PC Case grow - Stealth + Perpetual + LST


Well-Known Member
A few more pics. Pandora is starting to put out now. Due to the number of tops, I only want about 1g per cola to make up the 21g I'm after and with just under a month to go I'm confident she'll get there.
It's cards night tonight, so to bring me luck there's a picture of 3 Jacks :)
I spotted the first bit of ice on the leaves too last night, so there's one of that leaf, plus a profile and some mandatory bud porn.



Well-Known Member
Cheers Guys :)
The idea is to harvest 21g every 3 weeks. Mother Nature isn't quite that punctual or productive sometimes though :(


Well-Known Member
do you think you could get a 70 watt hps in there? You could probablt make a tiny cooltube for it. that would be bad ass for a pc grow.


Well-Known Member
lookin great as always v12... ive been out for a while cause ive been really fuked up for a while.. dam drug rampages!!


Well-Known Member
Hey worm
I used to have a 70w hps in there before the envirolite. I could never really make it pay though. They are like the cfl's as you need to be within a few inches of the bulb, but the bulb is a small round thing and I could never get enough plant in the zone to make it worthwhile. A couple of 70's would be killer in a pc case but I don't think I could keep it cool enough.

Greets fs
Wondered where you got to. Hope you got things under control. PM me if you ever need a kind word or a rant.


Well-Known Member
Got this week's episode of Pandora's Box :)

The canopy has been getting a bit wonky and some stuff is getting pushed under, but I hate clipping leaves off so I decided to replace the 2 ties with some new ones, just to get a few more colas into the canopy. It turns out Pandora is one fat moma! Just check out some pics of the middle aged spread she's got going on :)
I'm harvesting the Indica tonight and with SketzoH jnr being so tiny, there's probably room to leave Pandora like she is now right through to harvest. She has only 3 weeks left so it shouldn't be a problem. I'll have to see what space there is when Amber moves up to a big pot.
That reminds me, I forgot to put one in for germination. Gotta go :)
Here's the pics..



Well-Known Member
Lookin' badass as always! What's that massive bud in pic3? To the right of Pandora? And.. there's a porn star named pandora? :)


Well-Known Member
oh v12 all mighty pc grower, i seek your knowledge. when you you start to counting flowering time? when you turn your light schedule over or when you see your first flower? like what tells you its in true flowering stage and can start counting down your 8 weeks? thanks


Well-Known Member
Hey worm. PMSL :)

Did you forget about that indica ER?
It was another seedswap I planted 2 weeks after Granita while I was still saving cash for some feminised seeds. It was the only feminised seed I could blag at the time so I grew it out even though I was told it's a pure indica strain.
I meant to pull it down last night and transfer Amber into the vacated pot but I didn't have enough privacy to do the deed.
For info, the seed is a few years old and is called Amstel Gold. I can't find anyone selling it anymore so there's not much info on it but it has a powerful lemon/citrus aroma. It's looking like I'll get one nice cola a bit bigger than Granita's big top.


Well-Known Member
oh v12 all mighty pc grower, i seek your knowledge. when you you start to counting flowering time? when you turn your light schedule over or when you see your first flower? like what tells you its in true flowering stage and can start counting down your 8 weeks? thanks
Dunno about mighty. Any time I get high I pmsl at the whole idea of pc grows. I think I must be crazy :)

I never really got a good answer about preflowers from anyone I asked. Everyone says something different. Personally I consider the first single flower I see on the main stem to be a preflower and from then I look for hairs in the main top. Once the main top contains hairs I consider the plant to be in flower and start my countdown.


Well-Known Member
Quick pictorial update too. I still need a day or 2 to level out the canopy before I tie Pandora (that's Pandora Peaks ER) back up, but I took a snap of her sreading her wings last night and the plant just looks really nice and healthy so I thought you may want to see.
For scale, she's almost touching mylar at each end and she is touching both sides so that's around 18 inches wide and 9 inches deep.
It snowed again last night too :)



Well-Known Member
That indica looks ridiculous! :) It's like someone just tossed a massive nug in dirt! :)
So.. how many budsites you got there? Looks like a shit-ton!


Active Member
awesome thread, im hoping to start my PC build soon

worm his case size was mentioned, i just read the entire thread in hte last 2 days and off teh top of my head i believe it was 20x18x8



Well-Known Member
Seeing Pandora looking all pretty in flowering makes me anxious too see my baby get there. V12 you are like the P.C. Grow Guru. Keep up the good work.