Password Reset Help


New Member
I have an account I made almost 2 years ago. On July 15th I tried to logon but didn't have the password right. I looked through my email accounts and found rollitup's acknowledgement email. So, I reset on July 15th using my email. Everything worked fine. I tried to log in the next day and the password I couldn't remember the new password I picked.......I forgot to write it down.

I've tried numerous times to reset the password again, but I get nothing except the capta I'm not a robot thing. I've clicked on so many fire hydrants, buses, etc. my eyes are blurred.

I've tried it on other computers at the library, and other places, thinking it was my ip address causing issue. Nope, won't work.

The user name I'm trying to retrieve is

I know this is my own fault, but there's got to be something that can be done to get a password reset.

Sunni was unable to do anything.

Does anyone know what to do? I'd really like to keep my original AndThenThereWasOne user name.
