Patient-Grower arrangements

I agree. It's appalling. I guess we're still optimists if we continue to be shocked by the bad side of human nature.

Thank you to Caretakerdad for the private message -- perfect timing, as I was delighted in the good side of human nature from you! Tried to give more reps, but couldn't just yet. Next time.
Well all political correctness aside, the clubs and dispensaries are basically retail stores. They have to pay for rent, bills, employees salaries, and whatever other costs that could be incurred in any other retail environment. Let me change that from "They pay" to "The customer pays". Here we call them patients, I suppose. I find many of the budtenders at these establishments to be kind, helpful, and well intentioned people. However, there almost seems to be a cliche for many of the owners I have met of these places. Many are not passionate about marijuana and what it means to so many people, they are high stakes investors willing to take the risks of opening a dispensaries for the probability that as long as they as long as they keep the shelves stocked the money will pour in.

Personally, I wish there was an easier way to to connect patients with growers-- formally. So many patients can't even afford the dispensary prices and so many growers are tired of getting lowballed when they walk in to sell there best wares. If it was only as easy and as dependable to knock out that middle man...easier said than done, though.
If you choose to give them your smoke thats fine for you. I think its fair charging per bag? They have 0 dollars invested into the operation wherein i have thousands.

I look at it this way..Yes it is a big investment for an indoor grow operation (thousands as you said + power)
A grower can legally grow 6 mature plants per patient and a reasonable grower can get 4 harvests a year. If he gets 6 ounces per plant, X 6 plants X four harvests a year.. thats 144 oz per year on someones patient card.

Minus the 1oz per month medicine to the patient and the grower is POUNDS ahead of the game to cover his costs.
A grower I know very well, is getting donations from a NE PDX for all of his excess medicine..I don't know what he gets for the donation...But that dispensary is getting $210 an oz donations for his smoke.

Lets just say the grower is getting a donation of $125 an oz from the dispensary. The grower told me recently he can't grow it fast enough to get to the dispensary...In other words, he is giving the patient 1oz and offloading the rest.

Over the course of the year for 1 patient at the numbers I gave above, which I feel I'm being pretty conservative, the grower is getting about 16K to "cover his costs".
Um, allow this 2 ounce wonder (e.g. I'm wondering when I'll average 2 ounces per plant from a normal sized harvest!) to say 6 ounces PER plant with room to grow 6 of that size indoors.... fuck.... That's definitely a major setup. I mean, my stuff is the best I've smoked, but now you've gone and made me feel I'm just too small.... it's genetics damnit!

Erm, sorry.... got distracted there ;) Back on topic As far as what he's likely getting from the disp: ~75 would be a better estimate, possibly lower (50 wouldn't surprise me in the least as that's what a lot of the disps do down south). However they accept a large quantity at a time.... Mind you, you could ask... though perhaps he'd get a bit offended ;) I know it's blasphemy to say here (and why I doubt we'll see legal pot in oregon any time soon) but this growing medically for profit thing really pushes my buttons....

Btw, hope you conquered cloning SS! If you're still having issues, try dip-n-grow from freddies (or amazon), when I've used it diluted to hardwood levels I've gotten nearly 100% for multiple harvests... Just make sure you use a clean (single edged ideally) razor blade each session.
Btw, hope you conquered cloning SS! If you're still having issues, try dip-n-grow from freddies (or amazon), when I've used it diluted to hardwood levels I've gotten nearly 100% for multiple harvests... Just make sure you use a clean (single edged ideally) razor blade each session.

Dip-n-grow is the bomb, that's what I used to use back in my growing days, and had over a 99% success rate.
I've got some "Rooting Powder" by Bontone, but I think it's time to upgrade to Dip n Grow. I just grabbed whatever they had at Home Depot out of desperation. Seasonal changes really throw me off -- over the summer I can clone in a glass of water on my windowsill easily, but colder temps slow it down so much for me. This is the first time I've attempted perpetual grow, so cloning in a timely manner has become so much more important for me. I'll try the clean razor blade technique too. I've been lazy and just using my trimming scissors.

And I hear you Stsin. I'd be stoked to get 2 oz per plant indoors. I've got piddly lights that I'm not thrilled with, (T5's) but I got them for free from an acquaintance, so I'm not bitching too much (free is always good). But the energy costs, and mediocre buds (compared to my outdoor summer grow) are frustrating. It still beats back alley deals, and my stuff tastes greats (tip of the hat to genetics and TLC), so there's that. Next fall, I'm gonna try something other than cfl's, for shits and giggles.

