Papaya CFL Grow


Active Member
I dont have a specific date of when i started flowering this girl but i know it was germed mid june early july 2013

She does have some nute burn because i used nutes with the foxfarm soil like a dumbass.
other than that with the CFL Lighting and there being no light reflections i think shes doing alright. she smells fantastic and looks gr8! she may be almost done flowering?? could any pros help me out here? will post better pics when the lights are on

I Topped And FIM'ed this plant the day i started flowering her.
I Am moving soon so i didnt have the time i wanted to see her through


Well-Known Member
if u take a few close up pics and transfer them to ur computer then zoom in, u will be able to see if the tric`s are amber/cloudy/clear, u will have to look up the ratio to do with ur particular mj. hope this helps :-)


Active Member
Are these spidermites????? please lmk! and does anyone know how much longer she has till harvest? or atleast an estimated guess?20131001_234448.jpg20131001_234432.jpg


Well-Known Member
Nice lookin frosty nuggs! Look close to done to me... i'd let them go another week or two though until some of the hairs subside and more brown/red hairs... there are still a lot of white hairs