Pandemic 2020

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COVID Truthers’ Obsession With Horse Paste and ‘Sheep Drench’ Is Warping Amazon’s Product Recommendations

Remember when hydroxychloroquine was the “it girl of the conspiracyverse”—a dubious COVID miracle pill touted by Donald Trump and the Demon Sperm Doc? Those days are over and there’s a new drug blowing up the unhinged corners of Facebook and the internet.

As our Fever Dreams host Asawin Suebsaeng, and guest hosts and Daily Beast reporters Kelly Weill and Adam Rawnsley, discuss, the drug—called ivermectin—is sometimes used by humans for parasites and fungal infections. A few studies have looked at whether it would help with COVID but some have been withdrawn or been criticized for issues, prompting the medical community to call for more research.

Not to be deterred, COVID truther types have been buying up ivermectin like hotcakes and it’s so scarce now that many have turned to a version of the drug used by veterinarians on horses, sheep, and even parrots. (In its animal form, it comes as a horse paste or as a jug of liquid sheep “drench.” Yum.)

Of course, all sorts of former hydroxy grifters, hoaxsters, and false prophets have now glommed onto ivermectin, including the aforementioned Demon Sperm Doc. There are Facebook groups where people disturbingly try to figure out how to dose a person rather than an equine. And, in the darkest twist, Amazon's recommendation engine for ivermectin is recommending you also buy a pulse oximeter, just in case the horse paste doesn’t turn out to be as bulletproof as a vaccine. So, in conclusion, 2021: just as crazy as 2020.

Elsewhere on the podcast, Rawnsley discusses how Russian trolls—not the GRU guys, kind of a clumsier, knockoff version—are trying and failing to make Americans and Europeans believe that the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines will turn us into chimpanzees.

Weill walks us through the latest audit clown show down in Virginia, where state Sen. Amanda Chase really hopes you’ll give her $$$$ to re-tally her state’s not-even-close election.

And guest Cameron Joseph, a senior political reporter at Vice News, breaks down the simmering cold war between Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump for control of the Republican Party and its candidates during the midterms. As Joseph notes, there’s a gigantic slate of Republican candidates who are lining up to run in 2022 on the lie that the presidential election was stolen from Trump—a loyalty litmus test the former president is demanding in exchange for his support. Problem is, many of those candidates are too fringe to win in the purple states that will decide control of the Senate. And that could cause big headaches for Mitch as he tries to recapture the majority...
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How much money does this bullshit cost Florida in legal fees, we already know what it's costing in lives. Cruise ships, railways, planes and pipelines are under federal jurisdiction, it's a waste of time and money, just window dressing for the small minority of drooling idiots who support this shit

Anti-vaxxers attempting to target the BBC stormed the wrong building and clashed with police
  • Anti-vaccine protesters tried to storm the BBC headquarters in London but ended up at the wrong building.
  • The building the protestors target ted houses apartments and studios rented by another British broadcaster.
  • Protestors later moved to the BBC Broadcasting House, but police were already stationed there.
Hundreds of anti-vaccine protestors stormed a building on Monday in west London, thinking it was the BBC's headquarters, reported The Guardian. Seemingly unbeknownst to them, however, the broadcaster had moved out of that building in 2012.

Videos uploaded online showed protestors trying to enter the BBC Television Centre in White City, clashing with police in the process.

The crowd was protesting the BBC's coronavirus coverage, shouting "shame on you" outside the building, reported The Guardian. They were also protesting against vaccine passports and vaccinations for children, reported radio station LBC.

The building they stormed served as the BBC's headquarters until 2012. It currently houses TV studios - rented mainly by ITV, another British broadcaster, for programs like "Good morning Britain" and "Loose Women" - while the rest of the building is mainly made up of apartments.

ITV presenter Charlene White was filming her show "Loose Women'' when protestors attempted to enter the building. In a tweet, she thanked the Metropolitan Police (MET) for holding the protestors off.
the CDC told us to take our masks off and we're on 'the honor system'..i've been thinking lately how bad that advice was.
The same for our provincial government. Get vaccinated and you can get a card saying you are. But you do not have to wear a mask, we recommend it but you do not have to. Of course it will be the non-vaccinated that will walk around without a mask and the vaccinated will. And this will give a level of comfort to the maskless knowing the rest of us will wear it.
The same for our provincial government. Get vaccinated and you can get a card saying you are. But you do not have to wear a mask, we recommend it but you do not have to. Of course it will be the non-vaccinated that will walk around without a mask and the vaccinated will. And this will give a level of comfort to the maskless knowing the rest of us will wear it.

i've noticed they quite don't have a handle on this yet.

United Airline CEO put down the vaccine hammer today for all US based crew- they don't have donors; the 70% buy tickets and we want masks.

