Pandemic 2020

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I mean seriously what could be worse for the orange beluga Right now ?

Out of control U.S . Pandemic
Hundred of thousands of civilian deaths , with more coming
No priorities
Destroyed economy
Massive unemployment
Food shortages
Travel restrictions against American travel worldwide
Burned bridges with EU
Uncontrollable protests
Stoking racism
Multiple scandals
Criminal ties
Failed businesses
Blocking spending oversight

And now , Russian bounty probe that may finally rotate back to his “ dealings “ with Russia and his lax response to any information
pertaining to that country .....

Seriously ..... what could he possibly crow about in ANY upcoming “ rallies “ ?
there is nothing left .
I think some of the republicans are starting to run for the hills over this latest scandal, carrying water for Trump over the murder of US troops is a bridge too far. Besides, Donald is dropping like a fucking stone in the polls and when he drops low enough back home, the panic sets in, having the folks there dying like flies doesn't help the GOP at all in the red states. July and August are gonna end up as a slaughter in the red states and there are many senate seats up for grabs. States can't be gerrymandered, only the vote can be suppressed and that might backfire on them this time.
But his most vicious attacks, said the sources, were aimed at women heads of state. In conversations with both May and Merkel, the President demeaned and denigrated them in diatribes described as "near-sadistic" by one of the sources and confirmed by others. "Some of the things he said to Angela Merkel are just unbelievable: he called her 'stupid,' and accused her of being in the pocket of the Russians ... He's toughest [in the phone calls] with those he looks at as weaklings and weakest with the ones he ought to be tough with."

The calls "are so unusual," confirmed a German official, that special measures were taken in Berlin to ensure that their contents remained secret. The official described Trump's behavior with Merkel in the calls as "very aggressive" and said that the circle of German officials involved in monitoring Merkel's calls with Trump has shrunk: "It's just a small circle of people who are involved and the reason, the main reason, is that they are indeed problematic."

I think some of the republicans are starting to run for the hills over this latest scandal, carrying water for Trump over the murder of US troops is a bridge too far. Besides, Donald is dropping like a fucking stone in the polls and when he drops low enough back home, the panic sets in, having the folks there dying like flies doesn't help the GOP at all in the red states. July and August are gonna end up as a slaughter in the red states and there are many senate seats up for grabs. States can't be gerrymandered, only the vote can be suppressed and that might backfire on them this time.

@hillbill said his neighbors aren't happy with this and that's what we needed to had to come from within.
I think some of the republicans are starting to run for the hills over this latest scandal, carrying water for Trump over the murder of US troops is a bridge too far. Besides, Donald is dropping like a fucking stone in the polls and when he drops low enough back home, the panic sets in, having the folks there dying like flies doesn't help the GOP at all in the red states. July and August are gonna end up as a slaughter in the red states and there are many senate seats up for grabs. States can't be gerrymandered, only the vote can be suppressed and that might backfire on them this time.

and nobody likes a loser..they won't show.

One of the most explosive revelations Mary will detail in the book, according to people familiar with the matter, is how she played a critical role helping The New York Times print startling revelations about Trump’s taxes, including how he was involved in “fraudulent” tax schemes and had received more than $400 million in today’s dollars from his father’s real estate empire.

As she is set to outline in her book, Mary was a primary source for the paper's Pulitzer Prize-winning investigation, supplying Fred Trump Sr.’s tax returns and other highly confidential family financial documentation to the paper.
New data shows Canada making progress against coronavirus, but 'hotspots' to monitor: Trudeau

The latest federal data suggests Canada continues to make progress in suppressing COVID-19, says Justin Trudeau. But the prime minister is urging Canadians to continue following public health measures, as there are still some significant hotspots.
This looks like it has the potential to be very bad, fortunately the world is on high alert and travel has been restricted, Europe might want to reconsider opening travel up with China now. Where is the pandemic response US team? Didn't the Bible mention plagues, locusts and other assorted shit in the end times, could Cheeto Jesus be the antiChrist!:o Could God be punishing America for electing Trump? Or is it just cause and effect, elect an psychopathic moron and inevitable negative consequences flow from that. Betray the country, betray the constitution, betray the troops, break the law, break the economy and kill 125,000 Americans through dereliction of duty and incompetence, makes no difference to 40% of the population and the majority of white people in America who are bigots and thus fools.

Dr. Anthony Fauci says new virus in China has traits of 2009 swine flu and 1918 pandemic flu

White House coronavirus advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci said Tuesday that U.S. health officials are keeping an eye on a new strain of flu carried by pigs in China that has characteristics of the 2009 H1N1 virus and 1918 pandemic flu.

The virus, which scientists are calling “G4 EA H1N1,” has not yet been shown to infect humans but it is exhibiting “reassortment capabilities,” Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee during a hearing.

“In other words, when you get a brand new virus that turns out to be a pandemic virus it’s either due to mutations and/or the reassortment or exchanges of genes,” he told lawmakers. “And they’re seeing virus in swine, in pigs now, that have characteristics of the 2009 H1N1, of the original 1918, which many of our flu viruses have remnants of that in it, as well as segments from other hosts, like swine.”

The H1N1 swine flu and 1918 pandemic flu were both considered horrific viruses that spread across the globe.

The H1N1 swine flu emerged in Mexico in April 2009, infecting 60.8 million people in the United States alone and at least 700 million worldwide. An estimated 151,700 to 575,400 people died from the virus across the globe, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It is now seen as one of a variety of seasonal flu viruses.

The 1918 flu, which Fauci has often compared to Covid-19, is estimated to have killed between 30 million and 50 million people, according to the CDC. More than 20 million people died in World War I, by comparison.

The new strain that is spreading in pig farms in China has been identified as having “all the essential hallmarks of a candidate pandemic virus,” scientists say.
I think this scandal is finally the nail in the coffin for trump ... it is indefensible. No spin or deflection will ever hide it.
As a vet , I am horrified about the treasonous nature of it . I was stationed at Fort Stewart , Georgia as part of the Rapid Deployment Force with Hunter army air field rangers . I provided Air Defense Artillery support thru the Patriot Missile systems thru my MOS .
I cannot wrap my head around what if that happened during my tours and operations , the so called Commander in Chief laying down with the enemy. I mean we had a few guys get into trouble and end up in Fort Levinworth on less .

The fat commie bastard needs to go down hard .....

Trump buys up entire stock of coronavirus drug remdesivir – sparking fury among medics

The US has bought up virtually all stocks of a drug shown to work against Covid-19 - raising fears Brits won't be able to get hold of it until autumn. The decision by the Trump administration has sparked fury with leading scientists who have raised concerns over "fair access" to remdesivir. The anti-viral drug was originally developed for use against Ebola but trials showed that it helped patients hospitalised with coronavirus recover almost a third faster. Health Secretary Matt Hancock hailed it the "biggest step forward" in treating Covid-19 when it was given approval for use on the NHS in May. But now there are concerns patients in the UK won't get widespread access to the treatment after the US bought more than 500,000 doses. It makes up the entire global supply for July and 90 per cent of stocks for August and September.

Read more Trump buys up ENTIRE stock of coronavirus drug remdesivir – sparking fury among medics
Looks like people are gonna start making their own, I'm sure this was anticipated and preparations are being made in Europe and elsewhere, this drug is grossly overpriced, not proven to be that effective an antiviral for this illness. Remdesivir works, but is no magic bullet, convalescent plasma is probably a more effective treatment (trial results pending soon), is free and can be scaled up massively in a short time, remdesivir also has logistical problems with supply.

Remdesivir: US buys up world's stock of key COVID-19 drug

The United States has bought nearly the entire world's supply of remdesivir, one of just two drugs proven to treat COVID-19.

The anti-viral drug patented by the US-based Gilead biotech firm is the only one approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) to treat patients with the novel coronavirus.

The announcement from the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) implies European health authorities may not be able to acquire any supplies until the autumn.

Euronews has contacted EMA and the European Commission for comment.

