UK study suggests that Delta is twice as likely to put you in the hospital as the original virus.
it will trick those who have 'known someone' who recovered, into thinking they're Superman/woman.
UK study suggests that Delta is twice as likely to put you in the hospital as the original virus.
Depends on the remaining available hosts to be infected. At some time you will run out.I think that number is low, we are at almost 2,000 a day now and there is exponential spread still happening.
Like Venom Coursing Through the Body: Mechanism Driving COVID-19 Mortality Identified
An enzyme with an elusive role in severe inflammation may be a key mechanism driving COVID-19 severity and could provide a new therapeutic target to reduce COVID-19 mortality, according to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation.
Researchers from the University of Arizona, in collaboration with Stony Brook University and Wake Forest University School of Medicine, analyzed blood samples from two COVID-19 patient cohorts and found that circulation of the enzyme – secreted phospholipase A2 group IIA, or sPLA2-IIA – may be the most important factor in predicting which patients with severe COVID-19 eventually succumb to the virus.
sPLA2-IIA, which has similarities to an active enzyme in rattlesnake venom, is found in low concentrations in healthy individuals and has long been known to play a critical role in defense against bacterial infections, destroying microbial cell membranes.
When the activated enzyme circulates at high levels, it has the capacity to “shred” the membranes of vital organs, said Floyd (Ski) Chilton, senior author on the paper and director of the UArizona Precision Nutrition and Wellness Initiative housed in the university’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
“It’s a bell-shaped curve of disease resistance versus host tolerance,” Chilton said. “In other words, this enzyme is trying to kill the virus, but at a certain point it is released in such high amounts that things head in a really bad direction, destroying the patient’s cell membranes and thereby contributing to multiple organ failure and death.”
Like Venom Coursing Through the Body: Mechanism Driving COVID-19 Mortality Identified
Researchers have identified what may be the key molecular mechanism responsible for COVID-19 mortality – an enzyme related to neurotoxins found in rattlesnake venom. An enzyme with an elusive role in severe inflammation may be a key mechanism driving COVID-19 severity and could provide a new
This looks promising.
Alabama has now activated second of four mobile cold body trailers for the corpse overflow.
Staff said “ We have no other place to put the bodies “ as up to 50 bodies a day need to be stored.
I think that number is low, we are at almost 2,000 a day now and there is exponential spread still happening.
Depends on the remaining available hosts to be infected. At some time you will run out.
Alabama has now activated second of four mobile cold body trailers for the corpse overflow.
Staff said “ We have no other place to put the bodies “ as up to 50 bodies a day need to be stored.
No. Imagine That Man as a martyr.Sirhan sirhan looks like he is gonna need a job soon ….
Destroy the Orange Julius
You don’t believe people can be rehabilitated?No. Imagine That Man as a martyr.
He needs to be dismantled using our judicial system operating as it is meant to. That will destroy his reputation where an extermination wouldnt.
What do you suggest we do?Oh the Almighty liberal left in the Covid bullshit vaccines they keep on coming out with!! FDA approved my ass, what a complete joke Biden and the entire liberal left has become lol. Fucking tools
Oh the Almighty liberal left in the Covid bullshit vaccines they keep on coming out with!! FDA approved my ass, what a complete joke Biden and the entire liberal left has become lol. Fucking tools
Because you said so?Oh the Almighty liberal left in the Covid bullshit vaccines they keep on coming out with!! FDA approved my ass, what a complete joke Biden and the entire liberal left has become lol. Fucking tools
Your angry words do nothing to convince. So, here are the facts:Oh the Almighty liberal left in the Covid bullshit vaccines they keep on coming out with!! FDA approved my ass, what a complete joke Biden and the entire liberal left has become lol. Fucking tools
Oh the Almighty liberal left in the Covid bullshit vaccines they keep on coming out with!! FDA approved my ass, what a complete joke Biden and the entire liberal left has become lol. Fucking tools