Kudos to all the folks that DO grow for others, regardless of the deal they've struck with their patients. It's more than I could do right now.
2oz a month is damn good anyone that bitches about that and thinks 6oz a plant should probably head over to the noob section and start growing for themselves.
Um, allow this 2 ounce wonder (e.g. I'm wondering when I'll average 2 ounces per plant from a normal sized harvest!) to say 6 ounces PER plant with room to grow 6 of that size indoors.... fuck.... That's definitely a major setup. I mean, my stuff is the best I've smoked, but now you've gone and made me feel I'm just too small.... it's genetics damnit!

Erm, sorry.... got distracted there ;) Back on topic As far as what he's likely getting from the disp: ~75 would be a better estimate, possibly lower (50 wouldn't surprise me in the least as that's what a lot of the disps do down south). However they accept a large quantity at a time.... Mind you, you could ask... though perhaps he'd get a bit offended ;) I know it's blasphemy to say here (and why I doubt we'll see legal pot in oregon any time soon) but this growing medically for profit thing really pushes my buttons....

Btw, hope you conquered cloning SS! If you're still having issues, try dip-n-grow from freddies (or amazon), when I've used it diluted to hardwood levels I've gotten nearly 100% for multiple harvests... Just make sure you use a clean (single edged ideally) razor blade each session.

Yeah..I was at his place today..I'd estimate his flower room is 12X15 and his veg room is about the same size it's definitely a nice set up. And he did varify he gets close to 6oz a plant. I grow his strain outdoor and I got 75 an oz from the same dispensary for outdoor, and at least here in Oregon, indoor demands a higher prices than outdoor (Even though I grow some berry berry tasty bud.
Im not picking on the op but most patients are greedy with unrealistic expectations as to what they deserve for their whopping $100 to $200 investment , vs my $25,000 investment , patients put up no capital & take no chance of the drug nazi roid rage cops seizing every last thing they own , the grower takes all the risks ( which are huge ) & invests ziltch , i offer patients 2 different options , if i pay for doctor & med card im out $200 & i offer them a zip every 8 weeks , if they pay for doctor & med card i supply a zip a month , i use this rule for most patients .

Keep in mind 90% of those calling weed medicine are stoners , which is cool with me just dont get all butt hurt because i dont view people who are not on a real pain management program via a doctor & using mj instead of vicoden or oxycontin the same as those with real life altering illnesses such as cancer , multiple scleurosis , chrons disease ect , those patients i provide a minimum of all the weed they can smoke & free hash when i make it , i also give my REAL patients kief & medibles i pay to have made at no charge

My wife is dying from Multiple Scleurosis & is in ungodly amounts of pain , i have a patient with pancreatic cancer & another one with inoperable stage 3 prostate cancer & their pain levels are off the charts yet all of them have all the medicine they can ever smoke at 2 zips per month , infact it's rare they even use that much , it's allways the stoners who want a qp each month .

Forgive me if i seem jaded but just because people have med cards dont make weed medicine , and with that i refuse to pay exorbitant weights to stoners who want assloads just because they have a card , any 18 yr old with a back ache can get a card , i can find 10 people a day with no real pain who are too broke to get a card but wnt to be legal who will gladly be a patient with zero freebies .

I know i will catch hell for being greedy but as a provider who gives away lbs to real patients free of charge i feel no pity for people with no true health issues who call themselves patients , then use the weed to get high & cry that their whopping $100 investment wont keep them supplied with more than an ounce a month , at that rate one ounce & the card cost & doctor bill is repaid from one ounce & the rest is pure profit with no work , no chance of jail or loss of assets , now who is being greedy .

Plant count & legal weights dont mean shit to cops either , i just got pulled over with 2 zips 3 weeks ago & never got a ticket , what i did get was a seizure notice where they intend to sieze & liquidate my truck because it was a delievery vehicle , fukin pricks couldnt sieze the weed , they bluebooked my truck on the spot at $18,000 of which i must put up $18,000 cash bond with the court before i can even fight the illegal seizure & ive only got 20 days from day of notice to lay nearly 20k on them for bond or they are sei!zing the truck on day 21 .

