Pathetic Terrorists Sentences


Well-Known Member
Today 3 terrorists were sentenced for planning acts of terrorism, I will not go into detail as more than enough information on this can be found easily on google. 3 terrorists were sentenced for planning acts of terrorism, they were attending terrorist training camps in Pakistan, they had been caught planning terrorist acts int the uk and traces of explosives were found in one mans bag.
These are 3 men that have been found guilty of being terrorists and planning to attack and shed innocent blood of the tolerant brittish citizens. The sentences these men received are pathetic, one man got 9 years, another 6 years and the other 4 years. These men will be releases at 6 years, 4 years and 2 years maximum, serving only 2 years for being found to be a terrorist planing a terrorist attack on Britain, in my eyes this is a life sentence. Even more pathetic is when you compare these sentences to the sentences repeated cannabis growers get.
Soon this day in age you can plan, train to kill hundreds of Brits, get found with traces of explosives within your operating group and train with the Taliban and get a lesser sentence than someone that has been caught a few times growing a plant that has statistically never caused one death.
I need not say more reply with your opinion,
what's your thoughts on this?
Do you agree with this?
In my opinions they should never be released they have been brainwashed and prison will not sort their heads out, we need to terrorise the terrorists as this is the only way the may regret their actions.
Bit of a rant lol just woke up watched the news and seen their sentencing, this makes me feel like the government is weak and only encourages more attacks.
We need a Guantanamo bay lol