Paranoia- are these sites safe?

Friends I am having some paranoia. Though I garden, this is my first try with MJ. I am having some anxiety though- are being on sites like this ( lets face it, is more specific than a Better Homes and Gardening site) and search on your home computer. Let me set the scene for you: I don't smoke or party at all, have never had a run in with Johhny Law, pay my taxes, hold down a professional job in the medical field, go to college , and I am involved in my community. I'm a squeaky clean Jelly Bean. I'm walking this way because I have two family members that are really sick with Lyme disease that has actually spread to their brain and is causing a host of issues ( constant join pain, lethergy, migraines, periods of having flu like sypmtoms like anorexia and nausea, ect) its not good. They were never smokers and while I did show them how to smoke it was too much for them as they never were smokers of anything their whole lives. So I figure edibles or even lozengers/candy to help them along. Enter the problem that I don't feel comfortable trying to procure that much to make edibles. So here I am, a duck out of water. I was stupid and impatient and I bought my seeds with my personal credit card and had them shipped to my house- incredibley fucking stupid I know. From here on out its no paper trail endevor, but I am trying to find out how risky this already is. I am not trying toflip a crop for profit and other than that I am a pretty mum about it. Can anyone offer any advice or qwell my paranoia?

Darwin Riddle

Well-Known Member
From here on out its no paper trail endevor, but I am trying to find out how risky this already is. I am not trying toflip a crop for profit and other than that I am a pretty mum about it. Can anyone offer any advice or qwell my paranoia?
It's sounds, to me, like your'e on the right track. I wouldn't worry too much about the seed thing. I did the same thing my first time and noone came banging down my door. Now I just go and buy pre-paid gift cards for my purchases...not the pre-paid mastercard ones but gift cards that you can load with up to $500 and are 1 time use.
It costs police and investigators money, and time, to go after someone and they certainly aren't interested in our small scale operations....not to mention that they have to have some good damn probable cause to get a search warrant for your property....more than just buying some seeds, especially with no prior criminal history. They are after 100 plant grow-ops and habitual criminals.
I'm in the same boat as you, I have a good job and my own home and have no criminal history, the only difference is that I love to smoke! lol and no worries about the sites..I mean at least for me, I have been on them for years and never had any problems.

Darwin Riddle

Well-Known Member
oh and when I say one time use I mean that you can't reload, the card, with money. They require no registration and work well at Attitude Seedbank and others.


Well-Known Member
I am growing illegally, and I have posted pics on here to. I don't think it is the smartest thing I have ever done, but I doubt that I will get busted for posting here on RIU. Since I am growing illegally I made sure to check my local laws to see how many plants I could grow without it being a felony which happened to be 4 plants. So 4 plants equals a misdemeanor, and I am growing for personal use so there will be no trafficking charges. I'm growing with the thought that I will eventually get caught, but I can take a misdemeanor charge without any problems. It will be just a slap on the wrist and a fine at the worst. I don't give out any personal info to anyone I meet on here, because who knows if they are really who they are saying they are. If you are a legal grower than there isn't shit to worry about. I seriously doubt that local law enforcement is searching these sites to bust people growing small quantities anyway. Plus there are people from all different parts of the world on here. I'm basically showing my shit off on here, so I don't show anyone I know personally that could snitch me out. Sometimes I find this world to be sad.


Well-Known Member
the 2 issues you might have while growing: you get raided by the government, or your get robbed. either way both of those will happen if your showing your plants off to your friends or your house stinks or your doing it outside and every1 can see whats going on...

been here years, ive had no issues.


Well-Known Member
oh and when I say one time use I mean that you can't reload, the card, with money. They require no registration and work well at Attitude Seedbank and others.

post a link of a picture of the card itself.. i wanna see what it looks like because idk what your talking about lol. your talking like an american express gift card?

Darwin Riddle

Well-Known Member
post a link of a picture of the card itself.. i wanna see what it looks like because idk what your talking about lol. your talking like an american express gift card?
Yeah it's a gift card I think I used the mastercard's not one of those re-loadable credit cards that you buy and have to register. If I had one at the moment to take a pic of I would...I bought it at CVS. I'll try to find a link.