PC grow. Biodiesel auto in soil


Hi everyone! I've been wanting to try my hand at a small grow (one plant just for me) for about 5 years now, so I finally decided to give it a go. I'm a total noob. I have a small pc case which I bought mostly complete. I did have to make some modifications, as in the pictures there is one one light socket. I added another light socket as I read I would need at least 100w per plant, and put in a larger fan. I bought some Biodiesel seeds online and tried my hand at germing one of them. To my ever lasting surpirse I came home from work and to find that two small leaves were poking though the soil! So I will count today as day one. The temperature in the case does fluctuate but has stayed between 22 and 28 C and humidity has never gotten abouve 40 percent. I will be monitoring the temperature as closely as I can, as the weather where I live is getting warmer and my room is very small. Though all I have to do to drop the temp on purpose is open my window.

I am using two CFL blubs at the moment in the blue spectrum, but have bought red spectrum ones to change over to at a later stage. My soil isn't top of the range. It is just regular compost soil from Wilkos ( a popular shop in Britain), and I have not as yet bought any nutes (I do have some tomato nutes from growing them in my garden last year). I'm super happy about my little baby sprouting and I hope she makes it all to way to bloom!



So its day three and my seedling is looking well. I have removed the second light from the case as when it was switched on it was too hot in there and it almost burned one of the leaves. The seedling has been doing fine with just one light so far, but I may put the second one back in next week when hopefully she will be taller so I can move her down from the lights. She has developed a second pair of small leaves, and I couldn't be more thrilled. I've been feeding her small amounts of water every night and have kept her under 24/7 light. On day 14 I plan to switch blubs to red spectrum and the light cycle to 18/6. WP_20130424_002.jpg


Well-Known Member
Hey there, and welcome to ROI! I am growing a few autos myself and I've found in my research, and with my own plants, that they respond best to a 20/4 light cycle the whole time. You will find out what you need for lighting as it gets larger. I think if you could manage to get 3 42W bulbs in there you would be good. You have the right idea with just starting with one and adding as you need though. You might also want to consider mixing spectrum's(i.e. (2) 42W 6500k & (1) 42W 2700k for first few weeks then (2) 2700ks & (1) 6500k after,) as I've heard from a lot of the CFLers on here that they do so with good results. Good luck with whatever you do and stick with it. I just enjoyed the first bowl of my own and I can tell you it's well worth it!


Cool thanks! I have had some more bulbs arrive today, but the space is so small i can only fit a 45w and a 65w bulb in there at one time. Will tinker about with it for a few days and see if I can work it out. Thank you so much for the lighting advice!


Hey everyone it is now Day 6 according to my calander. This being Britain the temperature has dropped dramatically in the last few days so I added another light into the cab so I now have 1 45w blue spec CFL and 1 65w blue spec CFL. I have managed to mostly keep the temperature in the cab between 22C and 24C, but there was a very hot day where the temp soared up to 27.8C. She seems a though little nugget however and it doesn't seem to have affected her too much. Ill be looking to move her into a bigger pot about day 10 (at the latest day 14) and that is when I plan to change to red spec bulbs as well. Anyway hope you are all enjoying the weekend, and if your working like me I hope your shifts are easy. The pictures are of her on day 4 and day 5 respectivly. I'm not sure if she is too far away from the lights but I have been too paranoid to move her any closer due to a burning incident that happened in the begining. I'm feeding her just water with ph of about 7, and have been feeding her about a half cup every 8 or so hours (probably longer stretches between waterings on my working days).day 4.jpgDay 6.jpgWP_20130427_002.jpgWP_20130427_003.jpg


I woke up to day to discover my fans weren't working at all. the ac adoapter isnt getting any power and the fans are just stock still. Its starting to get too hot in there and I had no idea what to do. I realised it must have been the adapter that wasn't working, so I went to the computer shop and bought a new one that can handel more amps. I had an old fan I was going to wire to it, but then realised as the internal wiring in the case was still fine all I had to do was cut cut the wire off the old one and wire it to the new one. Pics to follow to illustrate this as its difficult to explain. Also a pic of my little baby (still haven't named her) at day 7. I'm very aware that I should be potting her up in her final pot, but with my night shifts I have not been able to go to the garden shop. WP_20130428_004.jpgWP_20130428_005.jpgWP_20130428_006.jpgWP_20130428_007.jpg


Ill be heading to the garden shop tomorrow and I can't wait :-o. Here is a pic of my baby at day 8. I think shes still very small, and I'm worried about the yellow hue at her center. Could it possibly be that shes too hot? She is about 2 or 3 inches away from the closest light. When I put my finger near her though I cannot feel any significant heat, but that might be as she is right in front of my big fan. Any ideas anyone? All and any advice is much appriciated. WP_20130429_001.jpg


Well-Known Member
she's looking fine for day 8 man! don't worry about it. in a few days growth rate will pick up exponentially! just keep up the good work!


