Pandemic 2020

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There's gonna be somethings done to his ass without his authorization. I'd say a lengthy jail sentence of at least several months is warranted along with a 30 day psychiatric examination. Also an in depth interview with his wife by a female cop.

Canadian police seek man who allegedly punched nurse for vaccinating his wife
A man confronted a female nurse at a pharmacy in Quebec for giving his wife a Covid-19 vaccine ‘without his authorization’
There's gonna be somethings done to his ass without his authorization. I'd say a lengthy jail sentence of at least several months is warranted along with a 30 day psychiatric examination. Also an in depth interview with his wife by a female cop.

Canadian police seek man who allegedly punched nurse for vaccinating his wife
A man confronted a female nurse at a pharmacy in Quebec for giving his wife a Covid-19 vaccine ‘without his authorization’
No, you forget where he is from. He will get a slap on the wrist, community service and counseling. Might even make him a better person.
There's gonna be somethings done to his ass without his authorization. I'd say a lengthy jail sentence of at least several months is warranted along with a 30 day psychiatric examination. Also an in depth interview with his wife by a female cop.
He should get more than that and probably will. Over 2 years and he’s in a federal penitentiary. He’ll be getting a lot of things done to him without his authorization.
on the pandemic map, the top half of US is in red again for this week..that was now you can see in real time the effect.


this mirrors where the people are from who went there.
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CNN reporter tracks down doctor spreading dangerous lies. Hear her shocking claims
I wish that reporter would have asked her about the speech she was going to give on Jan 6th after Trump being canceled.

So we had a Covid test on the 18th for my kid. Still no result. Her quarantine from scholl if she does have Covid ends Saturday.

How is she doing?
How is she doing?
We're all doing fine. Most likely just a cold. She went from stuffy, runny nose to a dry cough but that has abated. We would certainly have her back in school yesterday if we could just get a test result. We have consulted with the school and they agree that her current symptoms would be ok - if we could just get a test result. I'm sort of a sneezy mess today but feel fine.
We're all doing fine. Most likely just a cold. She went from stuffy, runny nose to a dry cough but that has abated. We would certainly have her back in school yesterday if we could just get a test result. We have consulted with the school and they agree that her current symptoms would be ok - if we could just get a test result. I'm sort of a sneezy mess today but feel fine.
Im not sure if you said or not, but did you try the home test kits from CVS?
Just got a call from my doctor about my tests on Tuesday. They were processed at the local hospital rather than through Rite Aid so it was a lot quicker. Would have done the same with my daughter but we would have had to wait a minimum of two days to do it. No covid result yet but I did test positive for rhinovirus which is what we expected.

Never should have gone to the zoo last week.


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