Being a patient is risk free but providers like me risk everything .
Im not picking on the op but most patients are greedy with unrealistic expectations as to what they deserve for their whopping $100 to $200 investment , vs my $25,000 investment , patients put up no capital & take no chance of the drug nazi roid rage cops seizing every last thing they own , the grower takes all the risks ( which are huge ) & invests ziltch , i offer patients 2 different options , if i pay for doctor & med card im out $200 & i offer them a zip every 8 weeks , if they pay for doctor & med card i supply a zip a month , i use this rule for most patients .

Keep in mind 90% of those calling weed medicine are stoners , which is cool with me just dont get all butt hurt because i dont view people who are not on a real pain management program via a doctor & using mj instead of vicoden or oxycontin the same as those with real life altering illnesses such as cancer , multiple scleurosis , chrons disease ect , those patients i provide a minimum of all the weed they can smoke & free hash when i make it , i also give my REAL patients kief & medibles i pay to have made at no charge

My wife is dying from Multiple Scleurosis & is in ungodly amounts of pain , i have a patient with pancreatic cancer & another one with inoperable stage 3 prostate cancer & their pain levels are off the charts yet all of them have all the medicine they can ever smoke at 2 zips per month , infact it's rare they even use that much , it's allways the stoners who want a qp each month .

Forgive me if i seem jaded but just because people have med cards dont make weed medicine , and with that i refuse to pay exorbitant weights to stoners who want assloads just because they have a card , any 18 yr old with a back ache can get a card , i can find 10 people a day with no real pain who are too broke to get a card but wnt to be legal who will gladly be a patient with zero freebies .

I know i will catch hell for being greedy but as a provider who gives away lbs to real patients free of charge i feel no pity for people with no true health issues who call themselves patients , then use the weed to get high & cry that their whopping $100 investment wont keep them supplied with more than an ounce a month , at that rate one ounce & the card cost & doctor bill is repaid from one ounce & the rest is pure profit with no work , no chance of jail or loss of assets , now who is being greedy .

Plant count & legal weights dont mean shit to cops either , i just got pulled over with 2 zips 3 weeks ago & never got a ticket , what i did get was a seizure notice where they intend to sieze & liquidate my truck because it was a delievery vehicle , fukin pricks couldnt sieze the weed , they bluebooked my truck on the spot at $18,000 of which i must put up $18,000 cash bond with the court before i can even fight the illegal seizure & ive only got 20 days from day of notice to lay nearly 20k on them for bond or they are sei!zing the truck on day 21 .

Being a patient is risk free but providers like me risk everything .

Come on Panhead...You make it sound like patients are leeching off of growers. The truth is there is no one fair set amount that growers can or should compensate patients for.There should be some sort of formula in the agreement between the grower and patient. IMO at least here in Oregon the whole medical law simply skirts around existing marijuana laws, and you "pay" to play.
In my agreement my grower supplies me with 1oz a month and as I said above (And Slim Jim, I am far from a noob) he averages about 6 oz a plant. So in my name he is growing to maturity 24 plants a year, he also has two other patients, so he is harvesting 24 plants, four times a year.
I have absolutely no problem with him covering his costs and more in my name, as during the outdoor season I do the same thing. He's invested probably 20K constructing the rooms in his basement, rewiring, installing dehumidifiers, an air conditioner, carbon filters, lighting, and he puts in tons of hours caring for the plants, harvesting, drying, trimming
A grower is not going to "invest" in 25K worth of grow equipment to lose money, unless he/she is in a situation like you and your wife..But you and I both know, yours and my situation is in the vast minority of medical card holders.
I'm probably well in the minority that rarely smokes. I grow and am a patient to recieve medicine I apply topically, but there is only so much ointment and creams I can apply to my back and knee, I also supply my parents who are in their 80's and swear by the cream.
I've never heard of anyone in Oregon getting their car impounded, or siezed. What state are you in? I was driving through Portland last summer and drove through a check point for drunk drivers after a concert. (I wasn't at the concert) but the cop asked me if I had been drinking and almost immediately smelled my weed (an 8oz freezer bag full) He asked me if I had been smoking and I told him I hadn't. He had me pull to the side, he checked my bag, my OMMP card, asked me what I was doing with 8oz in my car at 11:00 PM at night and then said, thank you have a good night.
Come on Panhead...You make it sound like patients are leeching off of growers. The truth is there is no one fair set amount that growers can or should compensate patients for.There should be some sort of formula in the agreement between the grower and patient. IMO at least here in Oregon the whole medical law simply skirts around existing marijuana laws, and you "pay" to play.
In my agreement my grower supplies me with 1oz a month and as I said above (And Slim Jim, I am far from a noob) he averages about 6 oz a plant. So in my name he is growing to maturity 24 plants a year, he also has two other patients, so he is harvesting 24 plants, four times a year.
I have absolutely no problem with him covering his costs and more in my name, as during the outdoor season I do the same thing. He's invested probably 20K constructing the rooms in his basement, rewiring, installing dehumidifiers, an air conditioner, carbon filters, lighting, and he puts in tons of hours caring for the plants, harvesting, drying, trimming
A grower is not going to "invest" in 25K worth of grow equipment to lose money, unless he/she is in a situation like you and your wife..But you and I both know, yours and my situation is in the vast minority of medical card holders .
I've never heard of anyone in Oregon getting their car impounded, or siezed. What state are you in? I was driving through Portland last summer and drove through a check point for drunk drivers after a concert. (I wasn't at the concert) but the cop asked me if I had been drinking and almost immediately smelled my weed (an 8oz freezer bag full) He asked me if I had been smoking and I told him I hadn't. He had me pull to the side, he checked my bag, my OMMP card, asked me what I was doing with 8oz in my car at 11:00 PM at night and then said, thank you have a good nightOTE]

