Paradise according to Hugo Chavez, Joe Kennedy Jr., and our own beloved Mr. Med.


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Joe Kennedy Pimps for Hugo Chavez
By Don Feder | February 2, 2007

This article originally appeared on

Hugo Chavez is moving Venezuela at breakneck speed toward a Marxist dictatorship (“Fidel – The Sequel”). He’s allied himself with the most odious creatures on the planet. He supports terrorism and has an all-consuming hatred for America.

He’s the most dangerous man in the hemisphere – and a good friend of Joe Kennedy. The ex-Congressman and head of the Citizens Energy Corporation has become chief U.S. cheerleader for the hideous little tyrant.

Here’s the scam: Kennedy gets heating oil from Citgo, wholly owned by Venezuela, which is wholly owned by Chavez. Little Joe (who loves playing Lord Bountiful to the needy, in preparation for his next bid for public office) offers the product to low-income families, while boosting “our friends in Venezuela” in TV spots.

A series of public service announcements seem to be running non-stop on Massachusetts stations. They go something like this:
Anxious-looking mother and daughter, shivering in a frigid apartment, the thermostat set at 60) “Mommy I’m cold.”

Elderly man with a foreign accent, “I can’t afford to pay for heat.”

(Joe, in a windbreaker, pops up on the screen – classic toothy Kennedy grin): “I’m Joe Kennedy and help is on the way – heating oil at 40 percent off from Citgo and our friends in Venezuela. Dial-1-877-Joe-4-Oil.”

I wish they’d stop running these during the dinner hour. It’s hard to hold food down after Kennedy’s smarmy performance.

Some have had the audacity to criticize this clumsy attempt to buy good will for the Venezuelan regime. (Imagine the nerve, criticizing a Kennedy!)

Joe will hear none of it. “Those who have no problem staying warm at night should not condemn others for accepting Venezuela’s oil. Rhetoric means little to an elderly woman who has to drag an old cot from her basement to sleep by the warmth of her kitchen stove or give up food or medicine to pay her heating bills,” Kennedy self-righteously thundered in a December 24th op-ed piece in The Boston Globe.

I’m only surprised he didn’t make the elderly woman crippled, trailing several sickly and malnourished grandchildren after her, as she dragged her old cot to the warmth of the kitchen stove.

One person who doesn’t have to worry about staying warm in New England winters is Joseph P. Kennedy II, who (besides his family’s wealth) draws an annual salary of $400,000 from the Citizens Energy Corporation – more than twice his pay as a Congressman.

Joe-4-Oil started the Citizens Energy Corporation, then passed it over to his brother Michael, when he went to Congress (1987-1999). When Michael died in a skiing accident, and Joe discovered what his brother was pulling down from the foundation, the great humanitarian decided that he couldn’t afford to stay in Congress ($160,000 vs.$400,000). Kennedys believe charity begins at home.

In his Globe commentary, 1-877-Joe-4-Oil planted a big, wet one on Senor Chavez. Kennedy: “Meanwhile, in Venezuela, the president is socializing his nation’s oil profits. (Kennedys like socializing profit, as long as its not their own.) Poverty has dropped by 25 percent. State-sponsored provision of basic needs like food and health care has expanded.” He has seen the future and it works – especially for rich-boy gringos drawing hefty salaries to help frosty grandmothers.

Kennedy: “So, sure, we’ll distribute Hugo’s oil. Doing so is called compassionate capitalism (courtesy of a communist). Right now, our country’s vulnerable families fend for themselves, while the well-to-do can afford to throw snowballs at our program from the security of their warm homes and offices.”

There you have it: If you dare question Joe Kennedy’s partnership with the man who’s turning Venezuela into a police state, you are a heartless plutocrat who doesn’t give a damn for the shivering masses. How the scion of one of America's wealthiest families can get away with this shameless class-baiting is a mystery.

Besides resorting to class warfare at the first hint of criticism, Kennedys are great at shilling for tyrants.

Joe-4-Oil’s alliance with Chavez is reminiscent of his grandfather’s pre-World War II infatuation with another socialist tyrant – National Socialist Adolf Hitler.

As Ambassador to the Court of St James’s (1938-1940), Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr. was a huge fan of Der Fuhrer. When told of the persecution of Jews in the early days of the Third Reich, the patriarch of the Kennedy clan reportedly snapped, “Well, they brought it on themselves.”

In June, 1938, the German ambassador to Britain reported to Berlin that Kennedy “fully understood our Jewish policy.” As Herbert von Dirksen explained to his superiors, Old Joe was only concerned that Kristallnacht and related anti-Semitic incidents were generating bad PR for the Nazis.

