Patriot Act author says Verizon snooping violates the law

good thing i'm a product of new jersey public schools! some of the best in the nation.

That's one way to look at it or after your departure from jersey everything got better which would explain why Oregon is now doing so poorly... Let just pray your "wife" has nothing to with the education sector as your brand of dumb may very well be contagious...
Really being a dumb shit that can't stay focus on the subject at hand was your job today?

not even close to a sentence in english.

That's one way to look at it or after your departure from jersey everything got better which would explain why Oregon is now doing so poorly... Let just prey your "wife" has nothing to with the education sector as your brand of dumb may very well be contagious...


yeah, you should probably trust the republican congressman trying to make political hay out of this thing that has been going on for a decade now yet just now decided to pipe up :roll:

so dumb.

I find your views fascinating... Kinda like the "situation" (another product of a jersey education) giving us the "straight dope" on the current political climate...

Obama's wiretapping flip-flop? Yes

FISA Warrantless Wiretapping Program Renewed By Senate

GOP and Feinstein join to fulfill Obama's demand for renewed warrantless eavesdropping

The Domestic Surveillance Boom, From Bush to Obama

Your gun hating hero Feinstein's doing well bucky, seems it's all good when Obama authorises and expands the same extra-constitutional activities you all bashed bush for... Here's some of her views from back in 2006 - Senator Feinstein Opposes More Executive Warrantless Wiretapping

The new bill would strengthen the President’s authority to act outside of FISA, eliminate the longstanding exclusivity of FISA, and replace it with language that would allow the President to exercise unchecked authority.

I am concerned that under the new language, the President or his designee could now:

-- Wiretap American citizens without a warrant; and
-- Enter Americans’ homes without a warrant.

Carried to its logical conclusion, one could foresee this broad grant of power being used to justify the authorizing of opening personal mail at will, or even the President ordering assassinations.
Maybe he's trying to help you see reality?

funny how the first thing to pop into your mind was a visual of homoerotic acts. got something on your mind there?*



seems it's all good when Obama authorises and expands the same extra-constitutional activities you all bashed bush for...

go ahead and try to find any quotes from me expressing the least bit of concern about the patriot act with regards to phone tapping.

the most recent thing you'll find from me about the subject was me saying how much i did not give a shit about it a couple weeks ago, before any of this fake scandal nonsense broke out.

funny how this wasn't a problem for the last 10 years, but suddenly the jobs report comes out with its 39th straight month of private sector job gains, the stock market at an all time high, the deficit cut in half, and housing quickly recovering nationwide and suddenly it's time to go apoplectic.

it's transparent as all fuck what politics are being played here, and if you're gonna get sucked into the right wing playbook, Dog have mercy on your unrelentingly stupid soul.
Does he show it in every post, or does he lack posts? Does he only show it in the posts he lacks?

How much money is in the federal reserve?
Are you and buck one and the same guy living in his mothers basement ? Maybe with a deep contempt for White people because of what his uncle did to him at such a young age?
Why is sky blue? Why are you bucks defender? Is he your lover or your hero ? Why do black people have white on the bottom of there feet?
Why do you always post after buck?
Now your hitting on me and when I reject your advance and call you a faggot you will say I'm a homophobe or something along those lines. Go kill yourself.

i wasn't hitting on you, neo nazis are not my type.

just make sure to avoid any hookers with deep voices and adam's apples, a surprise awaits you.

You and your right winger / left winger jibber jabber. Common sense is whats needed in politics something you show in every post you lack.

might want to work on your sentence structure, champ. i believe you'll get some practice on that in 9th grade remedial english next fall.

and LOL at the irony of a holocaust denying white supremacist telling me about common sense.

just grand.
How much money is in the federal reserve?
Are you and buck one and the same guy living in his mothers basement ? Maybe with a deep contempt for White people because of what his uncle did to him at such a young age?
Why is sky blue? Why are you bucks defender? Is he your lover or your hero ? Why do black people have white on the bottom of there feet?
Why do you always post after buck?

what is it with you and your white supremacy garbage? was being born a certain skin color really the crowning achievement of your life?
How much money is in the federal reserve?
Are you and buck one and the same guy living in his mothers basement ? Maybe with a deep contempt for White people because of what his uncle did to him at such a young age?
Why is sky blue? Why are you bucks defender? Is he your lover or your hero ? Why do black people have white on the bottom of there feet?
Why do you always post after buck?

funny how the first thing to pop into your mind was a visual of homoerotic acts. got something on your mind there?*



go ahead and try to find any quotes from me expressing the least bit of concern about the patriot act with regards to phone tapping.

the most recent thing you'll find from me about the subject was me saying how much i did not give a shit about it a couple weeks ago, before any of this fake scandal nonsense broke out.

funny how this wasn't a problem for the last 10 years, but suddenly the jobs report comes out with its 39th straight month of private sector job gains, the stock market at an all time high, the deficit cut in half, and housing quickly recovering nationwide and suddenly it's time to go apoplectic.

it's transparent as all fuck what politics are being played here, and if you're gonna get sucked into the right wing playbook, Dog have mercy on your unrelentingly stupid soul.

Yeah it's been a problem for a little longer than 10 years, unemployment rate is basically unchanged Obama has added $6 trillion to the debt while reducing the deficit. YAY! Job rate is still shit, but again nice try with the part-time/obamacare loophole employers are opting for.. ohhh and housing and the stock market is good you say? Bet you the rise in the dow answered the prayers of the 47 million Americans on food stamps. I think we can all see who's "transparent* as all fuck"...

Now here I thought the US and it's citizens took their constitution seriously, but you've made it quite clear you view constitutional rights as "nonsense"...

*A Transparent as all fuck administration would be a welcomed change
Yeah it's been a problem for a little longer than 10 years, unemployment rate is basically unchanged Obama has added $6 trillion to the debt while reducing the deficit. YAY! Job rate is still shit, but again nice try with the part-time/obamacare loophole employers are opting for.. ohhh and housing and the stock market is good you say? Bet you the rise in the dow answered the prayers of the 47 million Americans on food stamps. I think we can all see who's "transparent* as all fuck"...

Now here I thought the US and it's citizens took their constitution seriously, but you've made it quite clear you view constitutional rights as "nonsense"...

*A Transparent as all fuck administration would be a welcomed change

yeah, i suppose all the good economic data is of no matter since it doesn't satisfy your raging hate boner.

who cares if your 401k is performing well or your house is gaining equity again? these things are clearly less important than the fact that the government has been checking to see who's ringing terrorist hotlines for the last 10 years. that's suddenly relevant right in front of the jobs report.
