Pandemic 2020

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I'm pretty much ok with shitheads who reject being vaccinated also being killed for their ignorance.
I’m am too, as long as they die before they infect someone who has been advise not to be vaccinated due to health reasons.
if they stay among their own kind and they all die, no problemo. Those idiots deserve what they get. The selfishness and ungratefulness is despicable!
I’m am too, as long as they die before they infect someone who has been advise not to be vaccinated due to health reasons.
if they stay among their own kind and they all die, no problemo. Those idiots deserve what they get. The selfishness and ungratefulness is despicable!

there's no doctor saying you are too sick to get vaccine except charlatans.

even transplant doctors are saying to get the shot.

people were just as selfish and ungrateful one hundred years ago and one hundred years before that and so on.


the difference now? we have vaccine and you get heckled if you wear a mask.
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The arguments for wealthy countries cooperating to produce 10 billion plus doses of vaccine are mounting with each new covid variant. Self interest alone should motivate this war like approach FFS, we need to get on board with mass production ASAP.
This is from FOXnews, so they know the truth of the matter, if it ain't ignorance, it must be stupidity. I wonder what the vaccination rate is for those Missourians over 60? This place should be overwhelmed with the delta variant in a month or two, if this keeps up.
Unvaccinated Missourians fuel COVID: ‘We will be the canary’ | FOX 2 (

Unvaccinated Missourians fuel COVID: ‘We will be the canary’

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — As the U.S. emerges from the COVID-19 crisis, Missouri is becoming a cautionary tale for the rest of the country: It is seeing an alarming rise in cases because of a combination of the fast-spreading delta variant and stubborn resistance among many people to getting vaccinated.

Intensive care beds are filling up with surprisingly young, unvaccinated patients, and staff members are getting burned out fighting a battle that was supposed to be in its final throes.

The hope among some health leaders is that the rest of the U.S. might at least learn something from Missouri’s plight.

“If people elsewhere in the country are looking to us and saying, ‘No thanks’ and they are getting vaccinated, that is good,” said Erik Frederick, chief administrative officer at Mercy Hospital Springfield, which has been inundated with COVID-19 patients as the variant first identified in India rips through the largely non-immunized community. “We will be the canary.”

The state now leads the nation with the highest rate of new COVID-19 infections, and the surge is happening largely in a politically conservative farming region in the northern part of the state and in the southwestern corner, which includes Springfield and Branson, the country music mecca in the Ozark Mountains where big crowds are gathering again at the city’s theaters and other attractions.

While over 53% of all Americans have received at least one shot, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, most southern and northern Missouri counties are well short of 40%. One county is at just 13%.

Cases remain below their winter highs in southwestern Missouri, but the trajectory is steeper than in previous surges, Frederick said. As of Tuesday, 153 COVID-19 patients were hospitalized at Mercy and another Springfield hospital, Cox Health, up from 31 just over a month ago, county figures show.

These patients are also younger than earlier in the pandemic — 60% to 65% of those in the ICU over the weekend at Mercy were under 40, according to Frederick, who noted that younger adults are much less likely to be vaccinated — and some are pregnant.

He is hiring traveling nurses and respiratory therapists to help out his fatigued staff as the rest of the country tries to leave the pandemic behind.

“I feel like last year at this time it was health care heroes and everybody was celebrating and bringing food to the hospital and doing prayer vigils and stuff, and now everyone is like, ‘The lake is open. Let’s go.’ We are still here doing this,” he said.

There are also warning signs across the state line: Arkansas on Tuesday reported its biggest one-day jump in cases in more than three months. The state also has low vaccination rates.

Lagging rates — especially among young adults — are becoming an increasing source of concern elsewhere around the country, as is the delta variant.

The mutant version now accounts more than 20% of new COVID-19 infections in the U.S., doubling in just two weeks, the CDC said Tuesday. It is responsible for half of new cases across a swath that includes Missouri, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming.

“The delta variant is currently the greatest threat in the U.S. to our attempt to eliminate COVID-19,” said Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert. He said there is a “real danger” of local surges like the one in Missouri in places with deep vaccine resistance.

To help counter the threat, administration officials are stepping up efforts to vaccinate Americans ages 18 to 26, who have proved least likely to get the shot when it’s available to them.

Elsewhere around the world, Britain, with an even higher vaccination rate than the U.S., has postponed the lifting of remaining restrictions on socializing in England because of the rapid spread of the variant. Israel, another vaccination success story, is reacting by tightening rules on travelers.