It’s a pity Ambassador Kennedy and Herr Hitler didn’t hit on the idea of providing Volkswagens and Wiener schnitzel at 40 percent off to Depression-era Americans.
Speaking of classic anti-Semites, earlier this month, Iran’s nutcase President Ahmadinejad was in Caracas for talks with his principal Latin American ally.

Chavez greeted the man who doesn’t let a day go by without threatening Israel with nuclear annihilation as a “ fighter for just causes,” while variously referring to the host of a recent Holocaust-denial conference as a “revolutionary” and a “brother.” (Hey Joe, think you can get discount oil from the Islamacists in Tehran? The mullahs could use a prominent American collaborator.)

In a ceremony at Tehran University last July, Ahmadinejad awarded Chavez Iran’s highest honor, the Islamic Republic medal, for supporting the nation’s drive for nuclear weapons. In a stirring example of revolutionary rhetoric, Chavez told Ahmadinejad: “Let’s save the human race; let’s finish off the U.S. empire,” while simultaneously attacking Israel for “terrorism,” “fascist attitudes” and “genocide” in defending itself from Hezbollah.

Chavez is quite the orator. At various times, he’s referred to the president of the United States as an “aspiring world dictator,” “a terrorist,” “an assassin” and – in an address before the U.N. General Assembly last fall – “the Devil.” America is “the greatest threat looming over our planet” and a nation whose “hegemonic pretensions…are placing at risk the very survival of the human species,” Joe-4-Oil’s pal opines.


New Member
In the immediate aftermath of 9/11, Chavez declared, “The United States brought the attacks upon itself, for their arrogant and imperialistic policy.” How does the oily philanthropist feel about that little gem? Dial-1-877-Joe-4-Treason.

Major Juan Diaz Castillo, a Venezuelan defector, claims that prior to the World Trade Center attack, Chavez transferred $1 million to Osama bin Laden.

A lawsuit by the Washington-based group Judicial Watch alleges that Chavez not only provided financial support to bin Laden, but that Al Qaeda is currently operating a training camp on the Venezuelan island of Margarita. Others have charged Chavez is providing false identity documents to individuals from the Middle East, to facilitate their entry into the United States. He also supports Colombia’s FARC terrorists.

Let us pause to reflect on the glories Kennedy’s favorite Marxist is inflicting on his nation:
  • In a move decried as censorship by everyone from the Organization of American States to Human Rights Watch, on January 18, Chavez announced that he would close Radio Caracas Television. The 54-year-old station is his main media critic.
  • Under the Chavez-sponsored Law on Social Responsibility of Radio and Television, reporters face up to 20 months in prison for “disrespect” of the maximum leader.
  • Freedom House ranks Venezuela under Chavez 34th out of 35 countries in the Western Hemisphere in press freedom, ahead of only Cuba. But Castro has been in the business of throttling dissent for almost 50 years. Just give Hugo a little time.
  • On the day that he moved against Radio Caracas Television, Chavez’s rubber-stamp National Assembly gave 1-877-Dial-Hugo-4-Marxism the power to rule by decree for 18 months in 11 key areas.
  • Chavez has announced his intension to nationalize Venezuela’s energy, oil and telecommunications industries. He’s looted the country’s National Bank of billions.
  • Those who signed a 2004 petition to recall Chavez (more than a million marched through the streets of Caracas at the time) have found themselves frozen out of state jobs and contracts, denied public assistance, and have even had applications for passports rejected.
  • Chavez has announced his intention to rule Venezuela until 2031 – making him a president-for-life in all but name.
  • Chavez is reported to have closed deals for the purchase of $3 billion of Russian arms, including fighter jets, military helicopters and 100,000 Kalashnikov rifles. Since no army is poised on its borders to invade Venezuela, it’s reasonable to assume that, when the time is right, all of this will be turned on opponents of the regime.
  • Chavez is trading Venezuelan oil for Cuban police-state expertise. Since 2005, he’s imported tens of thousands of Cubans to staff key positions in the nation’s military and intelligence services.
The noose is tightening on the people of Venezuela. The above are all inexorable steps toward achieving Chavez’s grand vision of “Fatherland, socialism or death.” Hugo, Hugo uber alles….

I’ve been to Cuba and witnessed the suffering of its people first-hand. If Chavez stays in power, it’s only a matter of time before Venezuela becomes a Cuba-clone – with grinding poverty (notwithstanding the nation’s oil wealth), shortages of everything, the very air Venezuelans breathe socialized and a populace reduced to slavery.

“Sure we’ll distribute Hugo’s oil” and spread his propaganda, 1-877-Dial-Joe-4-Oil proclaims.

The man in the lime-green leisure-suit with a silver-spoon dangling from his neck sidles up to you. He points toward a swarthy man dressed in a mini skirt and tank-top, swinging a purse.

