Well-Known Member
Makes ya think.
Makes ya think.
Like I said I'm not familiar with the source and don't care to search. I live on the east coast and perhaps these folks have a particular beef, like being homeless, if so the government needs to address it. If they are just whining about the social distancing rules and getting incomes and are not in genuine distress, then I have little sympathy. I'm sure the folks in BC know how to handle the situation, if they break social distancing rules and want to promote the behavior in others I say, lock them up until they see a judge. There are lots of people in prison and jails now, they are not second class citizens either and these folks can join them.
Makes ya think.
That is terrifying. Best of luck I hope you guys have a game plan. You guys might want to set up a list of the possible packages those people touched (or figure out how to get that info JIC) and get a count on the days since they were possibly exposed. I don't know how card board or those plastic envelopes/tape would hold it for the 24 hours? 3 Days? I have seen both on here.So yesterday one of the employees tells me he thinks he is running a fever and feeling fluish. He is the second. The week before, another one who had recently returned from vacation where he attended large gatherings was quarantined under suspicion. There is no easy way to get a test here. You currently have to be admitted. The local hospital (one of several) had eleven cases last week and a young nurse's aid died of it. She is, was, a new mother. Now now I am worried it will go through our facility.
I feel like a raw nerve.
Out of all the conspiracies, that one just shows how horrifyingly evil these conspiracies are. I can't wait for this shit to costs companies that post them fined. Even if it only the 27 cents the troll got paid to post it.That movie also has conspiracies with Sandy hook.
What conspiracy?That movie also has conspiracies with Sandy hook.
The government doesn't need to shut things down in many cases, people do it on their own. Not too many will be climbing on a plane over the next year and tourism is a write off too, the people will decide when it's safe to come out again.So yesterday one of the employees tells me he thinks he is running a fever and feeling fluish. He is the second. The week before, another one who had recently returned from vacation where he attended large gatherings was quarantined under suspicion. There is no easy way to get a test here. You currently have to be admitted. The local hospital (one of several) had eleven cases last week and a young nurse's aid died of it. She is, was, a new mother. Now now I am worried it will go through our facility.
I feel like a raw nerve.
Morons can be found in every land on earth, we all have a plentiful supply. I wonder how they would feel about someone with a corona cough in their midst, what a great spot for a pissed off sick democrat. I'd never do such a thing, but plenty of people would, especially if they lost family over this bullshit and want some payback.Looks like Ohio is winning in the Darwin awards.
The trump presidency is imploding, I hope ya don't get any on ya, cause it's gonna be a mess. When will the oversight hearings begin? Nancy knows or is figuring out the best time to make Moscow Mitch and the GOP carry the stupid fucks water one more time. Documents and witnesses and the inherent power of congress to get them over this fiasco, the time is about right to start jailing some folks if required, but first make Mitch pay for a spell.
It does not mean they can't make Moscow Mitch and the rest of the senate clowns carry his water over this bullshit one final time before the election. Oversight into this fiasco will be much different than that of the past. It's gonna be fucking spectacular and the vast majority of Americans are frightened, pissed and want fucking answers. Try withholding documents & witnesses on this one, scientist will not obey, they will testify publicly in droves. Unlike Ukraine or some other "washington scandal" this one counts where the rubber meets the road, most of the public will be intensely interested too. Nancy needs the senate too, Joe just has to keep breathing to claim the presidency, no matter who he is running against now. You need a hat trick to get meaningful change, the republicans have to go, POTUS, house and senate. You won't last long as a country if your government is full of traitors and fools, just look at what one did.Oversight hearing for WHAT?!
We couldn't REMOVE him when we had him fair and square for all the country and world to see!!!!
What part of NEW oversight do you think he'll respond? He fired the Inspector General to keep tabs on that $500B slush fund..
and nobody CAN do anything!!!!!
with monarchy, dictator or despot, it's revolution or assassination..those are the fvcking choices or he will continue!!!
He already believe he is invincible and untouchable.
Welcome new sock that smells worse than the old sock.If anyone really wants to find out whats going on...
Check out Benjamin Fulford - He does a weekly 10 minute update about the deep state and EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW.
Start from the beginning of the pandemic to learn how US defaulted on their payments to China and why this Pandemic Started