Does anyone know any cops personally?
I know/knew a bunch and sold herb to a few (pre-drug tests) and got drunk with more than a few

The one thing in common with most cops, not all, but a lot, was that they fed off the power they had, bordering on psychoses.
Symptoms of psychosis include delusions (false beliefs) and hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that others do not see or hear). Other symptoms include incoherent or nonsense speech, and behavior that is inappropriate for the situation.
Sorta like this motherfucker.
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Very few did it for society's benefit, their reasons were more base than that, they did it because their father or brother was a cop, or they liked guns/being armed or they liked driving around with the siren on & the lights flashing.
Back in the good old day's (60's/70's) the heyday of beating up Hippies/Longhairs, (it was fun, they never fight back) if you had long hair you were sorta guaranteed to be stopped & searched
I can kinda relate to being a Black man in the US in that sense, being stopped/searched simply because of how you look. but you were fair game back then. (later I'll you some funny stories about being stopped & searched

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They liked the relatively easy work (except Detroit/Chicago/NYC or LA, they earn their money)
They like the job security & retiring after 20 years with 80% salary & full benefits.
And a lot liked/loved kicking ass.
I mean LOVED it (except these guys

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So, in other words a lot are fucked in the head and it is never noticed (Because the other cops are as fucked up as them and they think that's normal? ) until it's too late and they shoot/choke/kill someone.
Test them all for psychological problems annually before they kill/hurt someone, not after the fact.
I understand that could be problematic as they probably/definitely would find more than a few that are actually a danger/detriment to civilized Society, and the police could/will end up wih a manpower shortage
Oh well/tough shit
Get them the fuck off the force, we don't need any more dangers to life and limb, we have enough.
I knew one cop who actually loved the movie Dirty Harry so much that he bought a Colt .44 Magnum, and ranted and raved about how much he would love to see the effect of a 240 grain hollow point on a human torso & he was not joking. (9 mm just wasn't enough)
And this nut was on the force & his father was the fucking Captain of the Police Dept in White Plains, NY in the late 60's/70's.
This is a funny & true story about that cop, who besides that fantasy was a decent enough guy & I considered him a friend (better than an enemy)
I was walking on the street in my home town White Plains one day in around 1973 & Bing (that was his name, his mother named him after Bing Crosby, the singer

) was standing at a crosswalk in uniform, I guess you could say working.
Anyway this was the 1st time that I had seen him since he got on the force, and I asked him does this mean that you stopped smoking? (I sold to him)
He pulls off his hat & tucked in the hat was a full zip of herb & he say's "Fuck no" and starts to laugh & walks away.
I loved that guy even though he was a psyco. (This was his Hero

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Thinking of Bing now (He passed on/massive heart attack/lights out/good way to go) & I'm going to burn a bowl right now in remembrance & listen to some Bing
Take care/stay safe