Passed at home Test, Lab Test in 27 Days


New Member
As the title says, I passed the at home test, but I have a court ordered test in 27 days. Will I pass it??
I am a:
195 lbs
Very Active
Not over weight

I am also on a healthy diet, not smoking obviously, taking B vitamins, and drinking plenty of water and Green tea. What are my odds at passing the lab test in 27 days?
You'll pass. I've done urine tests for years, and I figured my threshold was 15-16 days. I'm 6'3" 230, active, and I've always drank water all day long whether I'm about to be tested or not.

If you get a hair test, you're fucked.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
It is nice you have almost a 30 day heads up on a court ordered test. If your not using, you will pass. Depending on why you are court ordered to test, expect a possibility of a random catch those who wait it out and then get blazed. At least for my area, if it involves Department of Human Services, they have a hard on for hair tests.


New Member
Did you use a home test that's a panel and you drop it into your urine? Those tests are more sensitive than the lab tests.
Yes, the one where you put it in the urine, I used a 50ng/ml test passed that, and just recently a 20ng/ml test and just barley passed that so in my next test in over 2 weeks I'm assuming I should be good.
Really VapeSquad, I took a panel test once, failed it. My potential employer gave me the option of having a lab test. I agreed, he sent me down there that afternoon and two days later called me and offered me the job. I'd quit for 15 days by that point. The lab guy said the panel tests were very sensitive to the point that he didn't think they were scientifically sound.


New Member
Really VapeSquad, I took a panel test once, failed it. My potential employer gave me the option of having a lab test. I agreed, he sent me down there that afternoon and two days later called me and offered me the job. I'd quit for 15 days by that point. The lab guy said the panel tests were very sensitive to the point that he didn't think they were scientifically sound.
Oh that's cool, so they're over sensitive is what your saying? Interesting I didn't know that. Thanks for the replies btw man. I appreciate it!
Vape, it might be advised to layoff soft drinks and limit your coffee intake to about one cup or less per day. Lay off alcohol for three days at least before your test.

Aren't the drug test total b.s.? I mean, WTF. Thought this was a free country but it's never been. I've been smoking for years and paranoid for years. It sucks that the police treat it like it's public enemy no. 1 when it's a benign plant. Colorado and Washington and Oregon have the right idea, but I hear that they're still drug testing there. People on probation are supposed to layoff, and many private employers still test for weed. Job ads claim that they do and oftentimes come with a statement such as "if you want to smoke weed, work somewhere else!" The stigma is still there even in the legal states and the Tennessee cops here have been super vigilant ever since CO legalized. Just about every day in the paper there's something about weed and how evil it is and how the cops are touting their zero tolerance and "total eradication." They even say in their press releases stuff like "if you smoke weed, we [law enforcement] are going to ruin your lives." What b.s.

Fuckers need to get a grip!


New Member
Vape, it might be advised to layoff soft drinks and limit your coffee intake to about one cup or less per day. Lay off alcohol for three days at least before your test.

Aren't the drug test total b.s.? I mean, WTF. Thought this was a free country but it's never been. I've been smoking for years and paranoid for years. It sucks that the police treat it like it's public enemy no. 1 when it's a benign plant. Colorado and Washington and Oregon have the right idea, but I hear that they're still drug testing there. People on probation are supposed to layoff, and many private employers still test for weed. Job ads claim that they do and oftentimes come with a statement such as "if you want to smoke weed, work somewhere else!" The stigma is still there even in the legal states and the Tennessee cops here have been super vigilant ever since CO legalized. Just about every day in the paper there's something about weed and how evil it is and how the cops are touting their zero tolerance and "total eradication." They even say in their press releases stuff like "if you smoke weed, we [law enforcement] are going to ruin your lives." What b.s.

Fuckers need to get a grip!
I know right? Like what business is it of theirs to judge someone doing something in the privacy of their own home especially if it does NOT effect ANYONE else...
Also it actually makes me feel sick to know that someone could judge me without knowing anything about me based on the fact I like weed. I think people have such a disgusting stigma against it in religious areas and because of the stupid stereo type of "stoners". Its actually kind of sad im choosing where I go to college based on their weed laws. For example, I want to go to college in NH but guess what? ANY amount of weed on you is a FELONY, like are you kidding me. Life is too short to be scared of using something like weed which is mind opening and has medical benefits, so I am legitimately choosing where I want to live based on their marijuana reform laws.