Pandemic 2020

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In Canada we've got 81.64% with a single dose and the rate of increase has slowed down to +0.10%. Second doses stand at +71.18% of eligible (12+) with a +0.36% increase as people come due for their second shots. So at this point over 3 times as many people are getting second shots than those receiving their first. So by the time most people get their second shot we should have 82% vaccinated nationally without mandates. Most of the reluctant and resistant here are younger people who are working or students and we should have mandates by September when the mRNA vaccines come out of EUA. Hopefully this will get us close to a 90% vaccination rate among the eligible by winter.
DeSantis backs off threat to slash school officials' salaries
DeSantis’s press secretary, Christina Pushaw, told The Miami Herald in an email that “activist, anti-science school board members” should dock their own salaries if the state imposes financial sanctions on their districts.

“Those officials should own their decision — and that means owning the consequences of their decisions rather than demanding students, teachers, and school staff to foot the bill for their potential grandstanding,” Pushaw said.

The backtracking comes days after DeSantis’s office threatened to withhold the salaries of the officials, suggesting that the State Board of Education could “move to withhold the salary of the district superintendent or school board members as a narrowly tailored means to address the decision-makers who led to the violation of law.”

But despite his threat, several school districts in the state have decided to keep their mask mandates in place, risking the financial retribution that comes along with the decision.

While DeSantis’s order doesn’t explicitly target salaries, Pushaw told the Herald that it was “technically” possible for local officials to address how to handle the financial penalties.

“The issue is that ... superintendents and school board members are not state employees. Therefore, the only way the state could tailor the financial penalty would be to withhold an amount of funding equal to their salaries,” she said. “In that event, it is possible that the officials who are violating the law could decide to take funding from other needs in their own district, in order to pay themselves salaries. It wouldn’t be fair to the students, but it would technically be possible.”
Greene waves off concerns of hospital overcrowding: 'We can't live forever'
During an interview with right-wing network “Real America’s Voice,” Greene claimed that the media and public health officials are over-hyping the number of people that have been hospitalized with COVID-19.

“I've talked to local hospitals here in my district in here in my state. Yes, the waiting rooms get full, but guess what? The waiting rooms are full of all kinds of things, not just COVID,” Greene said. “But they're seeing about 30 percent of those numbers being COVID cases.”

She further said that while the media “tries to tell us” that hospitals are “slam-packed with COVID,” that simply isn’t the case.

"Everybody needs to get back down to common sense and remember that, you know, we're human, we can't live forever, we're going to catch all kinds of diseases and illnesses and other viruses, and we get hurt sometimes,” she continued.

The Georgia Republican defended her stance that the Food and Drug Administration shouldn’t approve a vaccine, and that vaccines shouldn’t be mandated.

“Let’s not turn into an authoritarian regime that forces shots in arms of people that don't want it,” she said.
What ever the number of infections they are reporting they are way off. The wait time for a Covid test where I live is one week out. People are quitting at the company I work for because they don’t want vaccine. Someone said they would rather flip burgers then get the shot so quit. One of my colleagues who doesn’t want the shot yet told me she is just going to do mandatory testing weekly. I asked her if she ever got the nasal swab before . She said no. Once she experiences how much it hurts to get that swab shoved up her nose by a pissed off healthcare worker she just might change her mind. Lol.
Greene waves off concerns of hospital overcrowding: 'We can't live forever'
During an interview with right-wing network “Real America’s Voice,” Greene claimed that the media and public health officials are over-hyping the number of people that have been hospitalized with COVID-19.

“I've talked to local hospitals here in my district in here in my state. Yes, the waiting rooms get full, but guess what? The waiting rooms are full of all kinds of things, not just COVID,” Greene said. “But they're seeing about 30 percent of those numbers being COVID cases.”

She further said that while the media “tries to tell us” that hospitals are “slam-packed with COVID,” that simply isn’t the case.

"Everybody needs to get back down to common sense and remember that, you know, we're human, we can't live forever, we're going to catch all kinds of diseases and illnesses and other viruses, and we get hurt sometimes,” she continued.

The Georgia Republican defended her stance that the Food and Drug Administration shouldn’t approve a vaccine, and that vaccines shouldn’t be mandated.

“Let’s not turn into an authoritarian regime that forces shots in arms of people that don't want it,” she said.
That last sentence. This polemicist for a soon-proven usurper has the raw nerve to talk about "an authoritarian regime?" as if she isn't carrying "stop the steal! water 24/7.
I do hope she gets pulled under by the whirlpool that will be 1/6 prosecution.

Oh well, nothing to see here, classic Repuglican "blame the victim" maneuvering
Texas judge issues mask mandate, going against Abbott order
Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo said on Twitter that the order requires masks to be worn in school and childcare centers.

Hidalgo said with pediatric cases of COVID-19 rising in Texas, the county had “no choice.”

“Pediatric COVID19 cases are at all-time highs in Texas, and most schools haven’t even started yet. We have no choice,” she wrote.

Dallas County reinstated its indoor mask mandate for businesses, schools and county buildings on Wednesday evening. Abbott and state Attorney General Ken Paxton (R) have asked a court to block that mandate.

Bexar County and the City of San Antonio also issued mask mandates for schools and buildings owned by the city and county earlier this week after successfully persuading a court to grant a temporary restraining order to prevent Abbott’s executive order from being enforced.

Conservative media is the modern pox blankets, and I am all right with it. Eventually you just have to get out of the way of stupid and let them deal with the results.
How A 'Mini-Trump' Is Running Florida Into The Ground Amidst Covid-19 Deaths

Florida's Covid-19 caseload and hospitalizations are breaking the state's own all-time records, and experts say Governor DeSantis' policies against proven safety measures are making the crisis worse. In a detailed, objective report, MSNBC’s Ari Melber documents the virus in Florida, how DeSantis' policies are faring, and how the governor has pursued partisan measures and political fundraising through the humanitarian crisis.
I think it's doing immense damage to the republicans in America, seniors take covid seriously and 90% are vaxxed, even republicans and a lot of right leaning independents. Masks and vaccine policy is also splitting off rightwing small business who got hammered by covid under Trump, they know the way to reduce the spread is to mask and vaxx up. The GOP covid response is eating into several of their key constituencies as they pander to a small minority of the voters in their states. The south will continue to be hammered with delta and health systems will collapse, until they mask and vaxx up. DeSantis is gonna find out that while Biden cares, covid doesn't give a fuck, DeSantis doesn't give a fuck about the people in his state either, as he "performs" for a narrowing band of the base.

These governors refuse Covid-19 mandates as they run out ICU beds

CNN's Tom Foreman shows where states are running low on ICU beds due to an influx of Covid-19 patients, some of which have governors who are unwilling to mandate masks.

note: from the Washington Examiner and the ex Border Chief. not one fact proven though. lol.
Parent ( s ) that knowingly send their kids as little super spreaders …should be held accountable both medically and financially responsible. Little fucking time bombs that could cause parents unexpected health costs , work costs , etc.

Other parents , staff should sue the fuck out of them . Reminds me of those guys that were AIDS positive and spreading there seed all over without disclosure. Some of them got 10 years.
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