pc grow case


Well-Known Member
i had to remove the screen unfortunately. i installed a homemade bubbleponics system and have a couple of clones in there. whats your opinion on continuing LST?


Well-Known Member
I believe i have the zinc deffiency under control, once the damaged leaves finish dying. It has been flowering for 6 days now and there is noticible crystals forming already and new hairs everyday. I transplanted into a slightly bigger pot and continued LSTing. Also, i pollinated one bud for future generations. heres some pictures :joint:
just a little bud shot
the male


Well-Known Member
looks good man. ill be watchin...
thanks man. im hoping this starts to get interesting.

the buds are starting to get frosty already and its only day 10 of flowering. i have begun to notice red pistils on a couple of buds so hopefully this will be some good smoke. Unfortunatley my bubbleponics plant was a male so i chopped it, and i have 2 seedlings i just added. i will add pictures in a few days.


Well-Known Member
Havent really given a full update in a while, but now i am 2 weeks into flower since sex.I pollinated one bud and have pollinated 10 calyxs. I am going to plant these and hopefully have a killer strain.

I added a stretched out indica, that was last grows seed. I began lst and topped it once.

I added 3 more seedlings for a total of 5 plants inside this case. Will take good pictures tomorrow, heres one for now...



Man I cant beleive there isnt a whole lot more people on this thread, your doing a great job!!!


Well-Known Member
Man I cant beleive there isnt a whole lot more people on this thread, your doing a great job!!!
haha tell me about it. thanks bro

well i havent updated since week 2 flower. today is 2 days into week 3. i really believe that it is too hot inside the case, b/c of its location. i am going to try to move it into a cooler place and add another intake fan. One of the plants i added was a stretched 'sugar coated purple' strain. after neglecting it outside i added it in and it has showed its pistils. this strain was incredible, a short bushy plant, that was incredibly strong. the buds were dense and covered in crystals, and had a purple hue to it.

anyways heres some well deserved pictures...

top view
my seeded bud for next year
nice looking bud
finally a complete view...

most likely once my biggest plant is harvested i will stop updating...idk it all depends on if things get interesting.


Well-Known Member
tommorrow is going to be the start of week 4 in flowering. unfortuantely one of my plants has came undon from its LST and touched the light and ooked itself. and one seedling turned out to be a male.

the flowering plant is starting to crystal up and have been growing more. i am going to mix it up a strong fertilizer mix tomorrow morning and move the entire pc grow down to a cooler location. I am going to add some pictures of tommorrow morning. if anyone can think of a name for this plant please let me know.


Well-Known Member
Had found another male this morning. well so far this year i have chopped down 7 males. and last years grow i had 5/5 females.??? i think it is from the warm temeratures, but i have solved that by moving the case to a cooler area. Anyways this is the start of week 4 of flowering, thrics are sill clear and im going to give this plant all the time in the world to finish. I gave it a 1/2 tsp of fertilizer to attempt to fatten the buds up and have growth pick up. let me know what you think...



Well-Known Member
today i decided to take my flowering plant and give her natural light. I decided to give her 2 hours a day for a few days then slowy increase it to all day and then bring her in after 12/12 is over. But overall the plant has seemed to like the cooler temperatures and the fertilizer. shes starting to build up and the buds have a real good color to them.



Well-Known Member
man these buds are starting to really develop. they have began to grow small purple/red spikes throughout the buds. the smell is undescribable and by the time they finish should be unbelievable. i cant reallt describe the smell but its almost like a candy mixed with fruit. the trichs are mostly clear with a couple cloudy. i trimmed up some dead leaves to pocus energy on bud production. the bud that i pollinated has started splitting open and showing its seeds, by the looks another week or two before they are done. I have no idea on how long it will take for it to finish but hopefully it will be done by 10 weeks. I will add pictures tomorrow for the start of week 5 flower.


Well-Known Member
looking good cali! looking forward to the finished product
haha thanks, im hoping it looks something like the way yours came out. Im chomping at the bit to try some of this. I stopped smoking for this grow so when i test this i should be blown off my ass no matter what lol.

Its now into week 5 and i picked 4 mature seeds out and they are going to be planted in two weeks. I am going to let them dry out a little then germ em. I will add pictures tommorrow, the lights are off right now. But the buds are not really growing at a rapid rate, but with the trichs still clear so im hoping within the next 3-4 weeks i will see a major growth spurt. Im going to keep fertilizing till i start seeing some cloudy trichs then i will begin flushing for harvest.


Well-Known Member
hey califarmer...nice job...i'm about to fire up my pc case again...she's been on hiatus for a couple months while i been using my small closet cabinet instead (using bagseed)...got some cheese beans coming and gonna grow a couple of them in the pc case...i'll start a thread when that grow gets interesting...good luck and peace!


Well-Known Member
hey califarmer...nice job...i'm about to fire up my pc case again...she's been on hiatus for a couple months while i been using my small closet cabinet instead (using bagseed)...got some cheese beans coming and gonna grow a couple of them in the pc case...i'll start a thread when that grow gets interesting...good luck and peace!
thanks man, this plant really isnt in good shape, but im used to growing plants on a larger scale. 400w hps was just too much lol...ill def be watching your grow. i have my own strain for the next round, but man those cheese plants should be interesting.


Well-Known Member
well unfortunately my exhaust fan burnt out. the temps rose to around 90 degrees and then one of the main buds got fried. anyone have any ideas on how to help this poor plant. i left my camera at a relatives and havent had time to take any pictures. tomorrow is the start of week 6 flowering and im going to start flushing for a harvest at 8 weeks if the plant dosent recover. if anyone can help me out with helping this plant. I cut the dead parts off and there is still around 8 buds on the plant. thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
well sorry guys but this thread is coming to a premature close. The plant died, for lack of a better word. I am shocked at what happened, i came home and all the buds were brown and dried out. i still dont have my camera so i cant even show a picture.I just started to flush her because i needed to make room for other plants. then boom its all dried up. the soil was wet and the temp was only at 85. ?!?!?! i dont really know why or what happened, but i rolled everything up into a blunt. all 2 grams and im going to smoke it later tonight. i will get back to you guys with a smoke report, not that it will be very good. thanks everyone for following along and making this an expierence. i will most likely start up a new journal in a couple of weeks with the strain that i made off of these two plants.:joint: