pc case


for those of you using pc tower cases, could use some advice.. how did you guys setup the fans ? i know the intake on bottem and exhaust on top, but i am having problems with heat and running more then 2 lights on 1 lady. i have a 120mm pc fan at the top back for exhaust and for intake i am just letting it come in the bottem on its own. any idea's or tips would be very very helpful


Well-Known Member
I built my own custom box.

What i did was rig the powersupply in order to boot with no swtich (other then the one on the back of the power supply)

Then i ran 2 intakes and 3 exhaust fans with 4 lights in there veggin 8 girls (only to about 3 sets popped)

I maintained a Perfect 76 degrees with that setup. intake trough the front exhaust through the rear.


Well-Known Member
google "how to boot a powersupply with no mother board" its a simple paper clip trick and it works well


google "how to boot a powersupply with no mother board" its a simple paper clip trick and it works well

i already know how to rig a pc ps to turn on with out a mb. i used one for my lipo packs in my rc heli's. if i remember correctly its just soldering the green wire on the mb plug to a ground.

but what i am wanting to know about is what the first person to reply was. how many fans. right now i got 2 lights in my case, and got the temp to stay between 76.5 - 77.8, with just a 120mm pc fan where the ps would go as an exhaust, and then the intake is where the video card and all that goes. even with the foil insulation stuck to the walls with foil tape i want more light but not the temps that go with it. .. i might just leave it how it is since this is my first time, and then perfect a better box next time around.