Patients Rights??


Active Member
Is it true that your employer can't fire you if you have a recommendation and you piss positive? I have a couple interviews coming up and I havent smoked in 5 days and I am so on edge. Want to know if this is completely necessary.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Is it true that your employer can't fire you if you have a recommendation and you piss positive? I have a couple interviews coming up and I havent smoked in 5 days and I am so on edge. Want to know if this is completely necessary.
No it is not true. Your employer, or putative employer, can choose not to hire or to fire if you test positive.


Well-Known Member
Your employer can fire you unfortunately. A landlord can also evict you. We need more rights as patients.


Well-Known Member
You need a lot more than 5 days to clean your system. You need to get ” test clean tea” drink a shit load of water then follow the tea directions and should be ok...good luck