How much money does this bullshit cost Florida in legal fees, we already know what it's costing in lives. Cruise ships, railways, planes and pipelines are under federal jurisdiction, it's a waste of time and money, just window dressing for the small minority of drooling idiots who support this shit

the MAGA 30% are cruisers..they like the buffet, all the alcohol you can drink and gambling. they even have daily cruises to nowhere so you can get your fix between cruises.
Psaki takes aim at DeSantis over Florida ventilator request
White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Wednesday questioned why Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) would be "opposed" to receiving ventilators given the COVID-19 rise in his state.

“As a policy, we don’t send ventilators to states without their interest in receiving the ventilators. I think the most important question here is why would you oppose receiving the ventilators when clearly you need those in your state given the percentage of hospitalizations that are occurring?” Psaki said when asked if the White House knows who in Florida made the request for hundreds of more ventilators.

DeSantis had told ABC News he was unaware of the request made by his state’s health department for ventilators.

The Biden administration sent some 200 ventilators and 100 smaller breathing devices from the strategic national stockpile to Florida at the state’s request to deal with the rising COVID-19 cases straining area hospitals.

ABC News affiliate Local 10 reported Monday that the Florida Health Department requested 300 ventilators Friday from the federal government, the request DeSantis said he was unaware of.
Parents surround health workers advocating for masks in schools: 'We know who you are'
According to video circulated on social media, a group of parents in Franklin, Tenn., surrounded the health care workers while they were leaving a building during a Williamson County School District Board meeting.

The footage shows parents chanting "we'll not comply" as the workers exit through building doors. Some parents are seen yelling obscenities toward one health care professional as he heads into the parking lot. One woman can be heard yelling "take that mask off!"

As the footage continues, an unmasked man in a black shirt can be seen yelling at the health care worker who has made it into his car.

"You're not on our side!" he yells. "We know who you are."

Another man in a blue, long sleeved shirt confronted the driver.

“We know who you are. You can leave freely, but we will find you,” he said, pointing a finger at the driver's side window.

Parents surround health workers advocating for masks in schools: 'We know who you are'
According to video circulated on social media, a group of parents in Franklin, Tenn., surrounded the health care workers while they were leaving a building during a Williamson County School District Board meeting.

The footage shows parents chanting "we'll not comply" as the workers exit through building doors. Some parents are seen yelling obscenities toward one health care professional as he heads into the parking lot. One woman can be heard yelling "take that mask off!"

As the footage continues, an unmasked man in a black shirt can be seen yelling at the health care worker who has made it into his car.

"You're not on our side!" he yells. "We know who you are."

Another man in a blue, long sleeved shirt confronted the driver.

“We know who you are. You can leave freely, but we will find you,” he said, pointing a finger at the driver's side window.


something very bad is going to happen in addition to my Q4 prediction.
Schwarzenegger to anti-maskers: 'Screw your freedom'
"Because with freedom comes obligations and responsibilities," the Republican former California governor said in a YouTube video released Wednesday. The action movie-star-turned-politician's remarks were part of a discussion with CNN's Bianna Golodryga and Alexander Vindman to promote Vindman's new book, "Here, Right Matters."

"We cannot just say, 'I have the right to do X, Y and Z.' When you affect other people, that is when it gets serious," Schwarzenegger, 74, said.

The ex-bodybuilder likened opposition to face masks to bucking traffic laws.

"You cannot say, 'No one is going to tell me that I'm going to stop here, that I have to stop at this traffic light here. I'm going to go right through it.' Then you kill someone else, and then it is your doing," he said.

"This is the same thing with the virus," the "Terminator" star explained. "You cannot go not put the mask on because when you breathe, you can infect someone else. And you can infect someone that then gets sick and may die."

"Yeah, you have the freedom to wear no mask. But you know something, you're a schmuck for not wearing a mask because you're supposed to protect the fellow members around you," Schwarzenegger said.

"I don't want to villainize anyone here," he continued, "but I just wanted to tell everyone, let's work together and let's stop fighting because there is a virus, and it's better to get vaccinated [and] to wear a mask."
That’s sick! The music is freaky.
The whole situation is sick and some need to be hit with a club to make an impression. The only good that might come out of it is DeSantis, might lose reelection, but don't count on it. Many people feel he's threatening their kids with his idiotic stand on masks, folks don't forget shit like that.

The anti maskers and antivaxxers are a shrinking minority, in a democracy the majority rule on policy, fuck them.
The whole situation is sick and some need to be hit with a club to make an impression. The only good that might come out of it is DeSantis, might lose reelection, but don't count on it. Many people feel he's threatening their kids with his idiotic stand on masks, folks don't forget shit like that.

The anti maskers and antivaxxers are a shrinking minority, in a democracy the majority rule on policy, fuck them.
Yeah Fuck them!
There is so much shit going down at work. Email after email about mandatory vaccine. One email had a 50 question and answer response to every scenario possible if your not vaccinated and what will happen if you don’t get it or if you get sick. Then there is a town hall meeting . I am worried about disgruntled employees who might hold a grudge and seek revenge.
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