The Central European country has given at least a first dose of a vaccine to 21.6% of its population, according to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, just ahead of the small island nation of Malta and surpassing the 27-member bloc’s average of 12.3%.

But Hungary’s high vaccination rate, a product of a procurement strategy that secured doses from China and Russia in addition to those provided by the EU, has been unable to slow a surge in the pandemic that has given it the highest two-week mortality rate per capita in the world, according to Johns Hopkins University.

Hungary‘s infection rate is expected tp plateau within a couple of weeks then drop fast.

It’s working well in the UK, who started earlier with vaccinating. Two free tests per person per week. Pubs reopening soon.

No that’s not a large image, your screen’s just small
Hungary‘s infection rate is expected tp plateau within a couple of weeks then drop fast.

It’s working well in the UK, who started earlier with vaccinating. Two free tests per person per week. Pubs reopening soon.

No that’s not a large image, your screen’s just small
By "it's working" in the UK, do you mean the AstraZeneca vaccine?

I'm just connecting dots, like every armchair amateur epidemiologist does nowadays.

Chile has a very high rate of Coronavirus vaccinations as does Hungary but they both have very high death rates. They both relied heavily on the Chinese vaccine.

You may now proceed to tell me about small sample sizes, cognitive bias, snap judgement and poor reasoning skills. I have all of them in spades. Especially when it comes to the Chinese government.
The amount of people vaccinated in Chile is still a smaller portion of their population. Given the Brazilian variant next door and the rest of the population could be sitting ducks. It could have been worse with a lower vaccination rate. Once a certain trajectory is rolling it is not easy to knock it down in an instant. We took over a month with everything closed and only bare essentials available in stores.
The Russian and Chinese vaccines were rolled out before proper testing and evaluation from totalitarian regimes. You cannot trust data generated by these vaccines, particularly with the new variants, one of the Chinese vaccines uses chemically killed covid viruses FFS! The two mRNA vaccines appear to be working against all the variants as does the Astra Zeneca and J&J Vaccines, though perhaps with less efficacy, they still appear to prevent hospitalizations and deaths. Indeed the mRNA vaccines are over 90% effective against the original strain, an extraordinary successful rate of protection, perhaps if they were only 60% effective (acceptable to the FDA at the time) there might be more of an issue with variants.

Tweaked vaccines are coming, in fact they have already been produced, apparently it doesn't take as long to get approval on a tweaked vaccine as it does to start from scratch. I figure if we are gonna get future booster shots, it will be with a tweaked mRNA vaccine, perhaps one containing multiple mRNA strands to cover all bases. They try to design these things to entrap the virus evolutionarily, by blocking multiple reproductive pathways.
The amount of people vaccinated in Chile is still a smaller portion of their population. Given the Brazilian variant next door and the rest of the population could be sitting ducks. It could have been worse with a lower vaccination rate. Once a certain trajectory is rolling it is not easy to knock it down in an instant. We took over a month with everything closed and only bare essentials available in stores.
Brazil relies heavily on Sinovac too.

It's not as if anything is proven but Sinovac IS a product overseen by the Chinese government and they have no credibility. Not to me. Then, these news reports show up about countries with exceptionally high death rates due to covid despite high vaccination rates.
By "it's working" in the UK, do you mean the AstraZeneca vaccine?

I'm just connecting dots, like every armchair amateur epidemiologist does nowadays.

Chile has a very high rate of Coronavirus vaccinations as does Hungary but they both have very high death rates. They both relied heavily on the Chinese vaccine.

You may now proceed to tell me about small sample sizes, cognitive bias, snap judgement and poor reasoning skills. I have all of them in spades. Especially when it comes to the Chinese government.
I meant vaccinations in general (they also use Moderna and Phizer in UK).

