Pandemic 2020

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Looks like they have a new pandemic strategy in BC Canada, just pretend the virus doesn't exist.
Yer gonna find that might be the policy everywhere by spring, depending on how full the hospitals are. I see here in NS they are gonna send rapid test kits and a course of treatment pills to the vulnerable (unvaxxed too), if they test positive. The idea is to keep the numbers in the hospitals down, not to mete out social justice. Low hospitalization rates mean more social and policy freedom. Policy is changing across multiple jurisdictions in Europe, but they are farther along with the omicron wave than us. This is a result of changing expert consensus, new data, the contagiousness of omicron and it's apparent milder virulence (lower rates of severe illness) and also the efficacy of boosters to prevent hospitalizations.

So I would expect public health policy is gonna change by spring in most places as this becomes endemic. We haven't seen the worst of this wave, though cases are dropping in some places, including here.

Cases in NS

The 94 people now hospitalized because of COVID have the following vaccination status:
The vaccination status of those 94 is:
• 11 (11.7%) have had 3 doses
• 60 (63.8%) have had 2 doses but not 3
• 4 (4.3%) have had 1 dose
• 19 (20.2%) are unvaccinated
Note that only 9.3% of the population is unvaccinated
COVID-19 Variant of Concern Omicron (B.1.1.529): Risk Assessment, January 19, 2022

In Ontario, Canada:
 As of January 19, 2022, whole genome sequencing (WGS) from surveillance testing across
Canada reported that of SARS-CoV-2 samples collected the week of December 26, 2021, 92.6%
were Omicron, but data were still accumulating.15 On January 19, 2022, Canada reported 21,163
new cases, 148 deaths, 323,113 active cases, and the daily percent positivity (over the previous
7 days) was 22.3%. The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) notes that due to changes in
COVID-19 testing policies in many jurisdictions starting in late December 2021, case counts will
under estimate the total burden of disease.

 In Ontario, on December 28, 2021, 80.4% of samples tested at the PHO laboratory exhibited
SGTF, indicating that Omicron is the dominant circulating variant.

On January 20, 2022, Denmark reported that the BA.2 Omicron substrain now
accounts for nearly half of their cases, and is rapidly displacing the BA.1 Omicron
strain.28,29 In a two week period from late December to mid-January, BA.2 prevalence
increased from 20% to 45% of Denmark’s COVID-19 cases. During this time, Denmark's
COVID-19 infections reached record highs. The week of January 17, 2022, Denmark
reported over 30,000 new cases per day, which is ten times more cases than at the
peaks in their previous waves.

Using genome surveillance data of Gauteng province as registered to Global Initiative on Sharing
Avian Influenza Data (GISAID) to compare the predicted and observed fractions of Omicron,
Delta, and other variants from September 16 to November 30, 2021, a model estimated the
effective reproduction number of Omicron to be 4.2 times (95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.1,
9.1) greater than that of the Delta variant.33 For the period October 18 to November 30, 2021,
the authors estimated the Omicron variant was 3.3 times (95% CI: 2.0, 7.8) more transmissible
than the Delta variant. The time-dependent relative risk reduction due to acquired immunity
was estimated to be very small, e.g., in the order of 10–20%.

The authors conclude that surgical masks are no longer
sufficient in most public settings, and correctly fitted FFP2 (European equivalent of KN95 or
N95) respirators provide sufficient protection, except in high aerosol producing situations such
as singing or shouting

Even after accounting for previous infections, there was a 25% reduction in severe
hospitalization or death in wave four (Omicron) compared to wave three (Delta)

Omicron variant, two doses with a 55% reduction up to 24 weeks
after the second dose and a 40% reduced risk 25 or more weeks after the second dose, and a
third dose was associated with a 74% reduced risk of hospitalization in the first two to four
weeks after vaccination, but dropped slightly to a 66% reduction by 10+ weeks after the
booster dose. Combined with VE against symptomatic disease, this results in a VE against
hospitalisation of 58% after one dose, 64% 2 to 24 weeks after two doses, 44% 25+ weeks after
two doses, and 92% dropping to 83% 10+ weeks after a third dose. Combining the periods for
the third dose, overall VE against hospitalization 2+ weeks after the third dose was 89% (95% CI
Stick it up yer' kilt.
Prosecutors say airline passenger who refused to wear mask exposed himself, threw can during flight
Prosecutors said a Delta Airlines passenger who refused to wear a mask during a flight exposed himself to other passengers and threw a can at an individual, The New York Times reported.

In a case unsealed on Friday, Shane McInerney of Galway, Ireland was arrested and charged with intentionally assaulting and intimidating a crew member during a flight earlier this month.

According to the court document, authorities said McInerney refused to wear his mask despite being asked a “dozen” times during the eight-hour flight from Dublin to John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York.

McInerney began to throw an empty beverage can which hit another passenger in the head and kicked the seatback in front of him, which disturbed the passenger in front of him, according to The Times.

As he walked away from his first-class airline seat to complain to the flight attendant about the food service, McInerney then “pulled down his pants and underwear and exposed his buttocks” to flight attendants and passengers sitting nearby, according to the court document.
The document also said within two hours of the flight McInerney took off the flight captain’s hat twice while he was on break, also putting up a closed fist toward the captain’s face saying “Don’t touch me.”

McInerney, 29, could face up to 20 years in prison if convicted.
McInerney made his initial appearance in court on Dec.14 and was released on a $20,000 bond, the Times noted.
Quote from a front line Dr, didn't know this was a problem in pets before the pandemic but a quick google search confirmed.

"It's time we need to start acknowledging something that veterinarians have known for decades, which is that natural immunity for coronaviruses does not last. And evidence is starting to show that it might actually prime you to be more susceptible to future infections long term."
Quote from a front line Dr, didn't know this was a problem in pets before the pandemic but a quick google search confirmed.

"It's time we need to start acknowledging something that veterinarians have known for decades, which is that natural immunity for coronaviruses does not last. And evidence is starting to show that it might actually prime you to be more susceptible to future infections long term."
FFS :(
"The World Health Organization this week recommended nations lift or ease their existing COVID-19-related travel restrictions, saying they could exacerbate economic and social stress related to the pandemic.

The new recommendation was made Wednesday by the WHO’s International Health Regulations Emergency Committee on COVID-19 following its most recent meeting.

The report says countries should lift the bans and restrictions because the committee found “they do not provide added value and continue to contribute to the economic and social stress experienced” by citizens.

The report said such travel restrictions failed to limit the international spread of the omicron variant of the virus that causes COVID-19, which, the committee said, demonstrates the ineffectiveness of such measures over time."

Reports of extreme covid symptoms coming from Ohio,bloody noses,rashes,headaches,debilitating joint pain,cold sores,night sweats,severe gastric symptoms,shortness of breath,mental confusion and lots of blood clots everywhere. This is coming from someone that does contact tracing and posted on twitter,lots of responses confirming symptoms from infected people and their family's. I've never seen a thread like this,seems impossible to fake with so many responding,I'll keep digging.
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