Its day 9 and shes getting a little bit bigger everyday. I'm super excited. Ill be going to the garden shop soon to pick up her final pot. I'm hoping they have a window pot (one of those long ones) so I can try and lst her sideways as she does not have the space to grow upwards too much. I realise I could have bought two long ones and cut them to size, but to be honest I dont have a saw or a drill so I hope they have something suitable in store. Shes very thirsty indeed so I will wait for her soil to dry out a bit (this only takes a couple of hours now) and then move her to her new pot. I'm really quite nervous about putting her under stress, but I have faith that she can handle it. I will post up pics of the move later today or tomorrow. In the mean time here she is at day 9: WP_20130430_001.jpg


Well my baby is in her new home and seems very happy. Its day 10 now and in 4 more days I plan on chaning the light cycle to 18/6 though I am waiting for another timer so I can set the fans on the same time to be off. I'm also waiting for a e27 to a b22 converter as I realised the 65w red light cfl is too big to be on the hung light fixture, and has to be used in the fitted fixture. Here are some pics of my girl. WP_20130430_003.jpgWP_20130502_001.jpgWP_20130502_002.jpg


Well-Known Member
appears your watering every day....or at least every picture.

stop that....water only when needed. pick up the container to feel the weight, if its light water, if its still heavy wait.

also you may want to look into ScROG screen or LST as that plant will almost certainly outgrow that space without some form of training. I would recomend a screen (ScROG) but others may not feel the same (everyone has different opinions)

I really think your going to run into overwatering issues if my thougts are right, if you dont let them dry out between waterings you essentially drown them.


Hey Mr. Ganja thank you for the advice. I have been watering her before I take every picture, and have been watering her with about half a pint of water a day (280 mililiters). I check to see if the soil is still moist first however. As it is such a small space she does dry out alarmingly fast and so I have been watering her about every 12 to 16 hours. Is that too often? Lifting up the pot sounds like a good method, but as its a terracotta pot its really quite heavy on its own so will stick with finger method. I will be lsting her rather than scroging her as this is my first grow and I cannot buy chicken wire in B&Q. I used to lst my bonsai tree so I'm hoping it will be just as easy. I will skip watering today and see what happens. Its a very sunny day for a change here in the UK so I am off to the beer gardens. Thanks again for the advice Mr. Ganja


Its day 12 and she has grown quite a lot over the past day. Unfortunatly I don't have a picture of her as my camera wouldnt turn on today, but hopefully it will sort its self out. I plan on begining my lst in two days along with changing the light blubs to red spectrum ones. I probably won't have another update untill after the weekend as I am working some messy shifts.


Day 13 WP_20130504_002.jpg having massive temperature issues as it is too hot in there right now. The temp keeps creeping over 27C which is not good, but I have to go to work and just hope for the best.


Hey guys shes gotten big. Its day 16 and I finally got all my lst stuff together but I haven't started yet. To be honest if anyone has any good links to lsting articles they would be much appriciated as I'm not even sure where to begin. WP_20130507_001.jpg


Day 17 and I have tried my hand at lst. I did some last night but this evening had to redo most of it. One of the fan leaves got its tip nipped off by the fan as she grew a lot over the night. Shes very thirsty and Ive started misting her before watering. The water on the leaves however does evaporate extreamly quickly so I'm not sure if perhaps I should do it more often? Here are some pics. The pic with the lighter in it is how she was lsted originally but I had to change the direction and tie another branch as well.WP_20130508_016.jpgWP_20130508_017.jpgWP_20130508_019.jpgWP_20130508_020.jpgWP_20130508_021.jpg. I think next time I want to try a grow in a closet or tent just so she can grow upwards freely and it would be less maintenance. I have to go to go away next week for almost the whole week, and I am a bit worried my room mate is not going to be able to look after her properly (lsting is not fun for an inpatient person). I'm going to start using week nutes at about day 21-22 and if I figure if I leave a water and nute solution made up it shouldn't be difficult for my room mate to just feed her.


Hey there its day 19 now and shes chillin. Should have planted her at the side of the pot and lst sideways rather than try go two ways at once. Its going to be messy. Oh well I'm still just so happy shes alive :mrgreen:.WP_20130510_001.jpgWP_20130510_002.jpg