Pandemic 2020

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heard on the news this morning but can't find link so i hope my cred will do..omicron lives in the air for only a few minutes.
New study says air knocks down COVID-19 infection rate by 90 percent
In a study uploaded to a preprint server this week, but is yet to be peer-reviewed, researchers in the U.K. found that the airborne infectivity rate of COVID-19 declines over the first 20 minutes after it's been released into the air. The research emphasizes that physical distancing and wearing masks are the strongest tools to prevent a COVID-19 infection.

Researchers studied the infectivity rate of COVID-19 over the course of 20 minutes and found a decrease almost immediately, with the virus losing infectivity by 50 to 60 percent within seconds of being released into the air and by the first two minutes the infectivity dropped further by 90 percent. After 10 minutes, only 10 percent of the virus remained infectious.

“It means that if I’m meeting friends for lunch in a pub today, the primary [risk] is likely to be me transmitting it to my friends, or my friends transmitting it to me, rather than it being transmitted from someone on the other side of the room,” said Jonathan Reid, a professor at the University of Bristol and the study’s lead author, to The Guardian.

The loss of infectivity of COVID-19 has to do with the elevation in pH in virus droplets, with researchers suggesting that as the viral particles leave the moist and carbon dioxide-rich lungs of humans, they begin to rapidly lose water and dry out once they hit the air outside our lungs. That transition to lower levels of carbon dioxide is associated with an increase in pH.

Researchers said the temperature of the air didn’t make any difference in how infectious the virus was, which contradicts previous theories that COVID-19 doesn’t spread as easily in higher temperatures.

However, researchers did say that airborne droplets are notoriously difficult to study, as the vast majority of indoor aerosols originate from candles, dust, outdoor air, pollution and food cookers. However, under most conditions, exhaled aerosol droplets rapidly lose both moisture and heat through evaporation.

Researchers only studied three COVID-19 variants, which included the alpha variant. They hope to continue experiments that look at the infectivity rate of the omicron variant in the coming weeks.

Please, please don't say/tell me that.
This a historical/biblical actually event & opportunity .
This appears to be an inflection point in American history, a pivotal point in the struggle for the soul of the nation. Not much different than if the King of an ancient country decided to convert to Christianity, eventually the pagans were fucked.

Win big enough in November and you can level the playing field and make other real changes that can make a difference moving forward. The democrats have to do is increase the level of democracy and decrease the level of divisive disinformation, while dealing with domestic terrorism like every other democratic country. This year democrats need to do other things too, like vote in the midterms and run for local political offices like county clerk, the minor posts, you know the folks who decide who votes, where and who counts the votes on a municipal or county level. Democrats need to run, organize and volunteer for local and state elections where a few or a few hundred votes can make a difference. Get offline and watching the news and hit the bricks actually working politics, volunteering on the ground and face to face. If democrats spent as much time doing politics as watching and talking politics, there would be a lot of changes in America.

If I were an American I'd be volunteering and giving money, I'm retired and if my area was blue, I'd travel to a nearby rural red area. Join or form an organization with a plan and way to win elections at all levels, local, state and federal. History doesn't make itself, people do that.
Only thing protecting us is we sit at home smoking weed, trimming dope, eating snacks. No exposure, no problem.
Ya the problem is the snacks part lol. We have a cart cleaning station at the local grocery in the village and the Farm Boy I go to actually cleans each one as it gets used.
Please, please don't say/tell me that.
This a historical/biblical actually event & opportunity .
As 99% of those assholes probably believe that death is simply God's will, make 'em happy & let them go to the bosom of their Savior.
Let the fuckers die.
If I was a tech in Florida I would ask what your party affiliation is before I gave them the shot
Dems/Socialist/Green/Communist/Sons of Anarchy all get the real deal
Republicans= Gatorade (adds electrolytes)

they won't get the shot friend who had shots and booster but still got because of her granddaughter visiting? i know that you already know this but with having all the protection she said 'do whatever you can to not get this'. those fatty fats in mid-north florida? you won't get the real numbers from DeSantis.
Only thing protecting us is we sit at home smoking weed, trimming dope, eating snacks. No exposure, no problem.

Governor Polis said you are 'safer at home..if you wish to be completely safe, stay home'.

i'm taking his advice.

who's the asshole now? wonder how many times that bitch on the motorcycle got it.

'can Grand Junction opt out?' (real question)
Blood type is all can come up with. next time i see my friend i'm going to ask..she got it but her husband didn't.

it seems to like B-type you she's's be interesting to find out now. Bookmarked:wink:
I’ve heard that before re O type at the beginning but haven’t delved into it. My youngest kid gives blood every 4 weeks (not now though) as she’s a universal donor, pretty cool that she does that.
Official who spoke against vaccines dies from Covid-19 and sparks big reaction

CNN's Michael Smerconish speaks with Los Angeles Times columnist Michael Hiltzik about his article on reacting to the Covid-19 deaths of people who spoke out against getting the vaccine.
Fun fact: in NL, coffeeshops (dispensaries) are considered “essential” businesses. Meaning, during the lockdown, they are allowed to remain open for take away. The grocery stores closes at 8pm, all restaurants and bars are closed, other stores reopened today but have to close at 6pm, yet coffeeshops are open till 10pm. The only thing open any longer is a gas station. I’d say we finally got our priorities straight. bongsmilie

On a more serious note, still breaking records, 32k-35k positives per day (3x record during previous waves). Hospitalisations lowest since october. As DiY mentioned, it’s projected half the population in europe will be infected with omicron within a couple of months. Bad scenario, yet good odds for me considering I surely follow basic measures more than half the people I encounter.
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