Pandemic 2020

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the virus isn't a sentient being, and bad mutations do's all the luck of the draw, doesn't matter that the new strain would kill it's hosts, all it needs is enough traction to get started...
You are right. Viruses don't always evolve to become less virulent.

I was citing a truthy theory that's been around for more than 100 years.

Debunking the idea viruses always evolve to become less virulent
The concept can be traced back to a theory from the late 1800s.

The idea that infections tend to become less lethal over time was first proposed by notable bacteriologist Dr. Theobald Smith in the late 1800s. His theory about pathogen evolution was later dubbed the "law of declining virulence."

Simple and elegant, Smith's theory was that to ensure their own survival, pathogens evolve to stop killing their human hosts. Instead, they create only a mild infection, allowing people to walk around, spreading the virus further afield. Good for the virus, and, arguably, good for us.

But over the past 100 years, virologists have learned that virus evolution is more chaotic. Virus evolution is a game of chance, and less about grand design.

In some cases, viruses evolve to become more virulent.

Continued virus survival, spread and virulence are all about the evolutionary pressures of multiple factors, including the number of people available to infect, how long humans live after infection, the immune system response and time between infection and symptom onset.

Unfortunately, that means it's nearly impossible to predict the future of the pandemic, because viruses don't always evolve in a predictable pattern.
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You are right. Viruses don't always evolve to become less virulent.

I was citing a truthy theory that's been around for more than 100 years.

Debunking the idea viruses always evolve to become less virulent
The concept can be traced back to a theory from the late 1800s.

The idea that infections tend to become less lethal over time was first proposed by notable bacteriologist Dr. Theobald Smith in the late 1800s. His theory about pathogen evolution was later dubbed the "law of declining virulence."

Simple and elegant, Smith's theory was that to ensure their own survival, pathogens evolve to stop killing their human hosts. Instead, they create only a mild infection, allowing people to walk around, spreading the virus further afield. Good for the virus, and, arguably, good for us.

But over the past 100 years, virologists have learned that virus evolution is more chaotic. Virus evolution is a game of chance, and less about grand design.

In some cases, viruses evolve to become more virulent.

Continued virus survival, spread and virulence are all about the evolutionary pressures of multiple factors, including the number of people available to infect, how long humans live after infection, the immune system response and time between infection and symptom onset.

Unfortunately, that means it's nearly impossible to predict the future of the pandemic, because viruses don't always evolve in a predictable pattern.
lets keep our fingers crossed that this doesn't happen, but never forget that it can...this is one reason i'm so tough on antivaxxers...they seem to have no fucking clue what they're gambling about
Three children under 10 among COVID-19 ICU patients

5:21 PM CST Monday, Jan. 24, 2022

Three young children are among COVID-19 patients currently receiving life-saving care in Manitoba. Of the 52 patients in ICUs as of Monday morning, three are under the age of 10.

Shared Health provided the age range data Monday, showing most ICU patients are in their 40s, 50s and 60s.

There were three patients in their 20s, six in their 30s, 12 in their 40s, seven in their 50s, 13 in their 60s and four each in their 70s and 80s.

Approximately 52 per cent of COVID-19 patients in the ICU are unvaccinated.
Left is population in NL, right is people in hospital. Green is boostered, purple is double vaxxed (not boostered), blue is unvaxxed. For example, 56% of population is boostered, only 1.5% of people in hospitals are boostered. 14% of population is unvaxxed, while they make up over 55% of the people in hospitals.

"Vaccines still offer high protection"
"Hardly any boostered people in hospital"

Draw your own conclusions.
Not a good sign of what's to come going on in Israel. They have been pushing their 4th shot second booster for a while yet their hospitalizations are sky rocketing and nearing a all time high.
Not a good sign of what's to come going on in Israel. They have been pushing their 4th shot second booster for a while yet their hospitalizations are sky rocketing and nearing a all time high.
Each recurring vaccination lasts roughly have the length of time as the previous one. Three shots is about all she wrote. Get your yearly shot once we get through Omicron.
I’m no expert and actually to high to look but do virus’s typically mutate this fast and so much? Ya I’ll look tomorrow but just a thought.
Mutates fast and 'so much' relative to what? If it would be 'fast and so much' would it still be typical? :eyesmoke:

According to one relevant study a single human being can have an estimated corona virus population in its body that is roughly 17x larger than the human population on planet earth. A virus population replicates in a matter of hours/days instead of years, and grows more exponentially. Every time one of them (the cell it infected) replicates, an error may occur, resulting in a mutant. The majority of them are failures.

It's a botched comparison for many reasons but still, if you had roughly 4,000,000,000,000 planets with inbreeding hillbillies, would you consider it "fast" and so much, if every few months at one of those earths, a mutant is born, whose descendants, after 10,000 of breeding, can dominate the rest?
Continued virus survival, spread and virulence are all about the evolutionary pressures of multiple factors
Like an invasion of the wart aliens. They spare only humans who are more genetically predisposed to get warts, causing those humans to procreate preferably with the most warty other people, and then after thousands of years of breeding produce only wart people. Non-warts will be forced to go underground, where they can't see shit, so most of them die. Except the descendants of one woman, who has a gene defect that caused her eyes to detect light of lower energy, giving her infrared vision. Somewhere in this infinite multiverse...
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Like an invasion of the wart aliens. They spare only humans who are more genetically predisposed to get warts, causing those humans to procreate preferably with the most warty other people, and then after thousands of years of breeding produce only wart people. Non-warts will be forced to go underground, where they can't see shit, so most of them die. Except the descendants of one women, who has a gene defect that caused her eyes to detect light of lower energy, giving her infrared vision. Somewhere in this infinite multiverse...
I want what you are smoking.