“Psst, hey, fella, wanna buy some heating oil at a 40 percent discount?” Or am I throwing snowballs at shivering old women from the security of my warm home again?
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Well-Known Member
All I have to say is that Venezuela belongs to Chavez and the oil companies should have seen the handwriting on the wall and pulled out. But their own greed has blinded them and it looks as though they are going to lose out anyway.
But I can see why Chavez has taken such actions, the US has been exploiting the country of Venezuela for decades and they people got very little benefit from it.
Yes the people live under communism, but they also have hardly any illiteracy, they have full medical coverage and The Chaves government have given the poor ownership of the land they have been squatting on for years.

Chavez talks a lot of shit to the rest of the world, but he is doing good for his people.


New Member
Chavez is quite the orator. At various times, he’s referred to the president of the United States as an “aspiring world dictator,” “a terrorist,” “an assassin” and – in an address before the U.N. General Assembly last fall – “the Devil.” America is “the greatest threat looming over our planet” and a nation whose “hegemonic pretensions…are placing at risk the very survival of the human species,” This is the truest statement I've seen on this site! "Those who have no problem staying warm at night should not condemn others for accepting Venezuela’s oil. Rhetoric means little to an elderly woman who has to drag an old cot from her basement to sleep by the warmth of her kitchen stove or give up food or medicine to pay her heating bills,” Here's an example of socialist compassion. Joe Kennedy was offering the poor a 40% discount on heating oil (Kennedy is Venezuelas oil connection to the US) While the US controlled oil giants were all about pay up or freeze, typical capitalistic ploy!


New Member
Do you remember the gas lines, Med? They were due, not to shortages, but to government price controls. As soon as the controls were lifted, and gasoline was brought up to the natural market price, the lines disappeared overnight. You think the greedy oil barons caused the shortages because they refused to supply their product below market value. And I think the government was the evil bastard in the equasion for trying to do the impossible ... interfering with the invisible hand of the free market. You're right ... we are 180 degrees out of sync politically. I doubt you and I will ever agree on political issues.



New Member
You think the greedy oil barons caused the shortages because they refused to supply their product below market value. Absolutely, Profit was the sole contributor to the "shortage", just like the 3.00 a gallon run up, Profit not shortage, was the cause. Any reporting to the contrary was just the corporations spinning the truth to fit their wallets. There has never been a real shortage. It has always been contrived by the oil giants to raise the prices, even the one in the '80's was a contrivance. All other excuses are nothing but pure un-adulterated Bullshit!


Well-Known Member
[LEFT said:
medicineman[/LEFT];56610]Chavez is quite the orator. At various times, he’s referred to the president of the United States as an “aspiring world dictator,” “a terrorist,” “an assassin” and – in an address before the U.N. General Assembly last fall – “the Devil.” America is “the greatest threat looming over our planet” and a nation whose “hegemonic pretensions…are placing at risk the very survival of the human species,” This is the truest statement I've seen on this site! "Those who have no problem staying warm at night should not condemn others for accepting Venezuela’s oil. Rhetoric means little to an elderly woman who has to drag an old cot from her basement to sleep by the warmth of her kitchen stove or give up food or medicine to pay her heating bills,” Here's an example of socialist compassion. Joe Kennedy was offering the poor a 40% discount on heating oil (Kennedy is
oil connection to the US) While the US controlled oil giants were all about pay up or freeze, typical capitalistic ploy!
isn't to much of with what he calls Bush, nor are some critics of by calling Chavez despotic too... but as far as all i know Chavez is coming from
i won't lift a hand against him. they told me too that Saddam had B/C-weapons and everything and just fooled everyone to fall for bush and


New Member
isn't to much of with what he calls Bush, nor are some critics of by calling Chavez despotic too... but as far as all i know Chavez is coming from
i won't lift a hand against him. they told me too that Saddam had B/C-weapons and everything and just fooled everyone to fall for bush and
I certainly will be keeping the guns oiled. I keep them in a nice big safe all sealed up, and as for the green thumb, I'm working on it!


New Member
So then Med, your idea of ending the gas lines is what? Would you suggest nationalizing the oil companies as Hugo Chavez is doing? How about the food shortages ... same thing there?



New Member
So then Med, your idea of ending the gas lines is what? Would you suggest nationalizing the oil companies as Hugo Chavez is doing? How about the food shortages ... same thing there?

To be honest, at this time, the Oil Giants are arm and arm with big brother, I don't know how much closer nationalizing them would bring them. The only possible positive aspect of it might be the possibility of subjecting their control of the energy supplies to a vote by the people, and I doubt that would ever happen, as the congressmen already enjoy the fruits of corruption from the oil industry. As far as the food situation you so obviously are trotting out (Venezuela), The cause of the shortages are the greedy wholesalers not releasing the food because their profit margin was too low to suit them. There is plenty of food, but the greedy food distributors are hoarding it, again, profit is the reason!


