parabolic or cool shade?


Well-Known Member
how come? the reason iask this question, is, parabolics spreak more light but cool shades obviously drag the heat from the bulb, keep room at good temps


Well-Known Member
how come? the reason iask this question, is, parabolics spreak more light but cool shades obviously drag the heat from the bulb, keep room at good temps
The light throw on parabolics is centered. Hence the name parabolic. That's only cool for the plant centered most directly underneath it. The heat gathers under them quite well even with a huge hole on the top. The surfaces are usually pebbled or not polished and do not reflect light as well as a Cooltube or even a hood without cooling with a shiny white surface..Advise buying a Cooltube shade even if you are not presently planning to vent it in case you change your mind later. Easier to simply add a venttube and fan than switching out the entire setup aloft again.