In the early phases of the pandemic, as the coronavirus spread in the United States and doctors and pharmacists and supermarket clerks continued to work and risk infection, some commentators made reference—metaphorical reference, fast and loose and over the top—to ritual human sacrifice. The immediate panicky focus on resuming business as usual in order to keep the stock market from crashing was the equivalent of “those who offered human sacrifices to Moloch,” according to the writer Kitanya Harrison. That first summer, as Republicans settled into their anti-testing, anti-lockdown, anti-mask, nothing-to-worry-about orthodoxy, Representative Jamie Raskin, a Democrat, said it was “like a policy of mass human sacrifice.” The anthropology professor Shan-Estelle Brown and the researcher Zoe Pearson wrote that people who continued to do their jobs outside their homes were essentially victims of “involuntary human sacrifice, made to look voluntary.” Meanwhile, people on the right likewise compared the inconvenience of closing down public places to ritual sacrifice.

I got in on the analogy too: After Donald Trump’s first big indoor pandemic campaign rally in June 2020, I made a crack on Twitter that for the 6,000 MAGA folks attending it was like a “human sacrifice to please the leader.” And indeed at least once during the month before the rally, Trump played the part of a gung-ho godlike king presiding over the glorious sacrificial deaths of his subjects. When asked, during an Oval Office encounter with the press, whether the nation will “just have to accept the idea that … there will be more deaths” as a result of his open-everything-up-now plan, he said, “I call these people warriors, and I’m actually calling now … the nation, warriors. We have to be warriors.”

“Warriors,” “mass human sacrifice”: These were high-pitched figures of speech studding a debate about our political economy—whether and how governments should intervene to keep people and businesses financially afloat, and how many lives were worth how much of a hit to the economy. Beneath the polemics this discourse was at least fundamentally rational, a weighing of social costs against social benefits.

Today, however, the economy is no longer in jeopardy; unemployment rates and salaries have returned to pre-pandemic levels; GDP per person is higher than it was at the end of 2019; personal savings are growing, and businesses are starting up faster than ever; corporate profits and stock prices are at record highs. And for more than a year, we’ve had astoundingly effective vaccines that radically reduce the risk of hospitalization and death from COVID-19. All of which means that for a long time now the right’s ongoing propaganda campaign against and organized political resistance to vaccination, among other public-health protocols, has been killing many, many Americans for no reasonable, ethically justifiable social purpose.

In other words, what we’ve experienced certainly since the middle of 2021 is literally ritual human sacrifice on a mass scale—the real thing, comparable to the innumerable ghastly historical versions.

Anthropologists define ritual sacrifice as societies’ organized killing of people in order to please supernatural beings and—the unspoken real-world part—to fortify the political and economic power of those societies’ elites. The tradition is right there in the first book of the Bible, when God commands Abraham to prove he loves him by murdering his son, and then only at the last second lets Abraham off the hook. For thousands of years in societies all over the world, small-scale and large-scale human sacrifice was common.

One big difference between then and now is the likelihood of death. In sacrificial spectacles hundreds and thousands of years ago, almost all of those chosen to die died, whether or not they had volunteered, whereas only a fraction of the people now volunteering to die by forgoing vaccinations actually do. It’s the new and improved modern version of mass human sacrifice.
Like an invasion of the wart aliens. They spare only humans who are more genetically predisposed to get warts, causing those humans to procreate preferably with the most warty other people, and then after thousands of years of breeding produce only wart people. Non-warts will be forced to go underground, where they can't see shit, so most of them die. Except the descendants of one woman, who has a gene defect that caused her eyes to detect light of lower energy, giving her infrared vision. Somewhere in this infinite multiverse...
Didn’t the underground people have flashlights? And how many times did compound W stock split? I see a movie deal :o!
COVID-19 will continue but the end of the pandemic is near

"By March, 2022 a large proportion of the world will have been infected with the omicron variant. With continued increases in COVID-19 vaccination, the use in many countries of a third vaccine dose, and high levels of infection-acquired immunity, for some time global levels of SARS-CoV-2 immunity should be at an all time high. For some weeks or months, the world should expect low levels of virus transmission.

I use the term pandemic to refer to the extraordinary societal efforts over the past 2 years to respond to a new pathogen that have changed how individuals live their lives and how policy responses have developed in governments around the world. These efforts have saved countless lives globally. New SARS-CoV-2 variants will surely emerge and some may be more severe than omicron. Immunity, whether infection or vaccination derived, will wane, creating opportunities for continued SARS-CoV-2 transmission. Given seasonality, countries should expect increased potential transmission in winter months.
The impacts of future SARS-CoV-2 transmission on health, however, will be less because of broad previous exposure to the virus, regularly adapted vaccines to new antigens or variants, the advent of antivirals, and the knowledge that the vulnerable can protect themselves during future waves when needed by using high-quality masks and physical distancing. COVID-19 will become another recurrent disease that health systems and societies will have to manage. For example, the death toll from omicron seems to be similar in most countries to the level of a bad influenza season in northern hemisphere countries. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated the worse influenza season during the past decade in 2017–18 caused about 52 000 influenza deaths with a likely peak of more than 1500 deaths per day.
The era of extraordinary measures by government and societies to control SARS-CoV-2 transmission will be over. After the omicron wave, COVID-19 will return but the pandemic will not."

LOL now LANCET is going on the death troll cult human sacrifice side, just wait them also to be dead and all will be ok fellow obsessed covidists !
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See above for the article mentioned
Kurt Andersen: Anti-Vax Right Brought Human Sacrifice To America

Kurt Andersen joins Lawrence O’Donnell to discuss his new piece in the Atlantic examining how the “main features” of historical societies that practiced mass human sacrifice have “absolute parallels” with what Republican leaders are doing to their own voters today by pushing anti-vaccination propaganda as a means of “social control.”
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