Pandemic 2020

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Actually I wanted to know why (s)he had the ideas he/she has. I have talked to some people who do not trust the vaccine as it was approved quickly but I have never talked to anyone who thinks the vaccine was brought about for nefarious reasons.
it was approved quickly
It is only approved for emergency use. It's not been long-term tested, and is experimental gene therapy.
This is fact.
Anyone who says differently is either a blithering idiot (feel free to chime in you guys) or is selling something.
Actually I wanted to know why (s)he had the ideas he/she has.
I would be more than happy to discuss this with you further as you seem genuinely interested and a decent person. But the children here make it difficult. So I'll just drop things and you can decide for yourself.
Long story short - this is a battle between good and evil.
We are in the fog of war.
An autistic 15 year old girl with down syndrome died 3-4 days after taking the Moderna vaccine from cardiac arrest.
This is happening all over.
Levothyroxine can cause irregular heartbeats , and has side effects that list possible heart issues.
She was heavily affected with various conditions that most like had some effect on her general health.
Regardless of moderna. Nice try.

Since thyroid hormone occurs naturally in the body, almost anyone can take levothyroxine. However, you may not be able to take this medicine if you have certain medical conditions. Tell your doctor if you have:

  • an untreated or uncontrolled adrenal gland disorder;
  • a thyroid disorder called thyrotoxicosis; or
  • symptoms of a heart attack (chest pain or heavy feeling, pain spreading to the jaw or shoulder, nausea, sweating, general ill feeling).
And had damaged bronchi / dysplasia ( destruction).
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