Paranoid of friend ratting on me...


Well-Known Member
Ok, so heres the short version of this story. A really good friend of mine (lets just call him tim) recently quit smoking bud (he was getting sick all the time and I guess he figured the bud was causing it, since he did smoke a lot), almost right afterward he got charged for selling a bag to an informant, normally it would be gross misdemeanor but since his apartment building was in a school zone he is getting charged with a felony (he is fighting it so he hasn't official been charged). Also his girlfriend of 2 years pretty much left him and moved to Washington to live with her brother about a month ago. Since then he has been really depressed cause all of his friends were either ppl he sold to or ppl he smoked with, he lives in a camper and has no cable and no friends, with the exception of me, which may not last much longer cuz since he quit he is always in a pissy mood and just saying really dumb shit that annoys the fuck out of me.

Now it really gets interesting, last weekend I was hanging with a buddy who mentioned tim asked him if he could get some coke for him (which is really weird cause tim would have been the guy to ask if you needed anything). Since tim quit he has shown little interest in my grow, the few times I showed him my first grow he said he appreciated a good looking plant, but has never asked to see my grow op. Until last night when he was over and out of the blue asks if he could see it since I told him I recently started a hydro. Keep in mind I have known tim for over 5 years and he pretty much made me the stoner I am today. Last night after he left I switched my WW to 12-12 to get em flowering faster than i planned just because I'm afraid he may be trying to lighten his sentence by turning in someone else which I really could never see him doing but desperation and depression can change a person a lot. I am definitely going to stop growing for a little while after this crop matures, but I am really not sure what to do about him.

ket me tell you after 5 years of growing i have learned if someone knows your grow its a bad thing. dont hesitate to pull the plug. your saftey and freedom are important.

those houses in houston were busted the same way. side with saftey. and keep your grow private


Well-Known Member
wow after reading this whole thread that sucks your friend sucks you should get a bat and beat him till he asks for more tie him up like a pig that he is lol then dump diesel all over him and light up a blunt after your done smoking light up a match an throw it at him be sure to wear gloves :) thats how we do it where im from for snitching other than that think about maybe making your grow op stealth and i mean really stealth and make sure you have nothin to do with him dont even speak to him or you can just confront him to come out of all suspicions


Active Member
Saying your grow is dead should be enough to quell any search warrants and such. If he is a rat, the only way you can meet him and being sure no one is watching is if you suprise him because every time he wants to meet you you can be sure someone is watching. Even when the mob suspects someone may be talking they don't always get rid of them, they just cover up their tracks. They used to do it all the time but years later it would come back to them. Just study the laws and if you aren't positive nothing can happen, pull the plug.