Patty the Papaya Tree_From seed in soil_2 CFL Grow


Ok, here's my little girl. She was a feminized seed so I'm pretty sure she's a girl. I started with just one CFL but recently switched to 2 with a splitter. I fimm topped it a little over a week ago but, she's still producing right off the top so I'm not sure it the Fimm was cut properly, but I'm liking the node spacing a lot! And she has a nice main stem on her! I will keep this journal updated so please feel free to comment and ask question, I will also have questions myself as the grow continues, so I'll start with this:

I'm using a 3 gal bucket, what is a good recommended watering schedule and how much should I water her at any one given time?

Temps: 70-80
Hum: 45-55%
Oscillating Fan
I'm growing out in the open in my bedroom so there is no exhaust, I open my windows for fresh air every now and then.

I'm using Botanicare, Grow, Cal/Mag, and Liquid Karma currently, also flushing every 10-21 days with a mild clearex mix and distilled water. I have been watering every 2 days so far and waiting to the soil is pretty dry up to about and inch below the surface. Does this sound good? A few weeks back some of my big fan leaves were curling up on the leaf edges which concerned me because they are still like that, but it doesn't seem like the new growth is curling up so I may have worked that out, but was wondering if anyone had suggestions on why the edges would curl like that? Thought maybe stress from the CFL's being too close but they're about 4 -5in away and produce hardly any heat. So then I thought it was a water or nute issue! Any thoughts?




Well-Known Member
Hey I'm interested to see how ur papaya is doing I have one that is about the same age. Waiting for an update that are looking good bro