In Missouri, Republican Gov. Mike Parson has taken the position that it is better to ask people to take “personal responsibility” than to enact restrictions.

Missouri never had a mask mandate, and Parson signed a law last week placing limits on public health restrictions and barring governments from requiring proof of vaccination to use public facilities and transportation.

Missouri Health Department spokeswoman Lisa Cox said the agency is encouraging people to get vaccinated, but confessed: “This is the Show-Me State and Missourians are skeptical.”

Frederick said some people in the heavily Republican state are resistant because they feel as if Democrats are pushing the vaccine.

“I keep telling people, while we are busy fighting with each other, this thing is picking us off one by one,” he said. “It takes no sides. It has no political affiliation. It is not red. It is not blue. It is a virus. And if we don’t protect ourselves, we are going to do a lot of damage to our community.”

Steve Edwards, CEO of Cox Health, lamented in a tweet that while a number of major news organizations have contacted the hospital about the rise in cases, Fox News was not among them.

“Fox,” he tweeted, “is the most popular cable news in our area — you can help educate on Delta, vaccines and can save lives.”

Lisa Meeks, 49, of Springfield, is among those who haven’t been vaccinated. She said that she is a Christian and that God gave her a strong immune system.

“As of right now, nobody knows anything long term or short term about these vaccines because they are brand new,” she said, despite months of real-world evidence that the vaccines are highly safe and effective. “And so people are now basically the lab rats.”

An offer of free beer from Mother’s Brewing Co. in Springfield for those who get vaccinated drew a disappointing 20 to 50 people to each of the first three clinics.

“We keep trying,” said Jeff Schrag, owner and founder of Mother’s Brewing. “It is a game of inches.”

As immunizations slow, the delta variant has become the predominant form of the virus in the region. Aaron Schekorra, a spokesman for the Springfield-Greene County Health Department, said it makes up 93% of the random sample of cases that the county is sending for analysis, up from 70% three weeks ago.

He said that unvaccinated people gathering for graduation celebrations and Memorial Day festivities also fueled the spread of the virus. The events came just as the community lifted its mask mandate.

“My concern,” he said, “would be that this is a preview of what is to come in other parts of the country that don’t have higher vaccination rates.”
Life expectancy for Americans during Trump's presidency dropped by nearly 2 years!
U.S. life expectancy drops by 'horrific' amount during pandemic (

U.S. life expectancy drops by 'horrific' amount during pandemic

Average life expectancy in the United States plummeted in 2020, widening the life expectancy gap between the U.S. and other high-income countries. The decline was particularly sharp among Hispanic and Black Americans, a new study found.

Health experts anticipated life expectancy would drop during the pandemic, but how much it did came as a surprise.

“I naively thought the pandemic would not make a big difference in the gap because my thinking was that it’s a global pandemic, so every country is going to take a hit,” said Steven Woolf, director emeritus of the Center on Society and Health at Virginia Commonwealth University, who led the new study. “What I didn’t anticipate was how badly the U.S. would handle the pandemic.”

The new study used data from the National Center for Health Statistics, which is part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Human Mortality Database to measure changes in life expectancy between 2018 and 2020 among Black, white and Hispanic Americans. The available data did not allow the researchers to include Asian, Pacific Islander, American Indian and Alaska Native populations in the comparison. The results were published Wednesday in The BMJ.
Even Doctors Won’t Take Putin’s Vaccine as COVID-19 Rages in Russia (

Even Doctors Won’t Take Putin’s Vaccine as COVID-19 Rages in Russia

MOSCOW—After the Kremlin had all but declared victory against the COVID-19 pandemic in Russia—many across the country now believe they’re back to square one.

This month, a raging new wave hit Russia’s big cities. Hospitals quickly turned into “red zones” for infected patients, scientists say they are expecting more than 20,000 new COVID-19 cases a day by the end of June, and all the while, Russian people remain hesitant to take the government at its word.

The Kremlin claimed to be the first country in the world to register a coronavirus vaccine last summer. Throughout the fall and winter, bars, restaurants and theaters remained open, with officials saying they had infection rates under control.

President Vladimir Putin claimed his government’s handling of the pandemic was better than that of the U.S. and the European Union: “It turns out we are better at mobilizing,” he said in February.

