Pandemic 2020

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Both sides are the same, we are all equal. The problem is when we go in with preconceptions and don't treat others as equals.

When laws are broken, people should be held accountable for their actions. Because they may of one party or another doesn't mean that everyone of that party is the same.
Are you talking about what's taught in Sunday school to kids or what Republicans actually do?

Former President Donald Trump acquitted in 2nd impeachment trial

Exactly a month and a week after insurrectionists incited a riot at the Capitol on Jan. 6, former President Donald Trump's second impeachment trial came to a climactic end on Saturday afternoon, with Trump being acquitted for his alleged role of inciting the deadly event. A majority of senators voted to convict the former president, but failed to reach the super majority threshold needed for a conviction.

Republicans also voted to throw the results of free and fairly run elections. So, I can't help but read what you just said as: "do as I say, not as I do".
Are you talking about what's taught in Sunday school to kids or what Republicans actually do?

Former President Donald Trump acquitted in 2nd impeachment trial

Exactly a month and a week after insurrectionists incited a riot at the Capitol on Jan. 6, former President Donald Trump's second impeachment trial came to a climactic end on Saturday afternoon, with Trump being acquitted for his alleged role of inciting the deadly event. A majority of senators voted to convict the former president, but failed to reach the super majority threshold needed for a conviction.

Republicans also voted to throw the results of free and fairly run elections. So, I can't help but read what you just said as: "do as I say, not as I do".
I typed it as I meant it, read it however you want.
Not at all. Do you know every Republican? You are going to judge everyone of the party based on the actions of some?

Close quote too.
I typed it as I meant it, read it however you want.
Of course you did. Authoritarians compartmentalize their beliefs and don't think about the contradictions. I got on this thread because @garybo did the same thing.

It's all one to me. If you support the Congressmen who sustained Trump through TWO impeachments and voted to overturn the results of our election then you lack decency. You said Republicans preach about following the law but obviously fail to do so IRL.

Need I go on about their anti-science propaganda that is literally killing people? Something like 500,000 dead because of Republican leadership failures.

nope, can't do those things or support the people who do and be decent. Not in fact. Maybe in bizzaro world.
Hi there twentyeight, all is well here, just having fun messing with others of different strokes. Anyway, time is getting short and I need to get into town, Tractor Supply is having a sale on mower batteries and mine is all but dead.
I just picked up some strawberries from there to plant in a new bed, and the next couple days it has been snowing here in the mitten.

I never post in the Politics section, I MUST be bored. The two party system is a lot of the problem. It pits one side vs another, almost the same as black and white. Sorry think they just went off topic. Hope you get that tractor running.
Right now I would say it is why our democracy was so easily hacked.
Not at all. Do you know every Republican?
I know every single one of them voted against covid relief.

I know every single one of them but 1 voted to acquit Trump the first time.

I know all but 9 voted to acquit the second time.

I know all of them voted to block Merrick Garland from a SCOTUS hearing and vote for nearly a year because they said it was an election year.

I know all of them rammed a Christian, anti abortion nut job onto the SCOTUS 8 days before the election.

I know 10's of thousands of Republicans ransacked the nation's capital trying to overthrow the duly elected government.

I know that every republican governor and body is refusing to do anything about covid.

So tell me again about how we should all be more understanding of Republicans.
I know every single one of them voted against covid relief.

I know every single one of them but 1 voted to acquit Trump the first time.

I know all but 9 voted to acquit the second time.

I know all of them voted to block Merrick Garland from a SCOTUS hearing and vote for nearly a year because they said it was an election year.

I know all of them rammed a Christian, anti abortion nut job onto the SCOTUS 8 days before the election.

I know 10's of thousands of Republicans ransacked the nation's capital trying to overthrow the duly elected government.

I know that every republican governor and body is refusing to do anything about covid.

So tell me again about his we should all be more understanding of Republicans.
You got me. You know every person in the world in the Republican party. My bad.
What the fuck are you going on about? I never said such a thing. Talk about living in your own world.

You aren't keeping track very well.