Hungary uses 7 different vaccines, I don’t know how heavily they rely on the chinese in particular but the whole reason they use so many including Russian and Chinese is cause they suck at dealing with covid. A huge portion of that roughly 5th that got a shot still needs the second, and a huge portion got it so recently they haven’t developed enough anti-bodies yet. Effectively maybe 10-15% is protected by now, and just a portion of that is by chinese vaccin. I don’t think that’s enough to conclude anything about the chinese vaccin just yet. Maybe the Chinese vaccin is crap and doesn’t prevent spread in addition to getting sick but pretty sure the high death rates are still among the nonvaccinated. And as informative as death rates are, they do lag behind a lot.

The same thing‘s happening in NL and other eu countries, vaccinations go up, but so do/did infections and hospitalizations. So that can happen without the chinese vaccin too. Just as with Chile, it would be interesting to see the infections per age groups (assuming they vaccinated per age group).
Brazil relies heavily on Sinovac too.

It's not as if anything is proven but Sinovac IS a product overseen by the Chinese government and they have no credibility. Not to me. Then, these news reports show up about countries with exceptionally high death rates due to covid despite high vaccination rates.
I'm sure someone is keeping an eye on these vaccines, they might have been somewhat effective against the original strain, but could be useless against the new variants or some of them. Now that they are in a real world situation where the rubber meets the road, the truth will soon emerge, after the deaths of course.

We (Canada too) must produce vaccines for these countries, people are desperate, I'm gonna move heaven and earth on this end to make sure we produce our own vaccines and PPE, there will be no political future for anybody who opposes it as far as I'm concerned. We have vaccine production facilities too, but are not producing covid vaccines yet. This pandemic will go on for years globally and perhaps take new more lethal forms, so it's worth the effort and expense.

I compare this to the economic and social damage, death and maiming caused by war and the response should be on the same level as defense spending and have the same priority. Not many wars have cost our country's so much in terms of economic damage and death, so it makes sense to have a robust response and be prepared for future onslaughts.
I meant vaccinations in general (they also use Moderna and Phizer in UK).

Hungary uses 7 different vaccines, I don’t know how heavily they rely on the chinese in particular but the whole reason they use so many including Russian and Chinese is cause they suck at dealing with covid. A huge portion of that roughly 5th that got a shot still needs the second, and a huge portion got it so recently they haven’t developed enough anti-bodies yet. Effectively maybe 10-15% is protected by now, and just a portion of that is by chinese vaccin. I don’t think that’s enough to conclude anything about the chinese vaccin just yet. Maybe the Chinese vaccin is crap and doesn’t prevent spread in addition to getting sick but pretty sure the high death rates are still among the nonvaccinated. And as informative as death rates are, they do lag behind a lot.

The same thing‘s happening in NL and other eu countries, vaccinations go up, but so do/did infections and hospitalizations. So that can happen without the chinese vaccin too. Just as with Chile, it would be interesting to see the infections per age groups (assuming they vaccinated per age group).
I fully admit that I'm biased against the Chinese government.

Hungary differentiated itself from other European countries by jumping to Sinovac and kudos to them for taking the initiative and risk in order to give its people a fighting chance. But now, they are differentiated for high covid death rates.

You are right, there are plenty of other factors involved and I'm being completely pig headed by jumping to "lying CCP selling a crap vaccine because that's just who they are". But that's what I'm doing. eff em.
Here is some incomplete data and it is too early to draw any conclusions. I imagine variants are involved here and I hope they test all patients. Not everybody develops immunity with in 2 weeks of vaccination, older and obese people can take longer and the response is not as robust. I don't know if this is a future trend or an anomaly, but the variants are being watched closely now in America and a lot more viral genetic testing is now being done. If the new vaccines are say only 70 or 80% effective against the worst variants, we should be seeing a signal in the data that supports this article.
246 vaccinated residents diagnosed with COVID; 3 dead, Michigan reports (

246 vaccinated residents diagnosed with COVID; 3 dead, Michigan reports

As many as 246 Michigan residents considered fully vaccinated against COVID-19 were later diagnosed with the virus, and three have died, state officials confirmed Monday.

