passive reservoir

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Well by the second quote i think that that simply means that once the water has been used up so as to be beneath the valve elvel the valve opens up, but yeah, never goes dry.


Active Member
Hi, thats a wick system, this is a reservoir system, supposed to be easy, trying in clay pellets mixed with small rockwell, see if it works
Sorry I get what your doing now. I have some Veggies in the yard that are in a pot of SAND, that sits in 1/4 to 1/2 the pot size in water 24/7 no air or anything/. SO far its working very well,, better then the soil plants that I have to water every day. Roots are nice and white,, No ferts cuz dogs and cats drink out of the rez. :(
I am going to let the reservoir run out, leave a bit then top up again, useing clay pellets and small pieses of rockwell, plants looking good, one i tried in perlite/ clayballs in a pot and half a 2litr plastic bottle cut down as the res is doing better after a week than an identical one in soil, see what happens, I will transplant them into bigger pots when they have grown a bit, Do I use the same size pots as my soil for them,Useing Phostogen fert as i do in all my grows,Now just gone out and bought a bag of canna coco pro, can i use that or do i have to mix it with a bit of perlite.
plants with mix of clay balls rockwell good, clayballs perlite ok. clayballs coco not so good, coco on own to wet, clayballs on own to dry, all sitting in res of canna nutes.Done for a week with 40 plants in veg, leave for a couple of weeks and see,