Im not trying to make it sound like patients leach off growers , ya see i have a unique perspective as to rough percentages of which card holder is truly a " Patient " & who is a card holder who is using the mmj program to avoid legal trouble & use their card to obtain weed to get high on , which im ok with but those card holders are not " Patients " in my eyes nor is the mj Medicine , this is where my problems lie & fester .

A year into the start of Michigans mmj program i was watching a dispensary take my product & sell it at $25 a gram & i watched them sell an obviuosly sick person a 20 gram bag of my blue widdow for $500 , i was so pissed i told her not to buy it & if she'd follow me to my car i'd give her a zip free of charge , that experience led me to invest $180,000 with a group of investers to start a true co-op , we got it up & running & with me owning 51% shit went smooth , i started a program which gave out free meds to patients with painfull diseases & once their doctor filled out our questionaire they got up to a zip a month depending on their pain levels , durring my 2 yrs as co-op controler i was bombarded with young kids trying to sign up for the patient hope program with bullshit back aches & add or adhd , stoners trying to take advantage , most real " Patients " were ashamed to even ask about joining patient hope .

We also provided doctor consultations so i'd wittness young healthy people trying to make up shit to fill out on the form to appear sick to our doctor , atleast twice a day some stoner would ask me how to fake pain & how to describe it on paper , ive also wittnessed dozens of people auction their grow rights by pitting one provider against others , i walked away knowing that around 90% of Michigans mmj " Patients " were interested in being legal for self servingreasons & that most do not truly use mj as medicine , my partners got so greedy i made them buy me out or i'd close the doors so ive seen greed from both sides , the thing that sticks in my craw about most patients is they allways do the math estimates on how much the provider is making off their 12 plants , much like you outlined in the quote above , what i never see wrote or talked about is how much their provider invested to grow their meds , with lighting , equipment ,nutrients , proper building code wiring & fire suppresion equipment it cost me $25,000 to set up 8 4ft x 8ft tables with geothermal cooling for all 8 rez's , that with the $180k in the store front put me in for roughly $200k & thats what i sold back my interest in the co-op for , i could of made more money just collecting bank interest , where i made real money was from operating that huge grow room & even that was risky , the building i owned so if the cop's wanted they could of seized the bldg & its contents , even though the grow was inspected by the fire marshall , met building codes & was in complience with state mmj laws it could be seized on a whim , exactly like my truck , all total i barely made 20% returns on my money because we gave so much to terminal patients .

If cops think there is profit to be made from a grower they will beat other leo agencies over the head to get at you 1st , i allready lost a home , 2 cars , bank accounts , several motorcycles & everything in the home over growing & spent 2 yrs in prison to boot , now they are gonna get my truck , it angers me how providers are painted as greedy by fake patients who do some quick math & think their provider is making a fortune off their 12 plants , im also angered at these type threads because nobody takes the grower into consideration his risky investment , his labor or risk of having his home & assets seized , its allways ( Am i getting enough from my provider ) .

