Pandora's Box - A Thank you


Active Member
My wife suffers from a number of ailments, migraines being one of them. Last night she was having such an extreme episode she actually began weeping.

I suggested she try some Pandora's Box as she'd tried every OTC medication and nothing was touching it. After 1 bowl of it, (approx 7 min) she was actually smiling. Her quote "It's taken the edge off so I can function, its not gone but the tension is completely gone."

2 Bowls later and she was in the best mood I've seen her in ages, laughing, smiling and just a joy to be around.

I can not thank you enough!
My heart opens in joy for you and your partner. I am thrilled to share in growing this beautiful strain and hope it will benefit my wife--a traumatic brain injury survivor.

Keep up the good work!


Sir Stickybuds

Well-Known Member
that was the first way i have personally had mj work medically for me.. had a horrible migrane, took the usual asprin, no help. thought about smokin but have had headrushes from holding smoke make normal headaches worse. later totally nonfunctional from the pain, i figured what do i have to lose and took some puffs. within five minutes i was completely relieved


Well-Known Member
The cool thing about THC is that it is a vasodilater... Which most likely is the cause of the reduction in her tension.
A very dear friend of mine was eating breakfast at a diner 25 miles out side of town before he was about to go out shooting pheasants. Well an older gentleman was having a midgrade stroke a few tables away. Anybody who knows/goes hunting knows that you bring whiskey and weed. So my pal ran out to his vehicle and grabbed the wild turkey, his pipe and ganja. Ran back in, poured a large amount of alcohol down the mans throught. Although he was chocking/coughing alot of it up. After he gave him the alcohol, he sat there and smoked a bowl and blew the ganja smoke into his mouth until the ambulance arrived. The alcohol and weed, along with the caffeine from the coffee he was drinking were enough vasodilators/blood thinners that the elder man actually made a 100 percent recovery. The blood was so diluted/thinned and his veins were so dilated that he turned out just fine.


Well-Known Member
Anybody who knows/goes hunting knows that you bring whiskey and weed.
As an avid hunter (primarily big-game bowhunter), I feel the need to clarify this statement for the non-hunting crowd. The whiskey and weed are for use after the hunt is complete. NOT during the hunt. The only time I smoke during a hunt is during the mid-day break while elk hunting. Since we often hike 6-7 miles a day, we tend to take our mid-day naps out in the woods. A nice bowl of indica makes it so much nicer to sleep in the dirt and rocks...


Well-Known Member
As an avid hunter (primarily big-game bowhunter), I feel the need to clarify this statement for the non-hunting crowd. The whiskey and weed are for use after the hunt is complete. NOT during the hunt. The only time I smoke during a hunt is during the mid-day break while elk hunting. Since we often hike 6-7 miles a day, we tend to take our mid-day naps out in the woods. A nice bowl of indica makes it so much nicer to sleep in the dirt and rocks...
I agree about not drinking til after your done killing, but the weed thing i cant do... i smoke in the morning, all day and on the way home. lol