US authorities secured more than 500,000 treatment courses of the drug through September, which "represents 100 per cent of Gilead's projected production for July (94,200 treatment courses), 90 per cent of production in August (174,900 treatment courses), and 90 per cent of production in September (232,800 treatment courses)," the HHS said in a statement.

Remdesivir has been found to reduce recovery time for hospitalised COVID-19 patients — those with the most severe infections — from 15 to 11 days. The effect was not observed in patients with mild or moderate disease.

"To the extent possible, we want to ensure that any American patient who needs remdesivir can get it," HHS Secretary Alex Azar said.

"The Trump administration is doing everything in our power to learn more about life-saving therapeutics for COVID-19 and secure access to these options for the American people," he added.

The US is the most heavily impacted country in the world by the pandemic. As of Tuesday, it had recorded more than 127,000 COVID-related deaths and over 2.6 million confirmed cases.

A sharp surge in infections over the past week has prompted governors in Arizona, California, Florida, and Texas to reimpose lockdown restrictions in their states.

Dr Anthony Fauci, the leading infectious disease expert in the US, also warned on Tuesday that the country's tally of daily new cases could grow to 100,000 if Americans don't start following public health recommendations.

The other drug to have been found to have an effect on COVID-19 patients is dexamethasone, a low-cost, widely-available steroid. Authorised for use in the UK, it reduces the number of deaths in the most severely-impacted patients by up to a third, according to British researchers.

According to the HHS, a treatment course with Remdesivir requires an average of 6.25 vials of the drug and costs approximately $3,200 (€2,850). The drug has already been approved for use in the US, Japan and the EU.

Washington's approach to remdesivir echoes its strategy towards a potential vaccine.

The German government strongly condemned in March an alleged US attempt to acquire the exclusive rights to a vaccine being developed by CureVac, a pharmaceutical company based in the southwestern Germany city of Tübingen.

In May, the French government reminded home-grown pharmaceutical giant Sanofi that equal access for everyone to the vaccine being developed "is not negotiable" after the company's CEO told US media that Washington would be prioritised.
I think this scandal is finally the nail in the coffin for trump ... it is indefensible. No spin or deflection will ever hide it.
As a vet , I am horrified about the treasonous nature of it . I was stationed at Fort Stewart , Georgia as part of the Rapid Deployment Force with Hunter army air field rangers . I provided Air Defense Artillery support thru the Patriot Missile systems thru my MOS .
I cannot wrap my head around what if that happened during my tours and operations , the so called Commander in Chief laying down with the enemy. I mean we had a few guys get into trouble and end up in Fort Levinworth on less .

The fat commie bastard needs to go down hard .....

he told Xi concentration camps okay.
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A look at the graphs show that covid is hitting the republicans right in the base and is now ravaging the red states that followed Trump into Hell. With a major national security crisis unfolding in Washington and their (Donald's) track record on covid, the republicans are starting to fear Biden's mile long coattails in their states. It will be the blue side of the ballet from POTUS to dog catcher for many, fuck the GOP and fuck Trump.

Coronavirus: What's behind alarming new US outbreaks?

As coronavirus outbreaks are slowly brought to heel in many places around the world, the US is among a handful of countries facing a surge of new infections.

More than two dozen states are now seeing increases in new cases over the last 14 days.

Of these, Texas, Florida, Arizona and California have emerged as the country's latest virus epicentres.

But while cases are clearly rising, state leaders and health experts are divided on the cause.

Here's a look at these four US hotspots, the facts and figures raising alarm, and the theories that may help explain each surge.

What about testing?
First, it's important to note that across the US, more efficient testing has played some role in the climbing case count. The number of Covid-19 tests being administered now is nearly double what it was in April and May.

But the positive test rate tells us that testing can't explain away the rise.

If lots of tests are being conducted and the spread of the coronavirus has been reduced, then the positive case rate would fall in tandem. The World Health Organization says that states should have a positive case rate at or below 5% for two weeks before they loosen restrictions on movement.

Even with testing success stories, it's clear that the southern and western US are seeing a particularly sharp spike in infections and their rate.

Graphs showing cases in regions of US
Presentational white space

As of 30 June, Texas, Florida, Arizona or California all fall under that category - and all fail to meet the bar.
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