And now, just a few months later, the country appears to be falling into yet another COVID-19 spiral. Moscow’s intensive care units are crowded with COVID-19 patients, and deaths are mounting. On Tuesday, the Russian capital registered a tragic new daily record of 86 people dead, and almost 700 people on ventilation. The director of Sklifosovsky Research Institute, Sergey Petrikov, has described the new wave as more aggressive, and “much more severe for young people, too.”

Putin’s Vaccine Really Works but Russians Don’t Believe it

The clearest explanation for this new wave is a failing vaccination campaign, rooted in public distrust in the government’s stamp of approval. Only 10 percent of the population have received both shots—the rest appear to be in no hurry to get their jabs. Some people waited until Putin got vaccinated in late March, others hesitated even after government vaccine researchers said that Sputnik was more than 90 percent effective.

Even Russian doctors are undermining scientists by refusing to take Russian-made vaccines. One third of Russian doctors—36 percent—have doubts about the effectiveness of the Russian vaccine, and almost half of them say they want to wait for more evidence of the vaccine’s effectiveness, according to a social study by Spravochnik Vracha (Doctor’s Manual) last month. Even blessings from a well-regarded medical magazine, The Lancet, did not convince skeptical Russian doctors.

Instead of addressing the doubts of the people, authorities are blaming the new wave on what they describe as a “declining natural immunity” from people who came down with COVID-19 last year. When infection counts jumped by more than 40 percent in a single week this month, the mayor of Moscow, Sergey Sobyanin, said it was the result of “a sharp decrease” in collective immunity. “We should have a different approach to calculating public immunity now… one needs a much stronger immunity to resist it,” he declared on Friday.

To ordinary people, that explanation is a hard sell.

“First they said we’d beat the virus, then that the immunity would last for a couple years. Now they say the story is not over, that we’d have to get vaccinated again after six months,” a beautician at a manicure salon, Diana, told The Daily Beast. “I don’t want to get a toxic vaccine injected in me every six months, so I am glad I have not got Sputnik. I will wait and see what else they have to tell us.”

But ignorance can kill. A research associate at Moscow Institute of Molecular Biology, Alexander Ivanov, recounted his experience with one such doubtful patient, a 40-year-old woman named Daria who he had watched die in an intensive care unit.

“She was one of COVID-19 dissidents, she wasted more than 10 days going around some fortune tellers instead of receiving proper treatment. And now 100 percent of her lungs have been damaged, her temperature is falling,” Ivanov told The Daily Beast in an interview on Monday. “Both Daria and 15 members of her family in Tula doubted state reports on vaccination.”

There are many cases similar to Daria’s, Ivanov said, of people feeling skeptical about official coverage of the pandemic.

“It is even more frustrating to hear some absolutely ignorant comments by professional doctors that fuel myths about COVID-19 vaccine–they should be sweeping streets, and not treating people.”

Most Russians Say ‘Hell, No!’ They're Not Taking Putin’s COVID-19 Vaccine

In an effort to persuade citizens to take the vaccine, public officials, journalists, and celebrities all over Russia have been promoting the jab as safe and effective in recent months. On Tuesday, the head of the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights in the Far East, Tatyana Detkovskaya, broke down the most popular myths about Sputnik for a local news outlet: No, the vaccine does not harm fertility—and no, it does not alter human DNA, she said.

Putin admitted last month that the pace of the vaccination process was slowing. As such, the Kremlin has resorted to a familiar fix: Pressure.

Russian Minister of Labor and Social Protection, Anton Kotyakov, said on Sunday that once regional authorities make a decision about mandatory vaccination, employers should suspend workers who have not been vaccinated without paying them salaries. Moscow has also demanded that a majority of city employees be fully vaccinated, including more than 100,000 taxi drivers.

Until recently, I had rarely met a cab driver who had been vaccinated.

“They inject something in hospitals that kills people,” Aleksey Sobolev, a Yandex taxi driver, told The Daily Beast. “Doctors told me that the vaccine is bad for us.”
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Saw a claim that said Delta is so contagious that it will take 90% vaccination for herd immunity.
85% is the minimal number I've seen mentioned a bit by experts, but no one knows for sure. The higher the vaccination rate the fewer the hospitalizations and deaths and those are the things that lock places down, overwhelmed hospitals. I think the delta variant and the real world results of vaccinations will drive vaccination rates up, along with employer and institutional mandates.
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