Papaya anyone?


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yea i have a feeling i didnt have the soil packed around the seeds good enough on the ones that didnt come up
No, that wouldn't be it. I found that with the seeds I'd gotten that they'd crack, but then didn't have enough "juice" to get their little heads above ground, my soil definitely was not a problem. Even if it's just sprinkled on, or if you packed it down, you couldn't make it so hard that a decent seed couldn't push through.


Well-Known Member
anyway how do they look for three weeks? and i have another question, why would a few of my plants on the very edges of the leaves all the way around the whole leaf are like curling up?


Well-Known Member
That's tough to say without knowing all kinds of little details of how you're caring for them, and even then, it can be difficult.

Is it hot?
Is it raining?
Is their soil staying too wet?
Does the soil have fertilizers in it and then you're adding ferts on top of that?

Want me to just delete the super huge pix? I might still be able to do that if my time hasn't run out.


Well-Known Member
im thinking its too much fert. soil + a little more.... i just watered with regular water last night so we'll see what that does you can delete if you want it dont matter to me either way.


Well-Known Member
i read somewhere if your using a 600 watt hps you should flower at 15 inches, well of my 4 they stand at 17, 16, 15, and a runt coming in at 11 inches, not sure why that one just isnt nearly as tall, its definatly thick tho. im thinking i am going to flower on oct. 1st. i want to flower now but i dont know, i want that 11 incher to get a little bit bigger.... any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Let it get a little bigger, and I think they'll reward you with more bud. They were all started at the same time? And, do you have room for the others to grow if you wait for the tiny one? That might be a bigger issue, if they get too big.


Well-Known Member
yea that is kinda what i was thinking, how much bigger can i expect these girls to get... i made more room in there yesterday i have some pics coming soon i took them yesterday i just gotta get some time and put them on here. yes they were all sprouted at the same time. day one was august 16th. plan to flower oct. 1st and hope to harvest around the end of november???


Well-Known Member
That would be about an 8 week flowering time. I'm still waiting for my Papaya to let me know she's ready. My notes are outside, so I can't say exactly where she's at, but I think that she's about 5 weeks into it now, and may take another 2-3 weeks to finish. So, that would be just about 8 weeks total.. right?
(I just took a hit from one of my sample buds off another girl, and I'm not sure my math is correct :lol: )


Well-Known Member
I have a journal for all my gifted seeds, I can't remember if it's my sig line or if you have to go to my homepage.

Besides being EXCEEDINGLY difficult to get germinated and sprouted (I could only get one going, out of 15 seeds a friend sent me), it's been one of the easier plants to grow once it gets started. Not too fussy about nutrients, she's ok with it if you hit her a little heavy. She's ok with it if you hit her a little light. She's ok with it if you overwater a bit, or underwater. Like I said in the beginning she dug having a whole 4gal. pot to herself.

She's got some buds that are looking ready to sample. If she's as good as I hope, I MUST get some more clones off of her. That's another thing, she's a bitch to clone. Once they're going really well, ok, but MAN is it tough to get them going, really need to be babied. I will also be trying out a re-veg technique on her, because I don't look forward to fucking around with these seeds again.