Im in Michigan & mj laws only protect patients & providers are viewed as atm machines by johnny law , imo any patient who thinks they deserve more than 2 zips per 12 plant grow is greedy & not thinking about their providers investment , hard work or especially the risk to their home & family saftey .
Im not picking on the op but most patients are greedy with unrealistic expectations as to what they deserve for their whopping $100 to $200 investment , vs my $25,000 investment , patients put up no capital & take no chance of the drug nazi roid rage cops seizing every last thing they own , the grower takes all the risks ( which are huge ) & invests ziltch , i offer patients 2 different options , if i pay for doctor & med card im out $200 & i offer them a zip every 8 weeks , if they pay for doctor & med card i supply a zip a month , i use this rule for most patients .

Keep in mind 90% of those calling weed medicine are stoners , which is cool with me just dont get all butt hurt because i dont view people who are not on a real pain management program via a doctor & using mj instead of vicoden or oxycontin the same as those with real life altering illnesses such as cancer , multiple scleurosis , chrons disease ect , those patients i provide a minimum of all the weed they can smoke & free hash when i make it , i also give my REAL patients kief & medibles i pay to have made at no charge

My wife is dying from Multiple Scleurosis & is in ungodly amounts of pain , i have a patient with pancreatic cancer & another one with inoperable stage 3 prostate cancer & their pain levels are off the charts yet all of them have all the medicine they can ever smoke at 2 zips per month , infact it's rare they even use that much , it's allways the stoners who want a qp each month .

Forgive me if i seem jaded but just because people have med cards dont make weed medicine , and with that i refuse to pay exorbitant weights to stoners who want assloads just because they have a card , any 18 yr old with a back ache can get a card , i can find 10 people a day with no real pain who are too broke to get a card but wnt to be legal who will gladly be a patient with zero freebies .

I know i will catch hell for being greedy but as a provider who gives away lbs to real patients free of charge i feel no pity for people with no true health issues who call themselves patients , then use the weed to get high & cry that their whopping $100 investment wont keep them supplied with more than an ounce a month , at that rate one ounce & the card cost & doctor bill is repaid from one ounce & the rest is pure profit with no work , no chance of jail or loss of assets , now who is being greedy .

Plant count & legal weights dont mean shit to cops either , i just got pulled over with 2 zips 3 weeks ago & never got a ticket , what i did get was a seizure notice where they intend to sieze & liquidate my truck because it was a delievery vehicle , fukin pricks couldnt sieze the weed , they bluebooked my truck on the spot at $18,000 of which i must put up $18,000 cash bond with the court before i can even fight the illegal seizure & ive only got 20 days from day of notice to lay nearly 20k on them for bond or they are sei!zing the truck on day 21 .

Being a patient is risk free but providers like me risk everything .

Sorry not trying to be a dick here, but I am calling bullshit on your truck story. There is no way they would try to seize your truck unless you were doing something you shouldn't have. Unless you were should not have been transporting it they would not be messing with you. Just because you are a grower does not mean you can transport it. You would need to be a patient or a caregiver to someone. The only way I see them doing this is if you were being a dick to them or not a patient or caregiver. Even if the latter two were the case I would still see them not messing with you unless you gave them a reason to.

As for your soap box and your dictating just how much pain and what kind of ailment constitutes "True Pain". shame on you. Who are you to say how much pain makes it legit and all others are just trying to work the system. If you don't feel their pain is legitimate enough for the program but yet take them as a patient (only to give them less because you don't feel them worthy of being a real patient) are you not only enabling them but also being more of a hypocrite in growing for them and keeping more of it to yourself. You are worse than those patients if you ask me.

As for your "investment and so called risk". Your investment is just that your investment. You cannot expect to recoup costs for lights, fans etc... from your patients. That is stuff that is yours and will always be yours. It is not theirs to take with them if or when they ever leave your stingy self righteous ass. If their paying for it they should take it. That's like saying I bought a new house with more room to grow so I am going to give you less or charge you more to recoup my costs of my new house.
You sir are the kind of grower that gives the rest a bad name.