New Member
To be honest, at this time, the Oil Giants are arm and arm with big brother, I don't know how much closer nationalizing them would bring them. The only possible positive aspect of it might be the possibility of subjecting their control of the energy supplies to a vote by the people, and I doubt that would ever happen, as the congressmen already enjoy the fruits of corruption from the oil industry. As far as the food situation you so obviously are trotting out (Venezuela), The cause of the shortages are the greedy wholesalers not releasing the food because their profit margin was too low to suit them. There is plenty of food, but the greedy food distributors are hoarding it, again, profit is the reason!
I'm not disputing that at all ... in fact, I agree with it. So, what's your answer to the problem of food shortages? Would you limit profit? Nationalize food production and distribution? Force distribution at the point of a gun? Me? I would just let the food processors have their way with the profit/supply and let the housewife control demand and quality. That way, there would be plenty of food on the shelves at reasonable prices. Its called the "Invisible Hand" of the free market.



Well-Known Member

Look at what is going on with the corn shortage in the world market!
Premium corn growing properties are being bid up dramatically in value, in US and rest of World....It is the free market greed mongers who are able to adapt to quickly changing market conditions and forces, and fill the shortages most rapidly and efficiently....


New Member

Look at what is going on with the corn shortage in the world market!
Premium corn growing properties are being bid up dramatically in value, in US and rest of World....It is the free market greed mongers who are able to adapt to quickly changing market conditions and forces, and fill the shortages most rapidly and efficiently....
Yup, all for the almighty dollar, certainly not for the benefit of mankind. Isn't it funny that unless there's profit in it (usually a good amount) the corporations (for that is what large corn farmers are) don't want to get involved.


Well-Known Member
\\\\"Greedy oil barons\\\\"......\\\\"Oil Giants\\\\"...This is just a spin. Some see private enterprise as a predatory animal to be shot,others look at it as a cow to be milked, but a few see it as a sturdy horse pulling a wagon. If you destroy a free market, you create a black market. I believe that private enterprise can flourish best when left to the people who drive it, and not the goverment. I have not bought citgo gas in 6 months, and I drive a 6.0 liter engine all day...LOL... Screw.. Chavez. Indie.


New Member
\\\\"Greedy oil barons\\\\"......\\\\"Oil Giants\\\\"...This is just a spin. Some see private enterprise as a predatory animal to be shot,others look at it as a cow to be milked, but a few see it as a sturdy horse pulling a wagon. If you destroy a free market, you create a black market. I believe that private enterprise can flourish best when left to the people who drive it, and not the goverment. I have not bought citgo gas in 6 months, and I drive a 6.0 liter engine all day...LOL... Screw.. Chavez. Indie.
So you're quite the patriot I take it, I assume you voted twice for the Devil, and you're 6 liter engine is making some oil baron just a little richer, I guess in you're perverted world, Life is wonderful, can I get a Hail Jesus, Amen!


New Member
So you're quite the patriot I take it, I assume you voted twice for the Devil, and you're 6 liter engine is making some oil baron just a little richer, I guess in you're perverted world, Life is wonderful, can I get a Hail Jesus, Amen!
And the displacement of that old jalopy sitting in your garage is what Med?

Again, there is no substance in your post at all. What was the point of that post anyway? Indie's post made nothing but sense ... and you've set out to disparage the guy. <Sheesh!> You are really so typical of a leftie ... no substance and all bluster!



New Member
Let's try it again Med ... how about some answers? If you've forgotten the questions, here they are again:

I'm not disputing that at all ... in fact, I agree with it. So, what's your answer to the problem of food shortages? Would you limit profit? Nationalize food production and distribution? Force distribution at the point of a gun? Me? I would just let the food processors have their way with the profit/supply and let the housewife control demand and quality. That way, there would be plenty of food on the shelves at reasonable prices. Its called the "Invisible Hand" of the free market.



New Member
Let's try it again Med ... how about some answers? If you've forgotten the questions, here they are again:

I'm not disputing that at all ... in fact, I agree with it. So, what's your answer to the problem of food shortages? Would you limit profit? Nationalize food production and distribution? Force distribution at the point of a gun? Me? I would just let the food processors have their way with the profit/supply and let the housewife control demand and quality. That way, there would be plenty of food on the shelves at reasonable prices. Its called the "Invisible Hand" of the free market.

You don't pay attention, I already answered the food question. Please take the time to research this as I don't feel like duplicating my response.


New Member
And the displacement of that old jalopy sitting in your garage is what Med?
And how much does it pollute sitting in a garage. I havent driven it 3 miles yet. This fellow says he drives it every day.