PC grow. Biodiesel auto in soil


Its Day 21 and shes bigger. Ive had to prop one of my lights up as she was getting very close to it. With her growing so quickly right now I am very concerned that she will outgrow her space. I have been reading about topping and think I may have to soon. Any advice on the matter anyone? Also if I were to trim some of the larger leaves would it have a negative impact on her? Would she still produce buds? Some of the leaves are so big they are becoming bent from growing against the casing of the cab. I have also been considering removing the smaller of the two lights when she gets even bigger to give her more space, because the smaller bulb hangs significantly lower than the large one. That would mean she would only have one 65w light on her. Does anyone think thats a bad idea? I was messing about and doing some more lsting today, but I'm aware I need to start doing this every day really. Unfortuantly with work and my dissertation due she has been slightly neglected, but it will all be over soon and I can give her the attention she deserves. Here are some pics:WP_20130512_001.jpgWP_20130512_002.jpgWP_20130512_003.jpgWP_20130512_005.jpgWP_20130512_006.jpg


Its day 25 and I've had to trim her as she was over flowing from her cab. Not sure how she is going to handel it. Also today had to remove one of the ligths as she was starting to get burned. If she makes it to tomorrow Ill try and figure something better out. PC cases really are very small spaces. I've read you should top auto flowers, so I didn't go down that route. The trimming stressed her out thought. These pictures are from the day before when she still had two lights in her cab. Tomorrow I have to go to Dublin for a week on business so my house mate will have to look after her, which makes me very nervous.WP_20130516_001.jpgWP_20130516_002.jpgWP_20130516_003.jpgWP_20130516_004.jpgWP_20130516_005.jpgWP_20130516_006.jpgWP_20130516_007.jpgWP_20130516_008.jpg


Day 26 and not much change. Ive tightened up her lst, but thats it. As I said I have removed one blub, so she is currently only undre one 65w blub. Should I put the other one back in or just leave it out? I'm trying to stunt her growth a bit as she only really has another inch of usable space to grow upwards. No pics today as I'm rush packing. See you all later :D


Just a quick update. My housemate has been sending me pictures of her and has had to trim her again as she is outgrowing her box quite quickly. Apperently she is starting to smell as well, but I'll have to deal with that when I get back. Hopefully my housemate didnt trim too much. She is still just under one light, and apperently it has been on 24/7 as my timer hasn't been working properly. I'm amazed at how attached I have become to this plant and I miss her and can't wait to see her Thrusday. Shes been getting about 4 pints of water thoughout the day. I was meant to give her some weak nutes, but I did not have time to make up the solution before I left so I will just have to see how she looks when I get back.


Its day 33 now and she seems to have recovered well from the trim she was given. The pictures are of her after her trim (was about 3 days ago) and the last 3 pictures are of her today. I was going to start feeding her a low amount of nutes, but I have read conflicting thigs about giving autoflowers nutes so I will hold off untill closer to flowering.


So its been a bit of a challange keeping the humidity where I want it, as the weather keeps fluxuating between freezing and really hot over here. Its day 36 and I'm condsidering trimming her again on Friday, but I'm really not sure. Some of her fan leaves were looking a bit burned, so I undid and redid my lst. I still haven't used any nutes, and to be honest I'm not sure if I should considering I am having a hard time keeping her small. She is currently still under only one 65w red spect blub, as I can't get the other blub back into the case without it burining her for sure. Shes growing up so fast :DWP_20130527_002.jpgWP_20130527_003.jpgWP_20130527_004.jpgWP_20130527_005.jpg


Shes 40 days old today! She has developed more budding sites which is amazing. Going to have to trim and re-lst her before work tomorrow, but for today I'll leave her alone. i havent taken any pictures today I'm afraid but will have some tomorrow.


Here are some pictures of her. Having humidty and temperature issues. Also I have to move house next week so I am trying to plan how to best move her discreetly (either in the dead of night or super early in the morining). Im moving to a very dodgy area, so once she has grown and flowered I may not be able to try grow again for quite some time.WP_20130601_001.jpgWP_20130601_002.jpgWP_20130527_002.jpg


Its day 54 and I do appologize for the lack of updates. I have moved into a new place, but after finding disgusting amounts of mold all around this house I will be moving again in two weeks. Its rather exhausing hauling all your crap from one place to the other. My baby is not very happy in her new home. The temperature is always too low and the humidity way too high. Shes started budding I think. Ill be moving her to a freinds house next week as its warmer and safer there. Here are some pics :DWP_20130611_001.jpgWP_20130611_003.jpgWP_20130614_001.jpgWP_20130614_004.jpg
Nice man i might start growing myself, cuz of this thread, i need something discreet like that pc box, i think mines a bit bigger mabey i will makeshift another to fit ontop to have more room, who knows. Great grow though! i loved reading through on your updates.


Thank you ShadyAftermath thats lovely to hear. I think you should try it man. Its day 60 and my baby has moved to my sisters as the temperature does not fluctuate as much there, and the humidity is better. An English grower once told me to let autos go to 65 or 68 days for better flavor, and a stronger hight so thats what im trying to do. Sorry for the spaced out updates but moving a lot is a pain in the ass. Here are some pics of her on day 60 WP_20130616_002.jpgWP_20130619_001.jpgWP_20130619_002.jpgWP_20130619_003.jpg


Its a 65w cfl and its about 24C in there, but it fluxuates a lot with the weather. Its now day 67 and a lot of her leaves are turning brown. I think I might cut her tomorrow and start drying as I'm going away for the weekend. She smells very weedy:D WP_20130627_001.jpgWP_20130627_002.jpgWP_20130627_003.jpg


New Member
1 65 watt cfl? very nice! i want to know the yield. if you leave her one more week, shell gain a lot of weight.