Bottom line, you should be ashamed of yourself to tell someone that your pain is just for a back ache so you get 1/4 a month, but this person I feel is in more legit pain so I am going to give them more.

I do not have multiple sclerosis or cancer but I can tell you my pain is very very real. I have chronic migraines from a Brain Aneurysm and what is known as cluster headaches. You would not think this is a legit reason then again you may. Regardless it should not be up to you to determine that just because I don't want to pop pills that I should get less than someone else. As at the end of the day it is because of patients that every grower is allowed to grow with the "Roid Rage Cops knocking on their door."
Panhead..I could not agree with you more. Zildjian..You don't really believe all that BS do you? You sound like you think people owe you some thing in life? I have grown for a few people like you in the pass. NEVER AGAIN. And any one reading this, if you think like this guy you will never get a real good grower to grow for you. All you will get is some one telling you what you want to hear and get nothing at the end. I almost fell off my chair LOLOLOLOLOL so hard when i was reading the part about my investment was my choice so why should the people we grow for pay for it? REALLY? REALLY?

I think you may be misunderstanding me on that point. What I meant was in his point about taking all the risk and putting money into his grow. If he was legit and doing this within the law there is no risk as far as law enforcement goes. As for his "investment" Whether he is growing for just his wife, or 3 other people he needed to buy that equipment to be able to grow, so why think the patient should be paying for his lights, timers, etc... Is he a patient himself or using patients cards to supply himself as well if he is smoking it? Sorry I just hate hypocrites and growers wanting to get make money off of their patients.
i can see you know very little about this. All growers risk going to jail, because what we all are doing is illegal. We risk our freedom for the people we grow for. Then most want us to do it for free? And sale the excess to pay for their free meds? It takes a building, equipment, supplies, plants and 3 months to get a crop. It also takes years and years of growing, breeding, praying to get the true top shelf meds you all want. It is people like you that are the true HYPOCRITES and when i first joined OMMP 5 years ago it was full of people just like you. Most of you guys had multiple growers and you would never tell the grower you had a new grower, putting that grower over in plants. But i just don't get how people like you think? YOU FEEL THE WORLD AND PEOPLE OWE YOU THINGS? Like its a entitlement? Well let me tell you some thing, if a grower has invested $25k to $50k in a killer grow room and you are lucky enough to be one of the people he grows for. Say thank you and take what he gives you. Don't demand, insist, cry about any thing. Now if you are paying this grower you may have a little more to talk about. But getting you guys to pay growers is a joke, you all think every thing in life is FREE…Its just how people like you think. I see people like you in 5min of meeting you and would never grow for any one like you!

I can tell you that you are completely incorrect. I do know what I'm talking about. I grew for several years and got popped for doing it. So I do know the risks and whats involved. I got busted with 99 plants. I know the costs involved and the potential of what a plant can yield. As long as you keep it legit then the state will not mess with you, and as long as it is under 99 the feds do not get involved so there is no risk as far as that goes. In fact when I got busted my lawyer told me that when they tested it (for legality purposes) as the time of my arrest my stuff had the 3rd highest THC count of any pot bust in the state of oregon at that time. So trust me I know all about genetics and know what I'm doing and what's involved.

Yes I agree there are some patients that are getting multiple growers growing for them, and shame on them for working the system. However there are a hell of a lot of growers also working the patients for their card and not giving what is agreed upon as well. Unfortunately there are shady people on both sides of this.
The main point I'm trying to make here is he should not be judging someone elses pain level and if they are deserving of not deserving. Is he a patient, and if not does he smoke? If he is not a patient and does smoke isn't he then using a patient's card to allow for him to do so without taking any risk for growing it? As he stated he hates patients using the system to " Patient " & who is a card holder who is using the mmj program to avoid legal trouble & use their card to obtain weed to get high on"
HYPOCRITE. I do not fell anyone owes me anything. Not even trying to be greedy what so ever. I never ask for more then what I feel is fair and what I need. I go through about 1.5 to 2 a month. Never ask for more and don't expect more (so your barking up the wrong tree) I do not think this is excessive or greedy by any means.

This program is not about enabling growers to get help in making their house or car payments etc... This is about compassion and helping patients, if you feel that people are not in true pain or are faking it then don't take them as a patient at all. If you feel they are fake patients and take them anyway and just don't give them hardly anything from the yield then you are not only being a hypocrite but you are worse in the fact as you are using them for greed.

