Pandemic 2020

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i believe you are making a fundamental error of reason.
Your post reduces to “I see or hear no signs locally, therefore it isnt really a thing.”

So, no. Bad dataset, from which imagined “nefarious purposes” (?okay, whose grand conspiracy and why?) cannot be derived.
I see the same numbers everyone else does. I interpret them differently like a lot of others folks. You are only reading what you want to argue with. I never said it wasn't real. Quite the contrary. And the nefarious reasoning is simple. Follow the money. Shut down the small business and corporations make more money.
I see the same numbers everyone else does. I interpret them differently like a lot of others folks. You are only reading what you want to argue with. I never said it wasn't real. Quite the contrary. And the nefarious reasoning is simple. Follow the money. Shut down the small business and corporations make more money.
i see. you’re one of those.
Anyway. You guys carry on drinking that Kool-Aid. Anyone who believes the so called news is a fool. And name calling, really? Retard at that. How offensive can you get? Last 3 months numbers in the US have tanked. Seen that graph? Get out of your room and the whole world opens up.
PRECIPITOUS DROP in US life expectancy—a net loss of 2.26 years from 2019 to 2021 due to the pandemic.
Average age of death over 70 from Covid 19. Have a nice masked up life. Something else will kill you first like cancer or kidney disease. Maybe a heart attack or stroke. But hey, you do you.
Ok....... What are you 12? I was looking for a conversation and instead got a case of "I know you are but what am I". Grow up!
The problem with your argument is the belief that a person who had a risk factor such as being Black in the US and died after contracting covid can be written off as dying from being Black in the US. Or old or having diabetes. You make it out to be the person's fault and not the disease. Well, a lot of people had a risk factor, led good lives before the pandemic, then died after contracting the disease that caused it, not the other way around.

You make it too complicated.

If a person was alive before contracting covid and then died from covid, they died of covid. Simple. It shows in overall death rates too. Just looking at population figures, Age adjusted death rate went up by about 15% in 2020. Life expectancy went down by two years. The largest drop in life expectancy since 1945.

It's up to each individual whether or not they get vaccinated. That you changed your mind about them means you aren't dumb, but I'm with Canuk and you. You aren't a rocket scientist. Then again, it's almost certain that some rocket scientists think vaccines are more dangerous than the disease they protect people from. Education isn't a good indicator of intelligence.
The problem with your argument is the belief that a person who had a risk factor such as being Black in the US and died after contracting covid can be written off as dying from being Black in the US. Or old or having diabetes. You make it out to be the person's fault and not the disease. Well, a lot of people had a risk factor, led good lives before the pandemic, then died after contracting the disease that caused it, not the other way around.

You make it too complicated.

If a person was alive before contracting covid and then died from covid, they died of covid. Simple. It shows in overall death rates too. Just looking at population figures, Age adjusted death rate went up by about 15% in 2020. Life expectancy went down by two years. The largest drop in life expectancy since 1945.

It's up to each individual whether or not they get vaccinated. That you changed your mind about them means you aren't dumb, but I'm with Canuk and you. You aren't a rocket scientist. Then again, it's almost certain that some rocket scientists think vaccines are more dangerous than the disease they protect people from. Education isn't a good indicator of intelligence.
I see it the other way around. If you have something killing you anyway then getting a cold is going to most likely do you in. This isn't new with Covid, just higher numbers. Say a man has HIV and dies of a cold. Was it because he had HIV that he died or because of the common cold? Your reasoning is flawed. Again. Caps for emphasis because everyone choses not to read this part. NOT SAYING IT ISN'T REAL. Just way over inflated. No where near as dangerous as we were led to believe.
Eh, I do think it's a bit odd that it was deemed time to open back up and go back to normal when cases were still high and nothing seemed to have really changed on the ground. The restrictions became increasingly unpopular with both sides, so away they went. It is what it is, I lay blame at the feet of the Republicans for the piss drinking anti science that dominated the conversation and made better options impossible, but it was pretty sus how the narrative changed recently.

I think we should all wear masks and steal from big box take my opinion with a grain of salt.
I see the same numbers everyone else does. I interpret them differently like a lot of others folks. You are only reading what you want to argue with. I never said it wasn't real. Quite the contrary. And the nefarious reasoning is simple. Follow the money. Shut down the small business and corporations make more money.
Oh, you are one of those.

Ah, no. The lockdowns during the beginning of the pandemic were a necessary response to a novel virus, when we had no vaccine for it and little knowlege of it. It was from a family of viruses that included the very deadly SARS-1. The lockdowns and caps on economic activity during 2020 saved lives

In the US, we kept the economy going by forcing people to work -- "excluded workers". They did not have the same benefits that non-essential workers had. They had to go out and face the epidemic. I'm talking about the ag workers, the people working in food processing plants, warehouses, people checking at the groceries our medical workers. They were forced into doing it and they died due to Covid at higher rates. Your premise would have made it worse. But we had very smart and knowledgeable medical experts to advise us, not mundanes like you. Many more are alive today because the US restricted social gatherings and required masks, social distancing, etc. Not to mention the nightmare that would have ensued had we kept our schools open.
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I see it the other way around. If you have something killing you anyway then getting a cold is going to most likely do you in. This isn't new with Covid, just higher numbers. Say a man has HIV and dies of a cold. Was it because he had HIV that he died or because of the common cold? Your reasoning is flawed. Again. Caps for emphasis because everyone choses not to read this part. NOT SAYING IT ISN'T REAL. Just way over inflated. No where near as dangerous as we were led to believe.
When a person's life is shortened after contracting a disease, you blame life?

That makes no sense.
Eh, I do think it's a bit odd that it was deemed time to open back up and go back to normal when cases were still high and nothing seemed to have really changed on the ground. The restrictions became increasingly unpopular with both sides, so away they went. It is what it is, I lay blame at the feet of the Republicans for the piss drinking anti science that dominated the conversation and made better options impossible, but it was pretty sus how the narrative changed recently.

I think we should all wear masks and steal from big box take my opinion with a grain of salt.
Odd indeed. Like I said above I have the vax. Since then there has been a nagging regret. Not that I think it is harmful in anyway but I regret more being duped I think.
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