Here ya go
To keep my story short, I got a severe panick attack two times while smoking weed, thought I was getting a heart attack and cardiac arrest because my heart was racing like 160/170 a minute even an ambulane needed to come. So now I have smoked in the past a lot and that was always fun for 2 years I have smoked in a row. Now I payed attention to my heart for some reason, I felt to my heart when I smoked the joint, and I just took one puff and I said to myself, your heart is going very fast how long can your heart handle this, if your heart doesn't slow down you are definitely getting a heart attack that even a grandpa of 100 years doesn't get o/. So now you see at that moment I got a in vicious circle of anxiety of this one: 'Don't be anxious or your heart will speed up, don't let your heart speed up or you get anxious and if this keeps going your heart will not be able to handle this at a certain moment'. It was awful indeed. Second time I smoked i got a severe panick attack also, again thinking I am getting a heart attack. This time I went to the doctor, and he prescribed me oxazepam, I ingested it and my panic and anxiety dissapeared like I never had it and I was still high I guess even though I just took one puff. And I don't want to smoke with a benzo's, but if CBD oil has the same kind of effect as that oxazpam had with me when I ingested it, than it is worth trying. Anyone knows if CBD oil has the same kind of effect as benzo's?
So to solve this so I can smoke again with no panic attack, and even if I get one that I can control it a little bit because I have heard about people greening out and that if you fight against it, you will get used to it. I'll go to a cardiologist and test my heart on diseases etc, and I will discuss with him this issue about getting a heart attack etc of weed/hash, this will make me more confident to smoke if he says it is safe etc. for my situation. Secondly I ask him to describe me a benzo and beta blocker for in case it goes wrong and I can't handle it etc. Thirthly i will smoke a hindu kush that has 5% CBD and 10% THC, and ofcourse i'll start with a puff. Fourthly buying CBD oil to ingest, because CBD is known to fight anxiety and paranoia that is caused by THC, so I am thinking if I increase the CBD amount I ingest I will less likely get a panic attack from the THC.
Ok, now my question is what you guys think about what I wanna do, and if you can add up some more solutions that I can try?
Please serious answers or do not answer.