

Well-Known Member
Peyote is not legal to possess unless you are a real member of the Native American Church. But you can go pick it in AZ, parts of far West Texas, Southern NM. Just stay off posted land unless you ask the rancher first.

It's still illegal but if you say your rock hunting, and mention stuff actually found there, they would buy that. All kinds of weirdos show up wanting to hunt (no) or hunt Indian artifacts (no) or other shit. But geology students and rockhounds get a pass usually.


Well-Known Member
Just an old man remembering but we used to buy a Modelo beer box (a case box cut off) full of those buttons for $5 from the Tarahumara Indians in El Mercado de Juarez. Then we would just walk across the river with it after dark. If the cops caught you they just threw it away. They were after the "hard stuff" like pot and horse.

When we got home we would spend hours with needle nosed pliers pulling the strychnine off. It's best to dry it slowly, grind it up to a powder and mix with water for an enema. Eat it and vomit. And vomit. Admittedly the vomiting brought on an intense light show that was hilarious for some reason even with puke in your nostrils.


Well-Known Member
always look at your local plant stores even walmart for special cacti. sometimes you get lucky... mislabeled cacti. I've got around 30 in the past 4-5 years alone. most from walmart! mostly peruvian torches labeled as something else. They might be legal anyways... not sure. san pedro is legal as duck says and it is easier to grow. grows much faster. mesc is so rare, but pretty easy to obtain. I prefer it over LSD or shrooms. Mesc and DMT is the best combo possible.


Well-Known Member
Just an old man remembering but we used to buy a Modelo beer box (a case box cut off) full of those buttons for $5 from the Tarahumara Indians in El Mercado de Juarez. Then we would just walk across the river with it after dark. If the cops caught you they just threw it away. They were after the "hard stuff" like pot and horse.

When we got home we would spend hours with needle nosed pliers pulling the strychnine off. It's best to dry it slowly, grind it up to a powder and mix with water for an enema. Eat it and vomit. And vomit. Admittedly the vomiting brought on an intense light show that was hilarious for some reason even with puke in your nostrils.
Peyote doesn't have strychnine in it. Strychnine comes from plants of the genus strychnos.


Active Member
so i can just plant those clippings and it should grow right so does it flower just like payote does?


Well-Known Member
Peyote doesn't have strychnine in it. Strychnine comes from plants of the genus strychnos.
Yeah, but us old folks are programmed from the early days to think any bad reactions associated with hallucinogenics are associated with strychnine. I remember believing that if you did not keep LSD in the freezer it would break down into strychnine. I think it was a catch all to enforce some type of care in your preservation techniques.


Active Member
always look at your local plant stores even walmart for special cacti. sometimes you get lucky... mislabeled cacti. I've got around 30 in the past 4-5 years alone. most from walmart! mostly peruvian torches labeled as something else. They might be legal anyways... not sure. san pedro is legal as duck says and it is easier to grow. grows much faster. mesc is so rare, but pretty easy to obtain. I prefer it over LSD or shrooms. Mesc and DMT is the best combo possible.
Hell yes...

Mescaline + DMT = Victory. I like to wait until the mesc has already peaked and is coming down, then pick it up with a blast of the D.

Personally prefer mushrooms over mescaline but it's still a goodtime. When I do it I need to be outdoors though...something about it makes being inside seem like a mix of boring and claustrophobic so I like to get out and do shit (preferably at night, with a little fog out).


Well-Known Member
so whats in it mescaline?
Among many many other alkaloids - many of them psychoactive, some nauseating, some that modify the mescaline experience making it more dull or altering your body feelings. Omce I tried pure mescaline I never ever ate another button but would rather save them and extract.

In my opinion mescaline is the best of all the hallucinogens - Including LSD. While mescaline can spank you just as any other hallucinogen, it is more kind. You are more lovingly embraced - you are enveloped in a soothing mexican blanket while your spine is caressed. I often imagined that my spine was a bundle of piano wires and the mescaline would "strum" them at the point where the spine merges with the brain. Each piano wire would set up a certain vibration throughout my spine and back and then the harmonics would set in and stimulate my entire body with very pleasant energy while I sat and watched the world being engulfed in wave after wave of rich, plapable colors.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, but us old folks are programmed from the early days to think any bad reactions associated with hallucinogenics are associated with strychnine. I remember believing that if you did not keep LSD in the freezer it would break down into strychnine. I think it was a catch all to enforce some type of care in your preservation techniques.
And while I understand that factual information was harder to come by back then, it's been readily available for almost two decades thanks to the internet, but it continues to be spread by comments like yours.


Well-Known Member
There will always be the people that believe crazy things... like tripping from banana peels, or mescaline microdots... it doesn't matter 60's 70's... but now with the internet the truth spreads more. But there are also more people... which means more idiots.