i wouldn’t have a choice my license plate is a dead giveaway . Soooooo embarrassing . Yes I am from Oklahoma But No .. No I’m Absolutely not from Oklahoma.They might not let you in...
PS: DON'T tell them yer coming from from okie. Ya might get in as a red state refugee perhaps.
Fuck that. Sure, the falafel is better but it doesn't matter if you can't afford one from time to time.i wouldn’t have a choice my license plate is a dead giveaway . Soooooo embarrassing . Yes I am from Oklahoma But No .. No I’m Absolutely not from Oklahoma.My hopes of getting out of here by next month have faded away . I actually got a job offer in NY But the pay sucked . It was a humiliating offer and was hoping to negotiate a higher pay but they wouldn’t Budge so I told them to take the job and shove it. NY is hella expensive and those fuckers wanted to pay me less then what I make in Oklahoma! What happened to hazard pay and being a Hero??. All talk no action. Now with everything spiking again hiring freezes will go into effect again. I am thinking I will not get out of her until next year or after the vaccine is out and the flood doors open up. I have way too much experience and skill to be giving my services away for shit Pay and high cost of living. Plus I’m have a pretty safe job and am in an isolated area at my job and watch the door who comes in and out and I know everything they touch so I am right on top of all contamination and decontamination At all times.
That sucks, I hope it's just allergies.So my kid developed a persistent dry cough a while back. It has gotten worse lately. I doubt it is the Covid for several reasons. First, no other symptoms. Second, the wife and I have had no symptoms at all and it has been long enough that we would if it were.
But we contacted the doctor who said that it is probably allergies. That's what we think too. Nevertheless, we went through the drive in Corona virus test facility. This was Tuesday morning. Have not heard anything since.
It amazes me that getting a result takes this long.
99.7% sure it is. We are not concerned. But you would think testing gets done a little quicker.That sucks, I hope it's just allergies.
Whooping cough should be on the radar too.So my kid developed a persistent dry cough a while back. It has gotten worse lately. I doubt it is the Covid for several reasons. First, no other symptoms. Second, the wife and I have had no symptoms at all and it has been long enough that we would if it were.
But we contacted the doctor who said that it is probably allergies. That's what we think too. Nevertheless, we went through the drive in Corona virus test facility. This was Tuesday morning. Have not heard anything since.
It amazes me that getting a result takes this long.
Well, dang. I was hoping to hear your story about snubbing your ignoramus boss.i wouldn’t have a choice my license plate is a dead giveaway . Soooooo embarrassing . Yes I am from Oklahoma But No .. No I’m Absolutely not from Oklahoma.My hopes of getting out of here by next month have faded away . I actually got a job offer in NY But the pay sucked . It was a humiliating offer and was hoping to negotiate a higher pay but they wouldn’t Budge so I told them to take the job and shove it. NY is hella expensive and those fuckers wanted to pay me less then what I make in Oklahoma! What happened to hazard pay and being a Hero??. All talk no action. Now with everything spiking again hiring freezes will go into effect again. I am thinking I will not get out of her until next year or after the vaccine is out and the flood doors open up. I have way too much experience and skill to be giving my services away for shit Pay and high cost of living. Plus I’m have a pretty safe job and am in an isolated area at my job and watch the door who comes in and out and I know everything they touch so I am right on top of all contamination and decontamination At all times.
Trump killed federal funding for test and that ends this month.99.7% sure it is. We are not concerned. But you would think testing gets done a little quicker.
VaccinatedWhooping cough should be on the radar too.
That is exactly what I was telling my old coworker in Oregon. He really got the shaft with the Covid. They cut his hours and moved him to another department and tried to cut his pay with the move. He sweet talked his way With HR into keeping his original pay and that was Only due to his articulate and suave manner. Even the director commented utter shock finding he Was able to keep his pay the Same. I make significantly more in Oklahoma then I did in Oregon even though it’s more expensive in Oregon. It’s crazy how the health care system pay scale fluctuates so much in every state.Well, dang. I was hoping to hear your story about snubbing your ignoramus boss.
I don't understand why we aren't hearing more about unionizing. Essential workers are getting the short end again. Those same workers kept this country functioning while everyone else stayed safe at home. So pay up. Show how essential they are by offering a good wage, not just a living one. Offer medical coverage, vacation, sick time and a 401k with company matching contributions.
Health care work should be top notch in compensation. We want the best working there, more people like you.
So my kid developed a persistent dry cough a while back. It has gotten worse lately. I doubt it is the Covid for several reasons. First, no other symptoms. Second, the wife and I have had no symptoms at all and it has been long enough that we would if it were.
But we contacted the doctor who said that it is probably allergies. That's what we think too. Nevertheless, we went through the drive in Corona virus test facility. This was Tuesday morning. Have not heard anything since.
It amazes me that getting a result takes this long.