What you said:

"When laws are broken, people should be held accountable for their actions. Because they may of one party or another doesn't mean that everyone of that party is the same. "

The above does not describe the behavior of Republicans very well. Actually, not at all. Not their leadership and not the people who vote for them. I get that there is the desire to "just move on" but that's pretty much the same as an abuser telling his victim to just forget about the beating.
It starts with everyone trying their best to judge people on how they treat you. Not based on their race, sexual orientation, economical status, etc.

It's not easy, but we have to try and we have to teach out children to do the same.
As long as this is not a troll about how we should also not consider the generational suppression of our minority communities so that funding doesn't go into those areas to fix the very real issues that was the result of white flight in the post ww2 suburban sprawl, I agree.

Both sides are the same, we are all equal. The problem is when we go in with preconceptions and don't treat others as equals.

When laws are broken, people should be held accountable for their actions. Because they may of one party or another doesn't mean that everyone of that party is the same.
If you mean that the blank slate of what it means to be humans, sure 'both sides' have all the same rights.

The problem with accountability comes with the fact that the Republicans are shielding themselves from that accountability by flat out lying to their voters using every dirty trick they have designed into the laws over the last couple hundred years to keep the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda alive and well.

We need some herd immunity from the propaganda being spread as a nation before we can change that unfortunately. And we are just finding out yesterday that Trump was selling Americans out to the Russian military to be spam attacked with custom made narratives. Hopefully people who think the 'both sides' trolling will get it soon.

Not at all. Do you know every Republican? You are going to judge everyone of the party based on the actions of some?

Close quote too.
I think there were about 147 Republicans that voted for a insurrection. And it is only the Republicans who are banking on disinformation and propaganda as their re-elction platforms.
You got me. You know every person in the world in the Republican party. My bad.
You just asked if he knew every republican.

Pal, we don't have to. We watch what they do. And all of them keep getting voted in. McConnell with a 28% approval got voted in.

Why? Because stupid, moronic, racist, sleeping with their sisters, drinking Jack Daniel's, looking out for UFO's, buying into QAnon republicans figure, "Well, caint vote fer no dem so bad as he is guess we gotta vote him back in."

And now they're all busy writing voter suppression laws.

And they're passing anti trans gender laws when they've never even come across one or even know what one is 'cause JEZUUS.

Yeah. You do know all republicans. They are all the same. They stand for, vote for and advocate nothing but racist, womanizing, homophobic bullshit. That's why they do what they are and have been doing.

And not a single damn one of them has come out and said "this is nuts". Not one.
Republicans are just mindless drones, they do and say as they are ordered from the leadership. They are in lock step together, kinda like a nazi goose step.
As long as this is not a troll about how we should also not consider the generational suppression of our minority communities so that funding doesn't go into those areas to fix the very real issues that was the result of white flight in the post ww2 suburban sprawl, I agree.

If you mean that the blank slate of what it means to be humans, sure 'both sides' have all the same rights.

The problem with accountability comes with the fact that the Republicans are shielding themselves from that accountability by flat out lying to their voters using every dirty trick they have designed into the laws over the last couple hundred years to keep the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda alive and well.

We need some herd immunity from the propaganda being spread as a nation before we can change that unfortunately. And we are just finding out yesterday that Trump was selling Americans out to the Russian military to be spam attacked with custom made narratives. Hopefully people who think the 'both sides' trolling will get it soon.

I think there were about 147 Republicans that voted for a insurrection. And it is only the Republicans who are banking on disinformation and propaganda as their re-elction platforms.
Not a troll post at all. The country needs diversity. It needs to appropriately show the representation of the country as a whole.

I've been speaking of Republicans in general across the country, not elected officials. They are not equal, at least in my mind and hopes.
Not a troll post at all. The country needs diversity. It needs to appropriately show the representation of the country as a whole.

I've been speaking of Republicans in general across the country, not elected officials. They are not equal, at least in my mind and hopes.
The US is not a two-party Democracy anymore. That ended when Republicans refused to accept losing on November 3. That's not exactly "being accountable" or following the laws of the land. In fact, it was the beginning of a seditious act against the rule of law. It's due to nothing that I did, so don't blame me for the division.
That's not a generalization, nimrod. That is a FACT. Without the "republicans in general" they would never have been elected. If any number of "republicans in general" were even remotely decent people, they would never have voted for all those toxic, racist, womanizing, child molesting assholes.
There we go. To the personal insults, proving your point now. You're definitely right.
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