Paradise Seedss "Vertigo"


Well-Known Member
i just started my vertigos...its officially day stoked to hear the smoke report...keep the updates coming
Pistils show today. I'm trying to figure out if this MH low bay fixture is frying my digital cameras (2 in 2 days and both while actually taking pics of these). These Vertigo are wailing. If I can figure out how to get my iPod Touch to simply download pics to my laptop without screwing with iTunes I can post new pics. They are beautiful plants but 6 was too many in a 22-gallon Sterilite I'm discovering. Next time it will be 2 per 22-gallon. I have 4 Vertigo seeds left.

They are an average 10-12" high now. Except one runt in the corner at about 8".


Active Member
Pistils show today. I'm trying to figure out if this MH low bay fixture is frying my digital cameras (2 in 2 days and both while actually taking pics of these). These Vertigo are wailing. If I can figure out how to get my iPod Touch to simply download pics to my laptop without screwing with iTunes I can post new pics. They are beautiful plants but 6 was too many in a 22-gallon Sterilite I'm discovering. Next time it will be 2 per 22-gallon. I have 4 Vertigo seeds left.

They are an average 10-12" high now. Except one runt in the corner at about 8".

I had been thinking of trying a hydro, in fact one that looks exactly like you're using. I was just wondering if that is something that can be used for the 6 plants all the way through to flower or do they need to be transplanted into individual planters?


Well-Known Member
I had been thinking of trying a hydro, in fact one that looks exactly like you're using. I was just wondering if that is something that can be used for the 6 plants all the way through to flower or do they need to be transplanted into individual planters?
Those are in 6 net pots. This unit will carry them from seedling to smoke. Easy as hell to make too. They sell units like this for $199.00. Make it yourself with stuff from Pet Smart, Wal Mart and maybe Lowes/HD. $50.00 pump and all. Use the rest for seeds and nutrients. I had zero experience until I planted a White Widow Auto in a 5-gallon I made. Those are really cheap to make!


Well-Known Member
Forgive this crappy HID pic. Trying to work out camera issues. From my iPod. OK this is actually from day before yesterday. Now have the 1000 watt HPS up over all the autos.



Well-Known Member
They have hit the road running now. Temps are cooling fast here making ventilation in this crappy bathroom much easier. First thumb is the White Widow Auto and no idea how to remove it so ignore.



Well-Known Member
The 2 on the end between the WWA and their bin are small from light deprivation. I screwed up making this a 6-space unit. I saw them for sale everywhere so I made some - way too easy to be paying big money. But folks have to be using them for flowers or something because there 6 "little" autos are just too much for the space although they are (so far) healthy as heck.



Well-Known Member
20" tall and wilder than a shithouse rat. Hate working dark until dark and not being able to do more. Oh well a wild bathroom grow now.



Well-Known Member
These gals now have a 400 watt MH by themselves. There a week more then HPS. Healthy things. But they went into rockwool 9 September. No hold ups. They popped quick - all 6 did. Obviously these are not 55 day plants. And they have not lacked for light or nutes.
Eager to see your smoke report, i just chopped my vertigo. Was 400w HPS in coco fed on coco A&B plus bigbud in last 2 weeks.

Not very happy with the size roughly be 20g or so when dried but very smelly and sticky. Surprised how quick it been about 55days from seed and been caked in crystals for last 10-14 days so today i chopped.

Dont think i would grow again as my last NL auto (greenhouse seeds) done 6oz dry in same conditions, just takes an extra 5-6weeks to grow.

Was nice to see how quickly it grows and seems to be rather strong but size and yeilds is to low for me.


Well-Known Member
Eager to see your smoke report, i just chopped my vertigo. Was 400w HPS in coco fed on coco A&B plus bigbud in last 2 weeks.

Not very happy with the size roughly be 20g or so when dried but very smelly and sticky. Surprised how quick it been about 55days from seed and been caked in crystals for last 10-14 days so today i chopped.

Dont think i would grow again as my last NL auto (greenhouse seeds) done 6oz dry in same conditions, just takes an extra 5-6weeks to grow.

Was nice to see how quickly it grows and seems to be rather strong but size and yeilds is to low for me.
I work 14 hour days. Weather changing here in Alaska real fast. Short story - a barely open window turned out to be not open enough once the sun came out and the heat just about killed them all. 3 survived OK but 1 died within 2 days and there are 2 that need mercy killing. But TALL! In this DWC the survivors are 28" tall and flowering. My White Widow Auto is tougher. Much tougher.

So have you smoked any of the Vertigo yet?
That sucks man, hopefully it doesnt happen again to you. But we learn from our mistakes.

I been smoking the vertigo all day man and it is defonetly the strongest auto i have grown, so packed with crystals and sticky to the extreme. When ground in grinder has lovely pinnapple smell, really impressed by the smoke and how quickly it grown. 7 weeks from seed lol absolutely amazing. It was only around 20 grams dry so thats my only criticism. It can probably yeild alot more with fine tuning feed temps sweating etc etc. I think i will continue to grow at least one of these each grow that will be ready earlier than other plants.

Very impressed but i have pandora auto still growing and its alot larger just hope it will be a decent smoke as this, also doing a super critical auto and another NL auto which i grown before


Well-Known Member
I bought 2 breeders packs so had 4 left. They are sprouted in Root Shooters. Now the DWC units are trying to catch up. They are flowering and smell great. Did lose 1 and another stunted from that heat. Live by yourself and work 14 hours . . . .. Dropped 15 seeds, 4 strains. Vertigo are the shortest but sturdy. Planted 20 October, popped in 2 days. In 4" planters now. Thanks for that update!!!


Well-Known Member
The surviving Vertigo are flowering OK. One had to be done away with, another is just starting to thrive while 4 are cruising along. I'll post new pics tomorrow. They smell great!!!! Just popped the other 4 in dirt and they are all up and healthy!