"We give our people 4oz a month" Was this a bunch of BS in that statement? If not then how can you make the statement that a person that is asking for two a month is greedy? I'm calling BS on that statement you made. Lets keep it real!
so you are one of those black market growers using the system you talk so much about? Just not smart enough to do it with out getting busted? Looks to me its you that needs to tote the line a few years till you learn how this works. Not be on some web site telling people how to do it? I understand the truth behind all the smoke, and the truth is…IT IS ILLEGAL. Plan according!

Timtanner...What risk is there if a grower stays within the legal limits of the law? The biggest threat was from the Feds..But they have said publically that legal medical growers are not even on their radar,if you are overtly careless and growing mass quanitities then you had better watch your ass in any state.

Panhead: I agree that 2 zips per month on 12 plants is more than fair. But I don't think you saw what his yearly output is..It's 18-24 plants per year. He's getting 4 harvests per year, OMMP allows 6 mature plants per patient at any one time, and he is almost always flowering plants. The only time his flower room doesn't have flowering plants in it is the week he is using that room as a drying room.

I realize outdoor is much different..which is what I do. I probably gift and barter away as much as I get "donations" for at dispensaries. I'm getting a very nice deck built right now at only the cost of the cedar with some of last years harvest! I trade it with local Native Americans for fresh salmon and I trade it for topicals for me and my parents, and I make some kick ass tincture and honey tincture I give as gifts to friends.
Yeah..I was at his place today..I'd estimate his flower room is 12X15 and his veg room is about the same size it's definitely a nice set up. And he did varify he gets close to 6oz a plant. I grow his strain outdoor and I got 75 an oz from the same dispensary for outdoor, and at least here in Oregon, indoor demands a higher prices than outdoor (Even though I grow some berry berry tasty bud.

****!!!!!! 75/oz for outdoor from a disp? Hmmmm, I might need to check into traveling to portland for thanksgiving... That's shockingly generous compared to cali back in the day. Though I doubt I'll outgrow my needs it's still filed away for future pondering to help out those that can't grow their own for whatever reason and to allow me to not break my limits....
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The feds are still arresting people in every medical marijuana state to this day. People in full compliance! If they pick you, really nothing you can do about it. It is still illegal. I stop believing what my government says long time ago! I watch what they do, not say. We give our people 4 oz a month so they can sale some and get a little piece of the pie. Every one wants a new deck. Zend says this is not about the grower buy about compassion and helping patients? I say what ever helps you sleep at night. It is always about the money, how many poor people can help any one? The secret is not losing your soul while doing it, find a happy ground where you can make a good living, pay your employees good and help people along the way. We have done this with the co/op. ONE OF US - ONE OF US - ONE OF US

I hate to be a dick but dude, in oregon full compliance != "we give our people 4 oz a month so they can sale some and get a little piece of the pie."

Giving the 4 oz a month is good, but selling (you have a sale, people sell or have sold) or expecting /encouraging, mentioning them doing it is quite explicitly not in compliance, like verbatim... OMMP only allows growers to be reimbursed for supplies and utilities not counting the new disp. law (if you're registered as a disp and approved then you can sell, not sure if there's any pricing control or not). While there's some argument on the compliance of growers keeping a portion of the harvest for (cough cough) testing purposes as long as they're not caught testing. There is no argument at all on selling as it is specifically a no no under state law (and oregon is or at least was until recently *very* strict about illegal growing and selling of MJ....)

As far as however much someone has put into their grow room, that's lovely, but unless you're giving it to the patient when they leave you, or are going to throw it in the trash and start again with each new member, it doesn't matter. Maybe you can argue a light bulb and the CF ( if you do the 1 per harvest rule), plus however much food, and the electricity portion for their portion of the grow room, but your sunk costs in building, equipment, etc are just that. Sunk costs. After a harvest they don't go away anymore than an auto plant has to be torn down at the end of a model year. They just retool and get on with production. No one forced you to be a grower. These days with the new Ag Oregon goes out of its way to protect compliant growers (the oregon supreme court even ruled you can grow outside on the fence-line next to a flipping school for god's sake.)

Speaking of people making money on MMJ, reminder to all oregon voters don't forget to add your signature to I-21 and I-22 to get them on the november ballot, and you know. VOTE for them.
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