Pandemic 2020

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So this is the fucking clown you listen to, Rand Paul? Did you donate any money?
I think Rand Paul is a douche. I do believe him when he caught Fauci laying about gain of function funded by NHIS and tax payer dollars and called him out. I like that he fights for those that dont follow blindly.

My opinion is Fauci is a liar and a snake. This is his second time getting caught lying about the virus.
Obviously, someone made or told him to deny and not report. He is the face of all this, maybe a pawn. I would sure like to know the truth is all. And why they hid this info.

Well I think the lab leak speculation has always been there, it was discussed quite a bit when the pandemic started. Again though, that isn't really his job and should have been handled by other agencies who would have had the same or better Intel.

I would have to ask why the previous administration hid that info? That's who would have received the information and it's their duty to communicate with the American people. Perhaps they told fauci to bury it?

It's pretty "sus" as the kids say. I think fauci is being used as a scapegoat.
All of Stinkys supporters are contortionists, they twist themselves into knots trying to explain their insane beliefs.
Logic is not their strong suit and neither is intelligence from what I've seen. No wonder these white deplorables are worried about being replaced by better brown people. They are taking over because America is also a meritocracy and these assholes can't compete and they know it, they also figure their kids are stupid too and can't run with the big dogs. Hence their fear and loathing and why they were driven into a fear driven fascist tribe, that is the modern republican party.

As society changes the whites at the bottom of the heap and those who are doing well by luck and know it, will cause the most trouble, they are losers and know it, but can't quite accept the fact. It's just like the republican party, you don't need to lie and cheat, if you know you are going to win anyway, cheating is done by those who lose or know that they will.
I think Rand Paul is a douche. I do believe him when he caught Fauci laying about gain of function funded by NHIS and tax payer dollars and called him out. I like that he fights for those that dont follow blindly.

My opinion is Fauci is a liar and a snake. This is his second time getting caught lying about the virus.
Government cover ups totally exist, long well documented history of it.

I think there is a decent amount of propaganda going around trying to show normal things as conspiracies to distract from the actual ones. bongsmilie
I think Rand Paul is a douche. I do believe him when he caught Fauci laying about gain of function funded by NHIS and tax payer dollars and called him out. I like that he fights for those that dont follow blindly.

My opinion is Fauci is a liar and a snake. This is his second time getting caught lying about the virus.
Yep Fauci is evil and the sun shines out of Trump's asshole. You believe bullshit and are helping to besmirch the name of a good an honorable man, a better man than you will ever be on your best day. He is highly paid because he has so much seniority, 37 years at the top of this field and he is honored and respected for a reason by his profession. He is also getting death threats from republicans as are almost all other public officials.

There are not good people on both sides, there are evil fools who lie on one side and good honest people on the other who are trying to do their best to help their country. Unvaxxed fools harm their country, believe bullshit, are completely ignorant and have no place criticizing a decent man like Fauci, who is an expert and leader in his field. Fools seldom feel shame though, that takes common sense and decency, qualities lacking in republicans and those antivaxxers who spread dangerous bullshit, both are the same.
Covid everywhere and death you say? I wonder if this is Omicron? @Roger A. Shrubber says it's time to get off our lazy asses.

used to be a time when 1300 dead every day was pearl clutch/smelling salts. and now..?
sweetie, you can't make the American people do fuck all...the boat we're in right now proves it. three separate safe, stable vaccines have been developed for use in the country, and supplied for free. we still have over 30% of the country unvaccinated, because they're fucking stupid. you cannot expect intelligent responses from stupid people. so what do you want to do? shut down the country again? that does little good if the rest of the world doesn't comply as well, and they won't. Governors of republican states refuse to enforce mandates from the administration they hate, trump's loaded supreme court will do nothing to help, and people just don't give a fuck anymore, even though many of them watched at least one person they knew die to covid...
as far as i can see, we better all cross our fingers and hope for endemic herd immunity soon, otherwise things are going to get a lot uglier than we've ever seen them, as more virulent and potent variants pop up.
in the mean time, i'm getting paid and saving as much as i can, in case shit does go south again, and i suggest everyone able to, to do the same.
That's my whole point. I don't care which side lied. Our government is lying and covering this up.
Simple minds believe in soundbites rather than spending the time to really be knowledgeable enough to understand the facts. More interesting to follow football, The Apprentice or something. The dumbing down of society.
But at least he is one of them that believes in the vaccines.
Yep vaxxed and boosted, I figure he should be OK, he's also getting additional treatment. He tried his best to warn the yokels and hillbillies, but to no avail. WV has a very low vaxx rate is full of people with comorbidities and has a poor healthcare system. I expect it's gonna get real bad in WV.
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