PC Grow: 1 x Auto Blue Mystic - ScrOG / 250W CFL


Active Member
your pc gorw has inspired me to start agin do you have ne advice on the nutes should i use only flowering i will be doing an hindu kush auto n a chemdog thanks in advance ur doing a great job


Well-Known Member
very fuckin nice. now does that bulb plug into a standard socket in everyday lamps? i would wait almost 2 more weeks and hit them with molasses or sugar water then a nice flush. ive read with cfls add a week or 2 to what the breeder says it flowers at.

lee harvey

Well-Known Member
very nice work my man.. the purple leaves are most likely because of cold temps.. very nice nuggs though congrats and rep to you buddy

Bob Baker

Society man, you are in the home stretch and nothing is stopping you now man. You have your harvest, and a sweet one at that. As far as weight goes not sure. What electronug was trying to get at is that with cfl's the bud tends to be more airy and less compact. But I am doubting that this is true in your case. You have a killer amount of light in a tiny space so I think you will find that the bud dries up nice and tight dude. Peace and keep on rolling :)


Well-Known Member
actually I find that not true if you have sufficient amount of CFLS considering your grow area size.. I grow with CFLs only and in 5 out of my 6 grows, the buds were hard like a rock.. I believe the airiness of buds is related to genetics mostly.. unless you flower with less bulbs than you should.

Bob Baker

The other thought is that you may be closer to being done dude then what you think. General rule of thumb is that when 50% of the hairs have crisped up you are at the point of being done. This is only a general rule and checking the color of the trichomes is always the best, but if I am right, by your pics you appear to be more like 75%. It is a balancing act because if you leave the buds too long the thc in the flowers actually start to degrade, producing a less powerful smoke.

My auto assassins which are only five days behind you are not even 10% in hair colors yet, so I know my girls are going to take a full 65 days to finish. With autos, or any strain for that matter, it can vary for finishing times. Growing conditions can also play apart and since you have such a high amount of light per square inch in the pc case you could easily have shaved days off compared to smaller bulbs on the same strain. You could always check it the most beautiful way, which is snip off a small bud, dry it for a day and smoke it. If you enjoy it then, you know it's only going to be better dried and cured. Peace dude

Bob Baker

I agree with you avrum, I have never found that either. I was politely disagreeing with electronug, for fear of being referred to as "cuntish" again, but am happy to see you agree. I grow lots of bud on cfl's only and have never had a problem with them being airy either, but that is what he is saying. I think some people prefer hps lighting as it is old school compared to cfl's and are stuck in their ways. I use both, pc- cfl's, grow closets- hps, and don't prefer the bud from one over the other. Peace dude

Bob Baker

It all comes down to being enough light for the plant, that's it, and you are also right genetics will play a huge part in it. I also think where cfl's are concerned there might be a tendency to have them too far away from the plant. They are not like hps. You can get them nice and close with out harming your girls. But you can also make the same mistake with hps lighting. These are all the trials people go through to become better growers


Well-Known Member
can not wait to have these plants in my box!
Me neither! Wanna see what other people can get out of this strain and see what techniques they use since I'll probably stick to this strain for a while, cause of the minial/non existing odour/smell.

your pc gorw has inspired me to start agin do you have ne advice on the nutes should i use only flowering i will be doing an hindu kush auto n a chemdog thanks in advance ur doing a great job
Thanks alot man!
Hmm... yeah, with autos I find it kinda hard to follow any kind of schedule. I used Root Juice (1 ml/l) for the first week, and at the second week I raised the dose of Root Juice (2 ml/l) and also added Fish Mix (1 ml/l). Once she started to develope flowers I stopped with the Root Juice and Fish Mix and started to add Bio Blom and Bio Grow instead.

very fuckin nice. now does that bulb plug into a standard socket in everyday lamps? i would wait almost 2 more weeks and hit them with molasses or sugar water then a nice flush. ive read with cfls add a week or 2 to what the breeder says it flowers at.
Thanks! No, this socket is slightly bigger than the standard home socket. It's almost as big as the bulb itself, heh. Oh, I've read nothing about molasses! As soon as this post is finished, I'll get to it...

very nice work my man.. the purple leaves are most likely because of cold temps.. very nice nuggs though congrats and rep to you buddy
Thanks alot! Appreciate it :)


Well-Known Member
Society man, you are in the home stretch and nothing is stopping you now man. You have your harvest, and a sweet one at that. As far as weight goes not sure. What electronug was trying to get at is that with cfl's the bud tends to be more airy and less compact. But I am doubting that this is true in your case. You have a killer amount of light in a tiny space so I think you will find that the bud dries up nice and tight dude. Peace and keep on rolling :)
Best of thanks man! :)


Well-Known Member
She's starting to get ready for the chop and I now water her with plain waiter, no nutrients.
I won't do a flush since I can't get her out of the case without risk to harm her and doing a flush inside the case is not an option.

I've also switch the light hours from 20/4 to 18/6. I don't know if it will do any difference or increase/decrease the final yield, but I'm just experimenting
little here within the no risk zone. I wanna see if she puts on some more colouring if she gets 2 more cold dark hours per night than she's got so far.



Active Member
WOW IDLS, that's a beautiful girl - the rich color is especially appealing.

Sorry for tuning in late; how's the harvest prep comin?

Happy harvesting!

P.S. I literally laughed out loud when I saw that light bulb.