The cases were reported between Jan. 1 and March 31, and the 246 had a positive test 14 or more days after the last dose in the vaccine series, said Lynn Sutfin, a spokeswoman for the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, in an email.

"Some of these individuals may ultimately be excluded from this list due to continuing to test positive from a recent infection prior to being fully vaccinated," she said.

"These cases are undergoing further review to determine if they meet other CDC criteria for determination of potential breakthrough, including the absence of a positive antigen or PCR test less than 45 days prior to the post-vaccination positive test. In general, these persons have been more likely to be asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic compared with vaccinated persons."

The department had hospitalization data for 117 of the cases, but 129 were incomplete, she said.

"Of the 117 with hospitalization data entered, 11 were hospitalized, 103 were not hospitalized, and 3 are reported as unknown," Sutfin said.

The three deaths were "all persons 65 years or older, and two of which were within three weeks of completion of vaccination," she said. "While the majority of the population develops full immunity within 14 days of completion of their vaccine series, a small proportion appear to take longer to mount a full antibody response. CDC is actively working to better understand the risk characteristics of this group."

The figures come as Michigan COVID-19 cases continue to rise, and officials work to boost vaccinations.

On Monday, the state surpassed 700,000 cases and still leads the nation in new cases by population.

Hospitalizations for confirmed cases of COVID-19 are increasing at a faster rate than before Gov. Gretchen Whitmer shuttered indoor dining and suspended in-person high school classes in the fall.

Last week, Whitmer said she was increasing the state's goal from 50,000 shots administered per day to 100,000 shots per day.

As of April 4, about 2.95 million residents, or about 36.5% of Michigan's population, have been vaccinated, either with one or two doses, according to the state website. About 4.7 million doses had been administered.
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Here these guys managed to jump ahead of everybody in the line and now they appear not to want to pay for 2.5 million vaccines already delivered.
Pfizer Halts Shipment of COVID Vaccines After Israel Doesn't Pay: Report (

Pfizer halts shipment of 700,000 COVID vaccines to Israel after the country reportedly failed to make payment
  • Pfizer halted a shipment of 700,000 COVID vaccines scheduled to arrive in Israel on Sunday.
  • Pfizer stopped the shipment when Israel failed to pay for the last 2.5 million doses sent there.
  • Israeli media reported that Pfizer staff called Israel a "banana republic" amid fears of further payment delays.
Here these guys managed to jump ahead of everybody in the line and now they appear not to want to pay for 2.5 million vaccines already delivered.
Pfizer Halts Shipment of COVID Vaccines After Israel Doesn't Pay: Report (

Pfizer halts shipment of 700,000 COVID vaccines to Israel after the country reportedly failed to make payment
  • Pfizer halted a shipment of 700,000 COVID vaccines scheduled to arrive in Israel on Sunday.
  • Pfizer stopped the shipment when Israel failed to pay for the last 2.5 million doses sent there.
  • Israeli media reported that Pfizer staff called Israel a "banana republic" amid fears of further payment delays.

fvcking deadbeats.
this dials it right in for your area:

hmmmmmmm says US only..Justin? Justinnnnnnnnnnn?
We are all set to go and have been for awhile, but we can't get vaccine supplies from international vendors, that is gonna change and we make our own vaccines and PPE, or we will have get another government. We ordered very early in the game and we ordered lots of several different kinds. Here in NS we only have 8.6% of the people with one dose and a large elderly population, but we have very few cases, yet.

Here is the situation in Canada, compare it to the US vaccine roll out, with free trade we depended on the USA and EU for vaccines, even though we have vaccine manufacturing facilities, it's a mistake we won't repeat. In the UK the government got on domestic production right away, probably over Brexit fears.
COVID-19 vaccine tracker: How many people in Canada have received vaccinations? | CTV News
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