Part Wrinkled Leaves?


The plant has had this problem from the start, so I'm thinking that I must have done something when the plant was young - I don't think it's major but thought I'd best ask just incase. About 10% of the leaves suffer from deformity. Any help would be appreciated. On a separate issue a cutting has miniscule holes in one leaf - the last pic - so thought I'd throw that in too for any ideas - I've looked, but there doesn't seem to be any pests.


Well-Known Member
looks like there is bugs!Look on underside of leaf,there real small.Ive never had em in 10yrs growing,but i keep my grow spaces like a lab.Clean freak to a Point of Obsession.Might be them mites.LOL


That's what I thought, but have inspected the plant completely and nothing on it. I only noticed it today, so hoping that overnight nothing more happens - can only keep an eye on it...