Papertowel Germination....How long can you wait?


Hey, I soaked 9 seeds in some ph'd water for 24 hours, then placed them in some damp papertowels. I put the damp papertowels in some sandwich bags under a dish. All the seeds spilt open and have about 1/4 roots coming out. They are going in to a DWC set up that is ready to go except for I have no rockwool cubes until tomorrow. My Question is how long can the seeds sit in the papertowels? It will be about 36 hours since they opened up by the time the cubes come......Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Active Member
Well after a while (maybe when the root is 1/2" to 3/4") the root may begin to weave itself into the paper towel, this can cause problems because the root can be damaged when you try to remove it from the paper towel. This could possibly happen to ur seeds before u get ur rockwool, if it does i would just be really careful when u remove it from the paper towel and u might experience some initial stunted growth or (worst case scenario) death of the seed. Next time u need to be more prepared


Active Member
Also be aware that to wet environment for seeds who just seeded (dont know correct term) can cause mold rot.. U don't want that believe me.. Don't keep the towels to whet now..


Well-Known Member
If the tap root is exposed the damage may already be done. Next time round, pop your seeds straight into your rockwool cubes to germ. Paper towels are not ideal, there are tiny hairs on a taproot that will get damaged when you remove the seeds from the paper towel.


Thanks for the input! I am crossing my fingers that they will be ok. T minus 3 hours till my rockwoll arrives......