Well-Known Member
None of the positions you outlined in this post suggest that you're very independent/centrist/bi-partisan, but I'll let you in on my thoughts on this one:Well personally I'm a registered Moderate however I like to think of myself as an open minded Republican borderline Independent. I Enlisted in the Corps served a year and it took almost 7 years to finally get the VA to acknowledge anything. After I served in the service I got out and was hired by the Govt. to work on the newly formed TSA. I ended up having a panic attack on the job and was let go later on.
Now all that being said...I would think that anyone would (hopefully) think that I am as bi-partisan as one who identifies with any party can be. Although I certainly have no love loss for the Govt what I see happening today to our great country is tragic to say the least.
We are in debt..there's no doubt about that (unless you have EXTREME socialist views and think like Michael Moore and think that private weatlh should be factored in somewhere.) Now the only way to get this massive spending under control....keyword here is SPENDING then I think we can be a great nation within my lifetime again.
What needs to be done, well a few things..first a complete Overhaul of the Tax code as we know. Personally I would love to see a flat tax across the board..based on NET incomes vs Gross. I don't know how many brackets thier should be but thier should be at least a few anyone under X pays such and such between X-Y etc. Yes this is a bit of wealth distribution and I am aware of that ...realistically though the rich will always pay more based on percentages anyway.
The debt is climbing and has been under BOTH Bush and Obummer....Also two wars and a Military action..Libya have not helped matters..and I"m not saying their bad either way one way or's the past and it can't be we move forward.
I have not read all of Ryans bill yet however I think that serious cuts NEED to happen sooner rather than later...the privatization of medicare I won't comment on b/c I really have to do more research...BUT if we don't change it it won't be around when people my age need it..not to sound greedy in any way...or entitled but I think if I've put money into something I should get it back.
Speaking of entitlement..that leads to the root cause (or at least a big chunk of it) as far as debt. What REALLY needs to have a strong examination of EVERYONE'S entitlement. Before I go any further I would like to say that yes I am on an entitlement program (SSDI and 30% disability from the VA) that does NOT mean I won't sacrifice (to an extent under rational of course) to help out this great land. I think their needs to be a system in place that audits anyone getting any entitlement program. See what they use the money for...if it's drugs (I"m not talking meds this is for people without cards or with that are buying hard core stuff.)
For that matter at least decriminalize Cannabis and tax it...just let people make their own decisions on growing and not try to strip away rights..perhaps a Govt run "Compassion Center" in any and all states that want it..or better still use the money that you were going to give to NPR (and yes I like NPR but I don't want to fund it either) or Planned Parenthood (again this agency needs nothing more than to privatize and will make out great) and put it into the legalization of Cannabis.
Some of you were semi down on the idea of bigger/more/maintaining tax cut. I would rather give money to businesses here in the US in the form of a tax break so that hopefully they can hire more American workers and start the economy at some point. People don't like rich people b/c their rich..personally I could care less as long as he or she pays a fair amount as described by law then more power too them for doing great and showing the world what American Capitalism is all about.
the privatization of medicare I won't comment on b/c I really have to do more research...
the privatization of Medicare by moving it over to a voucher program is bad idea. Now, I'm not saying privatization is always bad - just in this particular case. My philosophy on privatization is that it should only be done when the privatized task is easily definable (and therefore easy to measure performance, city trash services and Janatorial duties are good examples) and when the privatized task does not pit the interests of profit against the well being of society.