PC Grow 1 month into veg

I started a small pc grow just for personal use but its been a month and it seems like my plants are dying they have stopped growing and every leaf starts to turn brownish yellow i cut off a few leaves but it hasnt fixed anything now one has droopy leaves and again havent grown at all in about a week


Active Member
Hi whiterhino42 ill try and help as best as i can but with out pictures its just geuss work m8.
A few things i need to know are you in hydro or soil?
If hydro whats your Ph?
Whats temps and humidity in your pc growbox?

Dont ever cut of leafs there fall off on there own when the plants used all the feed up out of the leafs if your removing to get light to lower branches try tucking them under instead of cutting them off as there whats helping plant to grow.
another reason you might have yellowing/brown leafs and droopy leafs could be because your plants are root bound check your roots and pot up if needed.

hope info helps buddy but pics would help a lot.

pc grow box.jpg 2 150 watt equivilent cfl's 2 12 v pc fans miracle grow soil its about 80 degrees in the box when there on and 70 when there off dont kno the humidity so nutes used other than what was alredy in the soil
:roll:First off a major case of stretch has occured here, causeing your stems to go verticle which slows growth. Second you need to put some more soil around those things and it will correct that. Bury them up to the first Sprout leave site. They clearly stretched on you BIG time. Bury them up and the stem will form NEW ROOTS all the way up to the dirt line. keep well watered but not to much. Give it one week and you will see ALOT of new growth. Third STOP cutting leaves, you are only hurting your growth more. Plain and simple you need more dirt before these plants are gunna do anything Noticeable cutting leaves is only slowing it down more. Follow my words and you will see a complete turn around in a week or so
And yes it should be bigger but without adequete dirst for growth it has put you back a week or 2 in growth. If you want it to catch back up you better resolve the dirst issue ASAP and it will take off
basicly how much bud you looking for? if you just want a little you can start 12/12 anytime. Fact of the matter the more you let it veg the more bud you will get. if you want fast buds start 12/12 now. unless you got an autoflowering strain then i have no clue have never tryed any. But if its growth you are looking for then stick with 6500 bulbs 16/8 light pattern, bury them up and give them another 2-4 weeks.. you will be amazed the turn around
well i was hoping for atleast an ounce so i will veg longer i will post more pics when she starts lookin better thanks for the help


Active Member
Idontknowwhy got it spot on you need to pot up into deeper pot/tray and bury that stem deep into the dirt.
id give it a week maybe 2 at 18/6 dont forget once you flick to 12/12 your plant grows fast for two weeks usually doubles in size so if they start getting to big either top them or bend branch gently over to one side. anyway good luck with getting the 1 oz.
BTW dont feed them for a week just give water and dont water till soil is dry so roots can get oxygen. The new soil ur be using will have plenty of food in so no need for nutes for at least a week. hope info helps any probs PM me im always willing to help.
