PC Case CFL Grow: Easy Ryder (AK47 x Lowryder #2)


Active Member
I think you need a server case upgrade bro :)
F***, I know, I have samus pulled down with a wire and the bud on her main cola is still pushing into the top of the case now. : /

I thought they were only supposed to get to 18 in.! Someone gave me faulty info., cause once I noticed their growth spurt at around day 17-18, I knew that they were going to outgrow the case at that rate.


Active Member
holy sh** drunk/high, hope my girls' yield is like this hahaha, stayin' medicated, one bowl at a time, med marijuana i'd be lost w/o you


Active Member
Sub'd, I can't wait to see the outcome of this because I'm about to do a grow son with this strain.
Nice! Did you order yours from the Attitude, as well? ER's constantly going out of stock there, I'm glad I still have more beans on hand. Wish I could start another grow, too, but I'm moving in a couple of months so it would sucky/impossible/unrealistic to try and move my grow, even though it's not like I have a huge setup - once I move in though, haha, much better closet space than my current apt. +rep for stopping by :)


Active Member
Took some pics of Faye's top in natural lighting, haven't been able to show it when they're in the case 'cause her main cola is squeezed into the right corner between the lights and the right side of the case. Pic of her from the top, singed leaves and all, new growth always looks a lighter green, main cola far right corner.

Day 14 flowering! Tops are getting soooo singed, they've def outgrown the case. :(

-Added .75tsp./gal. CaMg+ to water
-+.75 tsp. epsom salts for good measure

Due for some Indo bat guano soon. :bigjoint:



Active Member
I don't think you can see 'em all, but Faye has 14 main side branches, as does Samus (that I count, since they're fully-sized, the others are still a bit smaller)

What kind of yield do you think I can get from this? Space will restrict yield, I know that


Active Member
Those are looking great. If there is anyway you can tie those tops down, that may be your only choice to keep them from burning. Give a bend and tie in place, or do a mini screen of green.


Active Member
Those are looking great. If there is anyway you can tie those tops down, that may be your only choice to keep them from burning. Give a bend and tie in place, or do a mini screen of green.
That would be perfect! The problem is I don't know if there's even any space in there to pull the tops down. Where would they go? Maybe have one tie lower down on the main stem, pulling towards the right to keep her rooted in, then another higher up pulling down and to the left? Still, though, not much horizontal or vertical space, blah. If I had more space in there, width-wise, I could pull their tops way down and to the side.


Active Member
Pretty much!!!

You'll have to do what you can. Not there to see the whole picture. I have confidence in you that you will get it figured out.

Just do whatever you can to keep the tops from burning, and the buds exposed to the lights as much as possible.


Active Member
Pretty much!!!

You'll have to do what you can. Not there to see the whole picture. I have confidence in you that you will get it figured out.

Just do whatever you can to keep the tops from burning, and the buds exposed to the lights as much as possible.
Thanks for all your support thus far, I'll do whatever it takes to make my girls happy. :)


Well-Known Member
Hey man I am new to your thread and I am subbed up for the ride. The girls look good and healthy. But you are definatly going to have to take care of that top cola getting to close to the lights. Right now you are at a point that you could still super crop with out breaking yours stem completly. Believe me I have done super cropping this far into flowering and it works fine. If you want to see click on my sig. The plants are no longer alive but you can see what I mean and how I did it. Any ways I also have a sick little pc grow going on at the moment. Check it out it is Nirvanas Papaya. STAY HIGH!!!!


Active Member
My girls got super toasted the other day when I was away, asked roommates to turn the air conditioning on, instead they opened the windows and it got hot as f*** in my room. :finger:... ... bongsmilie... :sleep:

They're doing OK, and I just couldn't take it anymore and bent those unwieldy stems down! Faye, whose pot is on the right, has her main cola situated to the far left of the case now, by the exhaust fan, and Samus, who normally was squeezed into the left corner, is now down and to the far right. Their stems kinda crisscross in the middle.

Buds got scorched, tips of pistils toasted by the lights (maybe that's why they were smelling stronger than usual, haha), but like I said, they seem to come back from all my abuse. Poor dears, at least now the parts that were damaged the most are nice and cool :-(. Left the burnt leaves on to show how hot CFLs can get, haha.

On a better note, I don't know if you can see, but there's some slight frost going on
Last pic is of a baby branch poking its head in



Active Member
Hey man I am new to your thread and I am subbed up for the ride. The girls look good and healthy. But you are definatly going to have to take care of that top cola getting to close to the lights. Right now you are at a point that you could still super crop with out breaking yours stem completly. Believe me I have done super cropping this far into flowering and it works fine. If you want to see click on my sig. The plants are no longer alive but you can see what I mean and how I did it. Any ways I also have a sick little pc grow going on at the moment. Check it out it is Nirvanas Papaya. STAY HIGH!!!!
Thanks for coming by, +rep. :) In the newest pics I've bent the main colas down, far away from the lights, hopefully the setup will work! I don't know if I trust myself supercropping, not until I'm a little more experienced - I'm afraid I'd be too clumsy and snap the stems. I checked out your grow, solid all the way through!

Best advice I can give you at this point is to trim all the leaves touching the lets and let em GROW!
Looking really nice dude.
Good setup!
Thanks, some of it was setup when I got the case, but I had to tweak it. The temps originally ran in the upper 90s in there, and that was back in May. Now, I keep them between 76-80F. I wouldn't recommend it for two tall, branching plants, but maybe two with nice thick main colas, or one bigger plant you can keep restrained down and to the side.

You can try tilting the pot on it's side then lst it to one side , also I would like to know how you wired up your fans ?
That's actually kinda what I did. It's looking like it should work out, for the time being. For the fans, you use something like that 12v adapter (cell phone charger, for instance) plugged into the power strip, scrape off some of the plastic covering the copper wires on other end, and twist them together. you should see different colors to match up, like red to red